Women Body Miracles

Women's Health Harmonizer for Effortless Body, Mind and Spirit Well-Being

Total Healing for Your Feminine Body:
Experience Complete Body Miracles for Effortless Well-Being

Women Body Miracles

Are you overwhelmed by the intricate dance of hormones that seems to control every aspect of your life, from your energy levels to your emotional well-being?

Do you feel like your body is a complex puzzle, with pieces that never quite fit together – leaving you exhausted, imbalanced, and disconnected from your true self?

Have you tried countless solutions to address individual symptoms, only to find that treating one issue causes another to flare up, leaving you frustrated and hopeless?

What if there was a way to harmonize your entire beautiful womanhood – from your delicate hormonal symphony to your resilient bone structure, from your life-giving cardiovascular system to your brilliant emotional landscape – without endless doctor visits, complicated regimens, or expensive treatments?

Introducing Virginia Rounds Griffiths' Women Body Miracles - A transformative healing program that channels powerful energies to harmonize your entire body, mind, and spirit, honoring the unique magnificence of your feminine physiology.

Honoring Your Feminine Design:
Navigating the Complexities of Women's Health

As women we have a unique physiology because of all the complexity and privilege of bringing life onto the planet. This is due to the intricate interplay of hormones, reproductive functions, and overall body systems. 

Key complexities include:

  • Hormonal Fluctuations: Women's bodies undergo significant hormonal changes throughout life stages such as puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. These fluctuations affect not only reproduction but also mood, energy levels, and metabolism.
  • Reproductive System: The female reproductive system is designed for menstruation, conception, pregnancy, and childbirth, making it highly dynamic. The menstrual cycle alone involves complex hormonal coordination between the ovaries, uterus, and brain.
  • Bone and Cardiovascular Health: Women are more prone to conditions like osteoporosis due to lower bone density and changes in estrogen levels postmenopausal. Cardiovascular health also presents unique challenges, with differing heart disease risks compared to men.
  • Mental and Emotional Well-being: Hormonal changes can significantly impact emotional regulation and mental health, contributing to conditions such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), postpartum depression, and mood disorders related to menopause.

In a world where women continually balance multiple roles, prioritizing wellness and well-being becomes essential for thriving, not just surviving.

This is where Virginia Rounds Griffiths' Women Body Miracles comes in and why she created it…

To address these unique challenges and restore balance to your entire being.

Voices of Healing: What Women Are Saying About Women Body Miracles

“I am thrilled as I just had my blood pressure take at the Dr. and it was 126 /80. It went down from the first time we met 143/84 and the next week 136/84, 132/82, to 130/80 and now 126/80.” - Susan
“Since the calls ended last week, I have noticed previous pain in my right leg seems to be going away and my appetite is suppressed.” - Deborah
“I’m able to sleep around 8 hrs, not waking up in the middle of the night and feeling rested afterwards! What an improvement!!!” - Renata
“I have been under a lot of stress but didn’t realize that my blood pressure was elevated. Working with Virginia managed to balance my BP and I got sounder sleep, which I hadn’t expected.” - A.
“In just a short time, my blood pressure systole and diastole have both decreased by at least 10 points consistently. I have been checking twice daily to confirm these findings and it still remains the trend. Also my rapid heart rate from tachycardia has also dropped by 10 points and remains the new norm.” - Sharon

Your Catalyst

Virginia Rounds Griffiths, A True Master of Mind-Body Healing

Virginia works globally with thousands of clients as a Medical Intuitive and a Energy Alchemist, based in the UK in conjunction with her Spiritual HEART TEAM of various Ascended Masters and Archangels and of course through God/Source/Holy Spirit and Mother Earth.

As a Medical Intuitive Virginia scans your body, tells you what she finds and clears any negative imbalances that are detected to bring harmony, balance, and wellbeing back to your life

As a Energy Alchemist she clears and removes negative energies from your body and also clears houses, land, hospitals, schools, purifying water of negative energy.

Her passion is to be of service to Source thereby to all sentient Beings on Mother Earth.

Women Body Miracles Could Be the Solution You Desire!

Every woman's journey is unique, but many share common challenges. 

Take a moment to reflect on your own experiences. 

If you find yourself nodding to several of these symptoms, Women Body Miracles could be the transformative solution you've been seeking:

Do any of these symptoms resonate with you?

  • Fatigue or low energy
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Anxiety, or depression
  • Acne
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Digestive issues
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Hair loss/thinning
  • Heart rate (palpitations)
  • Infertility
  • Excessive hair growth
  • Anxiety
  • Weight fluctuation
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Bloating
  • Food cravings
  • Hot flashes, night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fatigue
  • Cold intolerant
  • Heat intolerant
  • Constantly stressed
  • Chronic tiredness
  • Crave salty or sugary foods

If you recognize yourself in any of these symptoms, you're not alone. 

These are common signs that your body is calling for balance and healing. 

The good news is, with Women Body Miracles, you don't have to continue struggling. 

This program is designed to address these issues at their root, helping you reclaim your vitality and well-being.


The Joy of Living - From Stress to a Balanced Life MP3

Join Before the Timer Hits 0!


You missed out!

Everyone who purchases joins before the timer hits 0 will receive Virginia's BRAND NEW healing MP3: The Joy of Living - From Stress to a Balanced Life!

Joie de vivre, a French expression meaning "joy of living," captures a deep, spirited appreciation for life.

It represents more than just happiness—it's a profound sense of contentment, energy, and enthusiasm that goes beyond material pleasures.

This concept encompasses the ability to find delight in simple, everyday experiences and to approach life with a positive, carefree attitude.

Get ready to experience this and more with Virginia's FREE BONUS - but only until the timer hits 0!

It's Time to Harmonize Your Body and Let Your Inner Wisdom Guide You to Optimal Health!

Here's What You Receive In Package A:

Fatigue/Low Energy Levels MP3- Click to read more

Fatigue is a feeling of constant tiredness or lack of energy that is not relieved by rest. It can be physical, mental, or both, and is often a symptom of an underlying condition. Causes include:

  • Lack of sleep

  • Poor nutrition

  • Chronic stress

  • Medical conditions (e.g., anemia, thyroid disorders)

  • Infections or illnesses

Fatigue can persist over time and affect your ability to function normally in daily activities.  This mp3 will address and lift your energy levels to optimum level for you.

Hot Flashes/ Body Temperature MP3 - Click to read more

Body temperature is a measure of the body's ability to generate and release heat. It is typically maintained around 98.6°F (37°C) but can vary slightly – can raise when fever affects the body

Hot flashes are sudden feelings of warmth, typically most intense over the face, neck, and chest mostly triggered by menopause.  They are often accompanied by sweating, reddening of the skin, and a rapid heartbeat and may occur during the day or night (night sweats).

Body temperature plays a critical role in metabolic processes and overall health and this mp3 will help to bring balance for this issue.

Anxiety MP3 -Click to read more

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or fear about a future event or an uncertain outcome. It is a natural response to stress but can become overwhelming when it persists without a clear cause or disrupts daily life. Key features of anxiety include:

  • Physical symptoms: Increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, or shortness of breath.

  • Emotional symptoms: Excessive worry, restlessness, or a sense of impending doom.

This mp3 will help to eliminate the any anxiety you experience and bring balance once more.

Electrolyte Balance MP3 - Click to read more

Electrolytes are minerals in the body, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, that carry an electric charge. They are essential for:

  • Maintaining fluid balance

  • Supporting muscle contractions

  • Regulating nerve function

  • Balancing pH levels

They are crucial for overall bodily function and this mp3 will be instrumental in bring balance back to their function in your body.

Stress MP3 - Click to read more

Stress is the body's response to a perceived threat or challenge, triggering physical, emotional, and mental reactions. It activates the "fight or flight" response, releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Short-term stress can help with focus and performance, but chronic stress may lead to health issues like anxiety, fatigue, and weakened immunity.

This mp3 will bring the benefits of reduced stress include improved mental clarity, better emotional well-being, enhanced physical health, and stronger immunity. It reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and lead to a more balanced and relaxed lifestyle.

Abolish Depression MP3 - Click to read more

Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed. It affects your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour, often leading to emotional and physical problems.

This mp3 will address all the negatives of depression and work to abolish it from your reality.

Heart Rhythm Balance MP3 - Click to read more

Heart rhythm balance refers to the proper functioning of the heart's electrical system, ensuring a steady and regular heartbeat. It involves the harmonious interplay of the heart's natural pacemaker (the sinoatrial node) and the pathways that spread electrical signals throughout the heart.

Key aspects include:

  1. A balanced rhythm maintains a consistent heart rate, typically between 60 to 100 beats per minute for adults.

  2.  Proper timing between the contraction of the atria and ventricles ensures efficient blood flow.

  3. The heart adjusts its rhythm in response to physiological demands, such as exercise or stress.

Disruptions in this balance can lead to arrhythmias, which may affect overall heart function and health. Maintaining heart rhythm balance is crucial for optimal cardiovascular performance which this mp3 will address.

Overcome Insomnia MP3 - Click to read more

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early and not being able to return to sleep. It can lead to daytime fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

There are two main types:

  1. Short-term, often triggered by stress, life changes, or environmental factors. It usually resolves on its own.

  2. Long-term: Lasts for a month or longer and may be linked to underlying health issues, mental health disorders, or lifestyle factors. 

This mp3 is aimed at readjusting and balancing all the areas in the brain that are needed to reverse insomnia.

Blood Pressure Balance MP3 - Click to read more

The hypothalamus plays a key role in regulating blood pressure through various mechanisms. It integrates signals from the body to help maintain blood pressure homeostasis. 

Overall, while the hypothalamus does not directly monitor blood pressure, it plays a crucial role in the body's overall response to blood pressure changes, helping to maintain cardiovascular stability.

This mp3 is aimed at readjusting all the areas in your brain and organs to bring about a healthy balance.

Control Cravings MP3 - Click to read more

Craving controls refer to the mechanisms in the brain that regulate the desire for specific foods, substances, or activities.  Areas like the hypothalamus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex are involved in signaling hunger, reward, and impulse control.

Chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin play a role in the reward system, influencing feelings of pleasure and satisfaction related to cravings.

Hormones like ghrelin (which stimulates appetite) and leptin (which signals fullness) help regulate the intensity of cravings based on the body’s energy needs.

The prefrontal cortex helps manage impulses and make decisions about whether to act on cravings, enabling better control over eating and consumption behaviors.

This mp3 will work with all these associated factors to bring balance to your cravings.

Memory Retrieval MP3 - Click to read more

Memory retrieval in the brain refers to the process of accessing stored information when needed. It involves multiple brain areas working together to recall memories:

Information is encoded and stored in the brain, primarily in the hippocampus and other regions of the medial temporal lobe. 

During retrieval, cues or stimuli can trigger the activation of neural pathways associated with the stored information, leading to the conscious recollection of the memory.  This mp3 will clear the obstructions to an unbalanced memory and help to bring back retrieval to your memory

Healthy Hormones MP3 - Click to read more

Having healthy hormones means that the body’s endocrine system is functioning properly, producing hormones in balanced amounts to regulate various bodily processes. Hormones are chemical messengers that control growth, metabolism, mood, reproduction, and other critical functions. A healthy hormone balance is essential for overall well-being.

Balanced hormones contribute to energy, mood stability, reproductive health, and metabolic function, while imbalances can lead to issues like fatigue, mood swings, weight changes, and other health problems.  This mp3 will address your hormones bringing back the healthy function you deserve.

Balance Cholesterol levels MP3 - Click to read more

Cholesterol balance refers to maintaining healthy levels of the two types of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is essential for building cells and producing certain hormones, but having too much or an imbalance can lead to health issues, particularly heart disease.

There are two main types of cholesterol produced by the liver:

  1. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) – Often referred to as "bad" cholesterol, LDL can build up in the walls of arteries, leading to plaque formation, which narrows arteries and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  2. High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) – Known as "good" cholesterol, HDL helps remove LDL from the arteries, transporting it back to the liver for removal from the body.

A healthy balance helps prevent cardiovascular problems and promotes overall heart health.

Autonomic Nervous System Balanced MP3

1 hour long MP3 to balance your Autonomic Nervous System

Abolish Incontinence MP3

1 hour healing MP3 to get rid of incontinence and get your life back!

90 DAY REMOTE HEALING - Click to read more

Plus Receive 90 Days Of Remote Healing

Everyone who purchases Package A, & B will be placed on this unique healing list for 90 days

Virginia will do a remote healing once a week for 90 days that heals everyone on this list and all you need to do is be open to receive the energy from her Heart Team. 

The transmissions will be Monday morning 10am UK time so you can wake up and start your week off right. Upon purchase of Package A, B or C, your name and details will be provided to Virginia to be downloaded with the healing energy and all you need to do is notice the positive changes brought about by these remote energies.

Here's What You Receive In Package B:



Time: 60 MINS 

Date & Time: 11TH November 2024 at 12pm PT-3pm EST-8pm GMT-9pm CET 

The urinary system plays a crucial role in maintaining the body's internal balance by removing waste and excess substances. Its primary functions include:

  1. Elimination of waste: The kidneys filter blood to remove toxins, metabolic waste products (like urea and creatinine), and excess salts and water, which are then excreted as urine.

  2. Regulation of fluid balance: The system helps control the volume and composition of body fluids, ensuring that electrolyte levels and water balance are maintained.

  3. Acid-base balance: By excreting hydrogen ions and reabsorbing bicarbonate, the urinary system helps maintain a stable pH in the body.

  4. Blood pressure regulation: The kidneys contribute to blood pressure control through the release of hormones like renin, which influences blood vessel constriction and fluid retention.

  5. Red blood cell production: The kidneys release the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

In essence, the urinary system is vital for detoxification, fluid and electrolyte balance, blood pressure regulation, and overall homeostasis in the body.

We will dive deep into addressing all of the organs constituting the urinary system


Time: 60 MINS 

Date &Time: 18TH November 2024 at 12pm PT- 3pm EST-8pm GMT- 9pm CET

The endocrine system is a network of glands and organs that produce, store, and secrete hormones. These hormones act as chemical messengers that regulate various physiological processes throughout the body. The endocrine system controls functions like metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, reproduction, sleep, and mood.

Key glands in the endocrine system include:

  • Pituitary gland: Often called the "master gland," it regulates other endocrine glands.

    • Pineal gland:  Regulates biological rhythms, particularly the sleep-wake cycle, by producing the hormone melatonin.  Also regulates the circadian rhythm

  • Thyroid gland: Regulates metabolism, energy, and growth.

  • Adrenal glands: Produce hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, helping manage stress.

  • Pancreas: Produces insulin and glucagon, crucial for blood sugar regulation.

  • Ovaries: Produce sex hormones that control reproductive functions.

The endocrine system works closely with the nervous system to maintain homeostasis, ensuring the body's internal environment remains stable.

Again we deep dive and address and bring back to balance all the above endocrine glands


Time: 60 MINS

Date & Time: 25TH November 2024 at 12pm PT- 3pm EST-8pm GMT- 9pm CET

As we age, the importance of vitamins becomes even more pronounced due to changes in the body's metabolism, nutrient absorption, and overall health. Here's why vitamins are crucial for aging individuals:

  1. Maintaining Bone Health: Vitamins like vitamin D and vitamin K become especially important to prevent osteoporosis and maintain bone density. Vitamin D helps with calcium absorption, while vitamin K supports bone structure.

  2. Boosting Immune Function: As the immune system weakens with age, vitamin C and vitamin D play key roles in strengthening immunity, reducing the risk of infections and chronic diseases.

  3. Supporting Cognitive Function: B-complex vitamins, particularly B6, B12, and folate, are essential for maintaining brain health, cognitive function, and preventing cognitive decline associated with aging.

  4. Enhancing Heart Health: Vitamin E and vitamin C act as antioxidants, helping to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which can lower the risk of heart disease—common in older adults.

  5. Preventing Vision Loss: Vitamin A and antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin (related to vitamin A) are important for eye health and can help prevent age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss in older adults.

  6. Promoting Skin Health: Aging skin benefits from vitamin A (retinoids) and vitamin E, which support skin repair, reduce wrinkles, and protect against sun damage.

  7. Supporting Energy Levels: B vitamins help maintain energy levels and prevent fatigue by aiding in the body’s ability to convert food into energy, which can become less efficient with age.

Since nutrient absorption can decline with age and dietary changes are common, ensuring adequate vitamin intake through diet or supplements is essential for healthy aging.

Once more we dive deep and download the above vitamins during the call.


Time: 60 MINS

Date & Time: 2nd December 2024 at 12pm PT- 3pm EST-8pm GMT- 9pm CET

The glymphatic system is a recently discovered waste clearance system in the brain and central nervous system (CNS). It plays a crucial role in maintaining brain health by removing metabolic waste products and distributing essential nutrients. Understanding the importance of the glymphatic system has significant implications for neurological health and disease prevention. 

The lymphatic system is a crucial part of the body's immune and circulatory systems. Here’s why it's important:

  1. Immune Function: It helps protect the body from infections and diseases by producing and transporting lymphocytes (white blood cells) that fight off harmful invaders like bacteria and viruses.

  2. Fluid Balance: The lymphatic system helps maintain fluid levels in the body by collecting and returning excess tissue fluid (lymph) back into the bloodstream, preventing swelling (edema).

  3. Waste Removal: It aids in the removal of waste products, toxins, and abnormal cells from the tissues, helping to keep the body clean and healthy.

  4. Absorption of Fats: The lymphatic system absorbs fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the digestive system and transports them into the bloodstream for use by the body.

The lymphatic system is vital for immune defense, fluid regulation, waste management, and nutrient absorption.  Diving very deep to help your lymphatic systems flow without blockages is the aim of this group call.


Time: 60 MINS

Date & Time: 9th December 2024 at 12pm PT- 3pm EST-8pm GMT- 9pm CET

Gynecological issues refer to problems related to the female reproductive system, including the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and breasts. These issues can affect women of all ages and can have a significant impact on overall health, fertility, and quality of life. Understanding gynecological health is important for early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of more severe health problems. Here are some common gynecological issues:

1. Menstrual Disorders

2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

3. Endometriosis

4. Fibroids

5. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

6. Ovarian Issues

7. Menopause and Perimenopause

8. Breast Health

All of the above issues we will address in this truly comprehensive group call where we once again dive deep to be effective in all the areas above- so exciting.


Date & Time: 16th December 2024 at 12pm PT- 3pm EST-8pm GMT- 9pm CET

A balanced autonomic nervous system (ANS) is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. The ANS regulates vital involuntary functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, and respiratory rate. It has two main branches: the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for "fight or flight" responses) and the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for "rest and digest" activities).

When these systems are balanced:

  • The body can respond appropriately to stress while maintaining recovery and relaxation.
  • Proper digestion, immune function, and sleep cycles are supported.
  • Cardiovascular and respiratory systems function optimally, reducing the risk of chronic stress-related illnesses like hypertension, anxiety, or gastrointestinal disorders.

In short, a balanced ANS ensures that the body can adapt to changes in the environment while promoting recovery and homeostasis, leading to better physical and emotional health.

Another opportunity to dive deep to clear the energies which are blocking and stopping you from dynamic health

package a

$297 $197

  • Fatigue/Low Energy Levels MP3
  • Hot Flashes/ Body Temperature MP3
  • Anxiety MP3
  • Electrolyte Balance MP3
  • Stress MP3
  • Abolish Depression MP3
  • Heart Rhythm Balance MP3
  • Overcome Insomnia MP3
  • Blood Pressure Balance MP3
  • Control Cravings MP3
  • Memory Retrieval MP3
  • Healthy Hormones MP3
  • Balance Cholesterol levels MP3 
  • Autonomic Nervous System Balanced MP3
  • Abolish Incontinence MP3
  • 90 Day Remote Healing

Package b

$497 $297

  • Fatigue/Low Energy Levels MP3
  • Hot Flashes/ Body Temperature MP3
  • Anxiety MP3
  • Electrolyte Balance MP3
  • Stress MP3
  • Abolish Depression MP3
  • Heart Rhythm Balance MP3
  • Overcome Insomnia MP3
  • Blood Pressure Balance MP3
  • Control Cravings MP3
  • Memory Retrieval MP3
  • Healthy Hormones MP3
  • Balance Cholesterol levels MP3
  • Autonomic Nervous System Balanced MP3
  • Abolish Incontinence MP3

Need Help? Write to
support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

No refunds after remote healing, group Healing or 1-1 session is taken. Whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded. Check our full refund policy here

Experience Total Transformation: Your Complete Women's Health Solution Awaits!

Join Women Body Miracles Today and Receive:

✔️ A comprehensive healing program addressing ALL aspects of women's health

 ✔️ Personalized support for your unique feminine physiology

 ✔️ Powerful energy healing to restore balance and vitality

Limited Time Bonus:
The Joy of Living - From Stress to a Balanced Life

Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your well-being. 

Take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you!

Real Women, Real Results:
Discover How Women Body Miracles is Transforming Lives

Virginia reached depths of clearing no healer in my experience has touched before.

30 minutes with Virginia and a life-long struggle with speaking my truth transformed into freedom.
After the session, I heard a deep resonance in my voice I have seldom heard. I stood up and noticed that I am literally standing taller than before. I am noticing I can speak and sing my heart’s truth with greater ease.  
I am 80 years old and have long been a teacher, administrator, and consultant in schools. I have also been quietly immersed in the healing arts for over half of those years.
Although I have sought help from many healers throughout the latter part of my life, Virginia reached depths of clearing no healer in my experience has touched before. I hold her as a true “Healer of Healers.

Karen E

My G.I Tract improved and continues to improve! Neck improved!

No more issues with the room spinning - you cleared a bacteria in my inner ear  - such a blessing!
I play my healing sessions and many of your MP3s on a loop quietly at night.
Thank you for all of your generous heart and your many energy gifts that make such a difference.


"My eyes even became less strained, and I look more relaxed now as well."

As Virginia worked to clear the virus, I felt a clearing in my head and a warmth and opening traveling down my spine. There was a release of tension throughout my body that I hadn't even been aware I had been holding, perhaps since it had become my normal state of being over so many years. My eyes even became less strained, and I look more relaxed now as well.
Working to release the mold, I felt an expansion in my chest. While I hadn't felt any difficulty breathing before, my lungs were able to more fully expand with ease as a result of Virginia's work. Again, I hadn't even been aware there had been this constriction until the tension was released. I feel more vibrant, and dare I say younger too!


"My energy levels went from 85% to 100%!"

I came to Virginia to help me with my energy levels. I was feeling flat, sluggish and my get up and go had gone.  My energy levels were at 85%. She and her team worked on my mitochondria and I could feel my energy levels had a big boost of energy. In the space of less than five minutes, I felt more me and back to my normal self. When we checked my energy levels were at 100%. I’m really grateful for this healing.
In addition to working on my energy levels, Virginia checked in on my brain synapses which were at 92%, my dendrites 90% and my neuron’s 85%. She and her team cleared, healed and rejuvenated all three areas and I feel so much more alert, relaxed and empowered. I really feel ready for anything right now. Thank you Virginia and her heart team, the work you for for people is incredible.


"I received a call from my cardiologist this morning ,telling me that my heartbeat is NORMAL"

Victory!!  Thank you so very much for the replays on my file page. They are perfectly clear and very informative.  I am receiving great comfort, ease and relief from my continued listening to your beautiful MP3s.  You are doing such valuable work, Virginia !  I received a call from my cardiologist this morning ,telling me that my heartbeat is NORMAL    This info means that my surgery will be minimal !!   I believe that we are able to heal our own bodies , "with a little help from our friends", my friend Virginia,that is  !!!    THANK YOU,THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!!    MUCH LOVE to YOU Virginia

 Carolyn L

"My microbiome has completely healed and my digestion issues have vanished"

My microbiome has completely healed and my digestion issues have vanished since working one on one with Virginia’s heart team in conjunction with my heart team and listening to the recordings. I play all her programs on a loop and my body is aware of the healing.  When I first met Virginia, my digestion and body were a mess.
I had celiac, bacteria, parasites, virus, and mold.  After working with her over several sessions, my digestion along with my immune system are at 98%!!!
My life has changed and I am forever grateful! I love all your programs.

Susan D

"I am just blown away at the improvements I have been experiencing"

Thank you so so much. I have to tell you that I have been listening to these mp3s religiously and cannot get over how much they have helped me out.  At first I was slightly skeptical but I am just blown away at the improvements I have been experiencing. Now of course I wish for the same healing for my son.
Thanks again and hope you are doing well  Sending you much love and gratitude

Cindy O

"I literally feel like I'm my younger more youthful self!!!  My body hasn't felt this good in years!!!"

I want to let you know that after today's session I literally feel like I'm my younger more youthful self!!!  My body hasn't felt this good in years!!!  I wish you lived closer as I would love to cook you a special meal or even bring you some beautiful flowers as a way of saying thank you.  
I feel the energy you are embodying is getting stronger.  "Thank You"  hardly seems like enough to relay my level of gratitude!!!  I'm so blessed to have found you and to thank for that.  
What you do is such a phenomenal gift.....I wish I had your talents. You're making such a huge difference in so many peoples lives...I truly thank the universe for you!
God Bless and have a fantastic day!!


"My digestive system is happy as can be!"

I just wanted to let you know that my right eye is doing so much better that even last night, when my vision starts to fade, my eyesight was so good that I forgot I had a problem! Thank you so much for this!  
Thanks again for all that you do. My digestive system is happy as can be!

Cindy O

Choose Your Women Body Miracles Package

package a

$297 $197

  • Fatigue/Low Energy Levels MP3
  • Hot Flashes/ Body Temperature MP3
  • Anxiety MP3
  • Electrolyte Balance MP3
  • Stress MP3
  • Abolish Depression MP3
  • Heart Rhythm Balance MP3
  • Overcome Insomnia MP3
  • Blood Pressure Balance MP3
  • Control Cravings MP3
  • Memory Retrieval MP3
  • Healthy Hormones MP3
  • Balance Cholesterol levels MP3
  • Abolish Incontinence MP3
  • Autonomic Nervous System Balanced MP3

Package b

$497 $297

  • Fatigue/Low Energy Levels MP3
  • Hot Flashes/ Body Temperature MP3
  • Anxiety MP3
  • Electrolyte Balance MP3
  • Stress MP3
  • Abolish Depression MP3
  • Heart Rhythm Balance MP3
  • Overcome Insomnia MP3
  • Blood Pressure Balance MP3
  • Control Cravings MP3
  • Memory Retrieval MP3
  • Healthy Hormones MP3
  • Balance Cholesterol levels MP3
  • Abolish Incontinence MP3
  • Autonomic Nervous System Balanced MP3

Need Help? Write to
support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

No refunds after remote healing, group Healing or 1-1 session is taken. Whichever comes first.

Sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the session. Missed sessions (no-shows) will not be rescheduled or refunded. Check our full refund policy here

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Life Reawakened has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.