The Prayer Field
Align with the Support of the Universe

Attune to the Expansive Potential Inside the Prayer Field

The Prayer Field

Do you find yourself longing for a deeper connection to something greater? 

Are you exhausted from trying countless spiritual practices that promised profound transformation, only to stay stuck feeling adrift?

What if there was a way to tap into the primordial essence of prayer itself - not as a ritualistic activity, but as a powerful resonance that allowed you to align with the very forces of love and support that undergird the universe?

Introducing The Prayer Field by Angela Montano - a pioneering guide to awakening your most authentic relationship with the limitless potential of prayer.

The Portal to Your Infinite Universe

Whether you were raised with a religious background you've outgrown, or have always felt the word "prayer" didn't resonate with your spiritual path, Angela's paradigm-shifting approach allows you to strip away the noise and recover the pure frequency at the heart of all creation.

The Prayer Field is not about dogma, rituals or even having to use the word "prayer" itself. It's about re-tuning your awareness to the infinite field of love and support that is constantly offering to hold you, guide you, and open up a universe of new possibilities, including:

  • A profound sense of peace and presence, even amid chaos
  • Alignment with your highest spiritual path and life purpose
  • Receiving intuitive messages to navigate challenges with ease
  • Opened energy channels for better health and wellbeing
  • A tangible experience of being deeply loved and supported

No more striving to "figure it all out" or force your way to happiness. 

With Angela's approach, there is no overthinking, judging, or straining to make things happen.

Instead, you'll learn to let go and establish a direct line to the vast ocean of love and wisdom within you. Through heart-opening sessions, you'll be guided to let your subconscious do the deep transformational work, integrating you with the prayer field at a cellular level.

Within moments of this sacred practice, you'll feel an undeniable shift, awakening to the truth of your infinite worth and a profound trust that you are always being lovingly guided, even when the way is unclear.

Best of all, The Prayer Field is not a one-time experience, but an unbreakable connection you'll be able to renew and re-integrate with at any point on your journey. 

It's the mastercode for calling in perfect support forever.

Glimpse the Transformations Awaiting You Within the Prayer Field

“This was the missing piece for me. I had dismissed prayer, but now I don't go a day without praying...and I'm amazed by the difference it makes.” - JOHN
“Angela's amazing ability to hold the truth for me, and help me see the perfection in life, is life changing.”. -  PATRICK
“My ideas about prayer are utterly transformed. I am a more hopeful, peaceful, grateful, and happy person.”- CHRIS
“Angela's powerful class has changed my life and opened me to a deeper dimension of prayer work. Angela Montano is an incredible practitioner. I am blissfully transformed!” - JENNIFER
“Angela has helped me to fall in love with myself and with life! She's given me a sense of heart, calm, courage, and acceptance.” - JEAN

The Catalyst

Angela Montano

For close to 30 years, Angela Montano has been inspiring a movement to rethink prayer - not just prayer associated with religion - but prayer as a mysterious language of Love. Both as a prayer intuitive and a prayer advocate, Angela has facilitated over 25,000 individual prayer sessions. Through classes, speaking engagements, interviews, and workshops, she has reached thousands more with an innovative and refreshed perspective on this timeless spiritual practice.

Angela began her career as a television news reporter at WPDE-TV in Florence, South Carolina and then, as a producer and on-air host of Carolina Journal for SCETV. In the hundreds of news segments she delivered, Angela felt something deeper occurring in the human spirit, a story richer than the ones she was reporting to her television audiences. Her desire to understand the deeper narrative occurring in humanity led her to Los Angeles where her spiritual inquiry began and continued for several years. After studying with spiritual teacher Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith at Agape International Spiritual Center, Angela found her calling as a licensed spiritual practitioner. She has been working with people of different faiths and belief systems from all over the world since 1994.

Angela is a sought after keynote speaker and workshop facilitator as well as host of the popular podcast The Angela Montano Hour: Prayer on the Air with listeners from over 32 countries. She considers her global audience a prayer collective - a cell in the heart of humanity - whose purpose it is to lift one another and the world in prayer. Angela is also the author of Daily OM’s best-selling course 21 Days of Prayer to Change Your Life, with over 29,000 students enrolled across the globe.

How The Prayer Field Uncovers Your Most Radiant Truth

At its core, Angela's work guides you to peel back the layers of who you think you are to reveal the essential prayer that has been drumming a rhythm of unconditional love in your heart since before you were born.

Through immersive group ceremonies and individual support, you will:

  • Release lifetimes of doubt, overthinking and core wounds
  • Break through inner glass ceilings you never knew were there
  • Rediscover the pure, radiant essence that has been you all along
  • Enter into a transmission that awakens your embodied prayer
  • Learn simple, transformative practices to realign at any moment

Results You Can Expect:

  • Release lifetimes of doubt, overthinking and core wounds
  • Break through inner glass ceilings you never knew were there
  • Rediscover the pure, radiant essence that has been you all along
  • Enter into a transmission that awakens your embodied prayer
  • Learn simple, transformative practices to realign at any moment

for THIS WEEK only




You missed out!

Imagine starting each day with a specific prayer designed to enhance your clarity, vitality, and connection to your source. Working with prayer in a radically different way, these prayers connect us to the healing power within us. These 7 prayers relate to 7 aspects of consciousness and correlate to 7 days of the week. Each day’s renewing experience includes: an introduction, a powerful prayer from Angela, an interactive affirmation, and a prayerful intention for the day.

You’ll experience the transformative power of:

  • Realizing the opportunities that abound
  • Knowing your value in the world
  • Showing up in your full capacity
  • Sharing your talents, gifts, and inner light
  • Accepting that possibility exists under any circumstances
  • Experiencing your freedom
  • Allowing inner guidance to reveal itself to you

Repeating these prayers each week will deepen your connection and heighten your vibration. Knowing that others are praying these same prayers every day creates a dynamic field of consciousness that benefits everyone.

It's Time to Stop Struggling and Let The Prayer Field Guide You!

This is your chance to move beyond spiritual study and intellectual understanding into an existential awakening. A chance to finally experience the support, love and wisdom that has been surrounding you all along, just waiting to be realized.

When you join this intimate offering, you'll receive:

It's Time to Stop Struggling and Let The Prayer Field Guide You!

This is your chance to move beyond spiritual study and intellectual understanding into an existential awakening. A chance to finally experience the support, love and wisdom that has been surrounding you all along, just waiting to be realized.

When you join this intimate offering, you'll receive:

Here's What's Included Inside Package A...


4 LIVE 90-minute group immersions with Angela

September 2, 9, 16, 23 at 11 AM ET/8 AM PT

During this intimate 4-week journey, you'll join Angela LIVE for 90-minute virtual immersions to experience the resonance of the prayer field in a profoundly guided way.

Each group call will be a sacred container for you to dissolve layers of resistance, receive individualized energetic attunements, and open the cosmic channels for divine support to flow freely into your life.

Whether you're joining from home or anywhere in the world, you'll have the chance to bring your specific questions and blocks to light and receive personalized guidance from Angela.

Through transmission, energy work, and precise intuitive activations, you'll shed old identities and stories in each session, realigning with the eternal truth of your soul's infinite prayer.

These immersive experiences will be available to you forever through lifetime access to the video recordings. You can re-experience the activations and insights as many times as needed to fully integrate the resonance into your being.

Between the live calls, you'll receive individualized energetic support as Angela adds you to her daily prayers, amplifying the awakening process with her focused intention and connection to the prayer field.

By the final week, you'll emerge as a living embodiment of the prayer field itself - a conduit for love, wisdom and co-creative possibilities to pour into the world through you.


Creating A Powerful Prayer Practice

Our prayers are as unique to us as our handwriting and our DNA. During this four-part intimate teaching series, you’ll learn Angela’s secrets to creating your own uniquely powerful prayer practice. A practice that opens your heart and expresses your unique soulfulness.

The 4-hour recorded program includes an hour-long exploration of these critical topics:

  • Clearing blocks to a dynamic prayer life
  • Principles of effective prayer
  • Listening for spiritual insight
  • The possibilities available to you when you pray

By engaging in this program, you’ll learn a variety of prayer technologies and insights to deeply enrich your spiritual practice and transform your consciousness. Let Angela open you to an experience of love and prayer that will create positive changes, not only for you, but for those you love, and for the world.

Don't let resistance or doubt hold you back any longer.

Simply reading these words has already activated a deeper calling within you to surrender to the grace and wisdom of the prayer field. 

Say yes to the divine support that has been waiting for you since the dawn of creation, and allow Angela to initiate you into a resonance that will transform your life from the inside out!

PS: Just being in Angela's presence is enough to feel the resounding truth of her transmission. And with decades of experience facilitating over 25,000 personal prayer experiences, she is a true master at helping you dismantle the walls keeping you from your radiant essence. 

Are you finally ready to align with the vast, loving prayer field surrounding you?

The Prayer Field

The Prayer Field Today!


Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after remote healing, first group session or 1-1 session is taken. Whichever comes first. Check our full refund policy here

These Stories Give Voice to the Boundless Possibilities Unveiled

This was the missing piece for me. I had dismissed prayer, but now I don’t go a day without praying ... and I’m amazed by the difference it makes.


Angela’s amazing ability to hold the truth for me, and help me see the perfection in life, is life changing. Especially when, at times, I never thought I would be able to make it through a difficult situation. With her I have been able to see how to live in the moment. Most of all she has helped me love myself as the perfect expression of God.


My ideas about prayer are utterly transformed. I am a more hopeful, peaceful, grateful, and happy person.


Incorporating Angela’s prayer practices into my life has made me more confident in my prayer practice and has already made a difference in my life. My heart has healed a lot. My faith and confidence has been strengthened. I am now stepping into my life more fully.


I’m going to use the prayer tools I learned from Angela for the rest of my life. Angela was an amazing guide on my spiritual journey.


Angela’s powerful class to learn different styles of prayer has changed my life and opened me to a deeper dimension of prayer work. Angela Montano is an incredible practitioner. I am blissfully transformed!


Angela has helped me to fall in love with myself and with life! She’s given me a sense of heart, calm, courage, and acceptance.


I signed up for your daily prayers. They are so meaningful! Your voice is comforting and just right. I like the way you focus on one word and idea each day. It's a great way to get centered and to start the day! You truly have a gift. I have forwarded the first prayer to many friends.


This work is so very timely...I appreciated how you asked..." what is the cost of not praying? ~ the cost of vital universal support!" and this is so needed at this time. To encourage others to tap into this prayer field as a divine birthright is a magnificent message and service to humanity.


The Prayer Field

The Prayer Field Today!


Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after remote healing, first group session or 1-1 session is taken. Whichever comes first. Check our full refund policy here

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