Karina has spent 17 years teaching energy healing to both medical and complementary health care professionals. Her workshops are attended by Doctors, nurses, public health advisors, research scientists, CEO’s, parents, carers, charities, teachers and a variety of other backgrounds. She has also enjoyed teaching meditation in large corporations and has trained people from The World Health Organisation and other prestigious organisations.

Karina has been invited to teach Wellness and Mindfulness sessions at global corporations and also at The British Government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change.

She is hugely passionate about teaching in charities and non profit organisations. 

Karina is also delighted to have launched Permissioning and Transformation™ workshops in Europe. Due to the success of this program with nurses, it now counts towards CPD points for nurses and midwives. This set of techniques has been used highly effectively for insomnia and anxiety and Karina taught these techniques to many keyworkers during the first lockdown.

Additionally, to support people during the covid isolation crisis Karina launched the HI CHI mindfulness phoneline to give people without smartphones access to the HI CHI App meditations for free. 

Karina is also a Bio-Energy Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, is fluent in many energy healing techniques and graduated from Tony Robbins Mastery University in 2001.

It is Karina’s utmost belief that anything is possible, and that even the most severe of conditions can be overcome and at the very least managed well.

Energy healing is in her opinion the fastest and most powerful way to facilitate recovery and wellness.
