Unlock Your Sacred Love Archetype
A Step-by-Step Process of Understanding The Archetype That's Blocking You From Love!

Watch or Listen to Robyn's Session Below

Do you feel like old relationship patterns keep repeating themselves?

Or you haven't attracted your life partner yet? 

You can spend your entire life trying, trudging uphill to make things work - more discipline, more boundaries, more healing modalities ... but if you don't identify what is blocking you, it's very difficult to make change.

When you learn the true blocks to love, so much more is possible..

Is it time to create the life and intimate loving relationship that you desire (with yourself and others)?

Introducing Robyn Vogel’s Unlock Your Sacred Love Archetype. 

Unlock Your Sacred Love Archetype is designed for you to take a deep dive into yourself.  

Take an honest look at specific patterns, why they got created and then you'll learn specific tools so you can let these patterns go that aren't working for you.

Finding Love and Connection: Overcoming Challenges and Reigniting Relationships

Is this you?

You might be single and struggling to meet the right person. Even though you're putting yourself out there through dating apps, social events, or introductions from friends, you find yourself retreating into work or hobbies.

It's frustrating to wonder why love seems just out of reach and why the perfect match hasn't come your way yet.

Or maybe you're in a relationship that's lost its spark.

What was once exciting and passionate now feels routine and distant. That cherished connection has faded, and intimacy has dwindled.

You might be questioning whether to stay and work on reviving the relationship or to move on in search of something more fulfilling.

Perhaps you just want more love and connection in your life, yet you feel stuck in a cycle of repeating patterns.

These patterns leave you feeling lonely and unfulfilled, despite your best efforts to break free and create deeper, more meaningful relationships with those around you.

The good news? 

You can bring more LOVE into your life!  

You can be healthy, have an abundance of money, feel you are living on purpose and have a sweet, loving and deeply intimate relationship too.

Note of Love from Robyn’s Clients

"The material from this course helped me embrace energy around my heart that helped me clear the backlog, trusting myself to move past what seemed daunting. Now, I have set an intention to embrace my wild and spontaneous side socially. And I've been meeting so many new people! I'm on my way to meeting my partner!" - HC, class participant
"Through our work, I am inviting a sense of presence that is helping me move past blockages. It's great to know I'm not doing this alone. Since taking this class, I have met and am dating someone very promising!  Thank you Robyn" - TR, class participant 
"I'm so grateful to Robyn! I kept spinning my wheels and dating the wrong people! Robyn convinced me that it was because I hadn't done the inner work.  Truth is, I saw how I was avoiding it, thinking it would go away. I stepped in tentatively at first but was soon looking at the stuff of my past.  Now I feel so much lighter and I'm completely in love with my sweetheart" - MR, class participant 
"Robyn's work changes you at the level of your DNA. Don't worry if you've experienced hurt in the past, with Robyn's tools and gentle teaching you can easily let them go and open your heart to love again. I did! And I couldn't be happier!" -  SD, class participant 
“Robyn's workshop reignited our love, deepening our connection daily.” - Barbra P.
“Thanks to Robyn, I found clarity and the partner of my dreams—happier than ever!” - Karen W.
“Robyn's safe space turned our relationship dreams into reality with intimacy and connection”. - Lisa T

The Catalyst

Robyn Vogel

Robyn Vogel has been facilitating master level intimacy workshops and classes for over 20 years so that there are more healthy loving singles+couples in the world today.  

She brings experience and an extensive background in deep healing in the intimate realms including sex. 

Her practice includes many traditional and esoteric healing modalities including Internal Family Systems, breath work, shamanic journeying, ritual and more.  

She has led hundreds of retreats, classes and workshops with thousands of people in the US and abroad.

Are you ready to transform your old relationship patterns?

Unlock Your Sacred Love Archetype is designed to help you delve deeper into your personal journey of love and relationships. 

By participating, you'll identify and release the barriers that have been holding you back from experiencing true love. 

This process will empower you to not only attract but also maintain fulfilling and lasting relationships. 

Importantly, this program isn't about self-blame or finding fault within yourself; instead, it focuses on cultivating a deeper understanding of the love you hold, or perhaps lack, for yourself. 

Through this journey, you'll uncover new insights and tools to enhance your emotional well-being and connection with others.


Grab Your Come Back To Love (regular price $111). Right Now It's FREE!

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In this Bundle you will learn exactly how to:

➡ Change your mindset around dating and relationship
➡ Identify what your unique blocks are
➡ Know exactly what to do about those blocks to love
➡ Stop comparing yourself to others and then feeling like giving up
➡ Not quit on yourself and your dream for romantic relationship
➡ Have confidence moving forward to create what you want…and what you deserve
➡ Fall in love with you so you can fall in love with another

Your Journey Starts Here

Are you ready to transform your love life and embrace a future filled with love, joy, and connection?

Join Robyn Thursday at 12 noon EST on October 10, 17, 24 and 31 2024, and take the first step towards your new reality.

Discover Your Sacred Love Archetype Today!

Embrace the possibility of love in every moment and prepare to transform your life with the expert guidance of Robyn Vogel. 

Robyn's unique approach is designed to help you step into the love and life you deeply desire, providing you with tools and knowledge that can lead to lasting fulfillment. 

Don't wait any longer—it's time to embrace the love and happiness that await you.

Don't let another year pass by without experiencing the love and connection you truly deserve. 

Take a proactive step towards transforming your love life by clicking the button below to secure your spot in this life-changing program. 

Start your journey today to Unlock Your Sacred Love Archetype and discover deeper insights into your relationships.

Join Unlock Your Sacred Love Archetype Program Today!

$497 $297

Need Help? Write to:
 support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Refund 100% before Oct 10th when program begins. Check our full refund policy here

More Stories of Love From Robyn’s Clients

I am beside myself excited. My feelings of love and gratitude for what you have created are boundless. The growth that I have made individually is special in its own right. Upon further reflection, though, look at everyone who has been a part of what you’ve created, Robyn. Look at the personal growth and feelings of connection and love that people are experiencing. Look at the risks people are taking that have changed their lives into something they had only dreamed of before meeting you. People stepping into the light which is so needed on the planet right now. Ripples that can be felt so strongly and don’t end anywhere but continue into our homes and communities. Love really is a Miracle and so is guiding people on how and where to find it. That’s what you do my dear. Love you with my whole being!

Greg B

I was single when I first met Robyn. I met my partner at one of her workshops. After a year together, we are reminded again and again of the importance of “Coming Back to Love” — finding the divine spark in ourselves, and in each other so that we can be refreshed in the comfort of knowing that love is available in every moment. If we step back when we are feeling separate, hurt, confused, misunderstood, or unloved — Love is right there waiting to be renewed: deeper, sweeter, wider, and richer than ever.

Barbra P.

When I first came to Robyn, I was feeling hopeless about partnering again. I was also unsure of what I was even looking for, much less that I would ever find it. Robyn allowed me to see answers for myself that I didn’t even know were there. As a result of working with Robyn, I started looking at dating (and my life) differently, living more in the moment, and was able to clearly identify what I wanted. Best of all, I found - and married - the most wonderful partner! I am happier than I could have ever imagined!!

Karen W.

When we first met 3 years ago, John and I were delighted to find we shared an interest in an open relationship. But, enthusiastic as we were, we were clueless. Robyn is gifted when it comes to creating safe spaces where intimacy and sexuality and all its messiness can gracefully unfold. Her warmth and compassion allow miracles to happen, and we are blessed to have found her.

Lisa T.

The lesson Robyn taught us impacted us so profoundly. That life force – our sexual energy - is something we each have access to and are not dependent upon others to unlock. Imagine how much more satisfied I am and how much easier my relationships are – at work and at home – as a result.

Carolyn and Bill

Our work with Robyn has shown us a new sense for how spirituality and sexuality are different ends of the same spectrum that can be joined together in wonderful and exciting ways. Our work has created new intimacy in our relationship by helping us to see and release judgements we have about each other.

Paul and Carol

We were just singing your praises! On Sunday we went to the place where we first kissed. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said YES!!! We are so happy.There were tears of love, joy and relief as it has been quite the journey. There was a rainbow which we took as a definite sign of the reason to celebrate. Much love and gratitude for all of your support!

Lisa and Mark

Join Unlock Your Sacred Love Archetype Program Today!

$497 $297

Need Help? Write to:
 support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Refund 100% before Oct 10th when program begins. Check our full refund policy here

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