Clear Your Fear of Success and Shine:
Overcome Success Barriers and Flourish

Watch or Listen to Carol's Live Clearing Session Below!

Are you tired of secretly holding yourself back?

Do you feel like your true potential is trapped behind a wall of self-doubt and fear?

If you've been spinning your wheels, trying to break free from these invisible chains, you're not alone. Many face these challenges, yearning for a way to redefine success and embrace their authentic selves.

It's Time to Take Back Control of Your Life

Introducing "Clear Your Fear of Success and Shine" program—a transformative journey led by EFT Master, Carol Look, designed to align your spirit and open to your true potential for healing and growth.

Get ready to unlock your abilities and shine like never before!

This program allows you to redefine success on your terms, helping you uncover and clear the mental blocks that have been keeping you from your brightest future.

The Hidden Fear That Is Keeping You Stuck

We've all heard of fear of failure, but did you know that there is an even bigger fear that keeps you stuck?

Yep, the opposite of fear of failure, the fear of success!

Sure, no one enjoys the idea of failing at anything. Failure is painful, embarrassing, and sometimes downright debilitating.

But, Fear of Success can be just as paralyzing!

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you afraid to step out and be visible?
  • Are you reluctant to let your light shine?
  • Does the fear of other people’s reactions to your success cause you to play small?
  • Do you fear leaving people behind or alienating them if you are successful?

A lot of people don't realize they have a fear of success.

This hidden fear can show up as self-doubt, procrastination, or even self-sabotage, holding you back from growing and achieving more.

Tackling these fears head-on is key for living a balanced and rewarding life.

Real Stories of Transformation

"Carol's program has not only transformed my client's lives but also my own. Her teachings are profound and life-changing." – Beth O’Connor, Emotional Intelligence Coach
"Carol's intuitive guidance has enriched my personal and professional journey beyond measure." – Heidi Garis, Certified Abundance Coach
"The changes in my life are remarkable! Abundance flows to me effortlessly." – Audrey G., Colorado

The Catalyst

 Carol Look

Carol Look is a Founding EFT Master, licensed psychotherapist, author, international speaker and creator of her signature coaching method, The Yes Code™. She combines her traditional training as a psychotherapist with clinical hypnosis and advanced applications of EFT for unprecedented results with her clients. Known for her laser-like focus and state-of-the-art approach, Carol has used EFT Tapping for over 25 years to help clients release their limiting beliefs and emotional conflicts, so they can experience transformative changes and enjoy lives of exceptional success and fulfillment.

Carol is a world-renowned EFT workshop presenter and has taught workshops in England, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Canada, Australia, and all over the United States. She is a regularly featured energy medicine expert on leading global summits and is a featured expert in the documentaries: The Tapping Solution, Leap, and Exploring Energy: The Ultimate Healer. She has been invited to teach workshops for The Omega Institute, Kripalu, The Eden Energy Fest, and the energy field’s primary teaching conference, ACEP.

Carol authored the classic go-to book for abundance: Attracting Abundance with EFT as well as Improve Your Eyesight with EFT, and Overcoming Overwhelm. She is also known for creating downloadable tapping programs of the highest quality for practitioners and clients on the topics of success and abundance, weight loss, grief relief, PTSD, clearing clutter and procrastination.

Once you clear your Fear of Success…


Carol has crafted the fastest and easiest solution to shatter the fears that have been holding you back.

This innovative approach swiftly unblocks your path to improved well-being and heightened productivity.

With Carol's method, transformative change is not just possible—it's within your immediate reach.

Take action today and embark on your journey to personal growth and undeniable success.

Here’s just some of what this powerful program will help you do:

  • Define Success on Your Own Terms: Discover what true success means to you, even amidst life's challenges.
  • Gain Crystal Clarity: Unearth your true self and align with your highest vision.
  • Overcome Real Fears: Reveal and release the fears that have kept you playing small.
  • Shine Brightly and Authentically: Embrace visibility and authenticity without fear.
  • Experience Breakthroughs with Ease: Achieve your goals without unnecessary stress.
  • Sustain Your Mindset: Utilize practical tools to maintain your success mindset through life's ups and downs.

for THIS WEEK only


Recorded Group Session with Carol!
($197 Value)


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You missed out!

September 24 @ 3 PM ET/12 PM PT

Live Group Session with the renowned Carol Look in an exclusive opportunity to receive personalized support and guidance for your unique blocks!

Plus, tap along with others in the group as well to receive double the block busting support!!

Don't miss out—during this opening week, you'll gain access to this rare chance to connect with Carol and elevate your journey.

Secure your spot now!

How the Program Works:

Module 1: Vision and Goals - Click to read more

Where are you currently, and where do you want to go? Are you thinking about a stepping out into the world as a healer, transformative career shifts, or manifesting personal aspirations?

Understanding your starting point and your desired path can help you map out the steps needed to reach your objectives.

Module 2: Overcoming Success Barriers -Click to read more

INSTANTLY Clear Blocks Such As:

  • Fear of upsetting others with your success
  • Concerns about jealousy
  • Pressure to maintain success
  • Fear of excessive attention

Module 3: Embracing Visibility - Click to read more

INSTANTLY Clear Blocks Such As:

  • Fear of criticism and vulnerability
  • Avoiding responsibility
  • Concerns about safety in visibility

Module 4: Shifting Beliefs About Success - Click to read more

INSTANTLY Clear Blocks Such As:

  • Beliefs that life must be a struggle
  • Doubts about personal capabilities
  • Fears about scarcity and judgment

Module 5: Advanced Tapping Techniques - Click to read more

Take Your Tapping to New Heights:

  • Gratitude Tapping
  • What If Tapping

Module 6: Tapping Meditations - Click to read more

  • Tapping for Clarity, Abundance, and Success

Module 7: Expanding Comfort ZonesClick to read more

Push beyond your limits and gain actionable insights.

LIMITED TIME BONUS: Recorded Group SessionClick to read more

Rcorded Group Session with the renowned Carol Look in an exclusive opportunity to receive personalized support and guidance!

Don't miss out—during this opening week, you'll gain access to this rare chance to connect with Carol and elevate your journey.

Secure your spot now!

Step into YOUR Light with Carol!

Are you ready to clear your fears and truly shine?

This is your chance to make the most of this your journey with an exclusive bonus—a live group session with Carol herself...


Experience the rare opportunity to receive personal support on your path to greatness. And for a limited time, enjoy $50 off your enrollment!

YES! I Want to Shine!

Don't miss out on this chance to join the "Clear Your Fear of Success and Shine".

Let's unveil your hidden potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery and undeniable success together.

Clear Your Fear of Success & Shine!

$197 $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after the group session. Check our full refund policy here

Discover the Transformative Power of Carol's Work: Real Stories, Real Success

You are Truly a Master!

Your skills and intuition are at a level I hope to grow into as a therapist and the love and acceptance you exuded made my personal experience rich and freeing– So, again, thank you! I have never been to a professional or personal conference before that has made such an impact on me– and I’ve been to tons of them! I always manage to not let myself be touched personally but there was no escaping that with you! :) You are truly a master! :)

Heidi Garis, Certified Abundance Coach, EFT Practitioner

"From Cocoon to Butterfly: Client's Remarkable Life Shifts After Carol’s Work"

The shifts in my life have been (and continue to be) remarkable! Abundance, in every sense of the word, is attracted to me, every day and every moment!
I now have the courage, tools ,and resilience to go anywhere, face anything, thanks to you, your team and your uniquely challenging program! I feel like a butterfly emerging from a long sleep, escaping the confines of her limiting, yet warm cocoon, ready to try her wings and finally shine. With great respect and gratitude.

Audrey G., Colorado

"Money Flowing In: EFT and Law of Attraction Coaching Yields Surprising Results"

How can I describe what is going on in my life, except to say that money seems to be flowing in from new clients in areas where I have not marketed! Using EFT and Law of Attraction with Carol Look’s coaching program has definitely worked! I am very happy, constantly in a state of gratitude and look forward to going to work every Monday as I am wondering what great surprise will I realize this week! I can’t thank you enough…

John C. from Connecticut

"My life has improved in so many areas since I started to tap along with Carol and her programs and live events."

Carol Look’s programs are amazing because she is an amazing energy healer and coach! My life has improved in so many areas since I started to tap along with Carol and her programs and live events. Her audio series, “Moving from Sabotage to Success” and “The Vibration of Abundance” are both outstanding. Carol has unique gifts which I believe make her so successful in helping others get results with EFT(Tapping). Her intuitive depth, and her ability to identify core issues and then to laser in on the heart of the matter are what truly make Carol a world expert at what she does. I am an example of a person who was struggling in a number of areas of my life, but working with Carol’s programs has helped me remove many of my sabotage blocks. In turn, this has helped me completely reshape my career and my life, allowing abundance to flow in. I truly believe you will see dramatic results if you follow Carol’s coaching programs!

Lynn Rekvig from Gol, Norway

"Financial Abundance Finally Attracted: Carol’s Intuition Uncovers Hidden Blocks"

Since I discovered EFT in 2010, Carol Look really stood out for me as being an expert. So when the chance to work with her and become an Abundance Coach came up, I jumped at the chance and sent in my application having no idea how I would pay for it. I just knew I had to do it. Carol’s ability to laser in on the issue in our Group Calls is amazing and my personal Abundance Coach is absolutely fantastic. Since starting the program I have overcome so much of my own ‘stuff’ to enable me to move forward and build my coaching business. I have far more confidence in my ability and have finally started to get paying clients who pay what I am worth.

 Audra Duffy, England

"Profound Shifts: My Family Witnesses Life Transformation Through Carol’s Program"

Each level of Carol’s program has offered me a deeper understanding of how best to live a life of abundance on every level and how best to share this gift with others in a fulfilling and rewarding way through coaching. I felt constantly supported by my coach, the Group Calls, the Expert Interviews, and through the breadth of products that Carol provided. These tools transformed what might have been an emotionally challenging process into one that I felt empowered to readily embrace and view as an opportunity from which to continuously learn and grow. My family and I have seen profound shifts in my life, and I am so encouraged to witness amazing shifts in the lives of those with whom I have been working. Nothing could feel more rewarding or joyful! I am incredibly grateful!

David Fugel, New Jersey

Clear Your Fear of Success & Shine!

$197 $147

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after the group session.Check our full refund policy here

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.