Abundance Access Codes

Unlock Your Triple Abundance Grids and
Break Free From Financial Struggle Forever!

Watch or Listen to Kaye's Session Below!

Clear Wealth Repellers, Financial Trauma, Poverty Codes,
Environmental Toxins and Negative Time Cycles in Just 30 Days!

abundance access codes

Have you felt like you're constantly swimming upstream against unseen forces bent on sabotaging your wealth and prosperity?

No matter how hard you work, how many wealth strategies you employ, or what financial gurus you follow...true boundless abundance always seems maddeningly out of reach?

What if the elusive nature of wealth has nothing to do with your knowledge, effort or even desire…

But rather stems from deep energetic distortions and blockages across three key vibrational grids governing your entire abundance experience?

Introducing Master Kaye Lee’s Abundance Access Codes - a first-of-its-kind program to detect, dissolve and harmonize the three energetic grids keeping you stuck in lack, struggle and scarcity!

Until You Energetically Realign These Three Core Abundance Grids, No Wealth Strategy Or Tactic Can Stick!

It's like pouring water into a leaky bucket.

The Abundance Access Codes program will awaken and energize three sources of comprehensive abundance. 

These three sources each affect 33.3% of your Abundance Quotient. Without a minimum of 50% of your total abundance energies moving, you will struggle to achieve abundance.

  • The Human Abundance Grid: Clearing ancestral poverty codes, wealth allergies/phobias, financial trauma/heartwalls and subconscious abundance repellers hardwired into your psyche. Freeing you to finally embody a limitless prosperity mindset.
  • The Earth Abundance Grid: Shielding you from harmful geopathic stressors, environmental radiations and toxicities warping your financial flow. Aligning you with nature's abundance pathways.
  • The Time Abundance Grid: Escaping stifling time cycles, ancestral karma and negative time currents keeping you trapped in struggle. Leaping forward on your true abundance destiny.

When you clear and harmonize all three grids together through the Abundance Access Codes protocols…

It's like tuning your entire being to an abundance frequency that magnetizes prosperity on a profound level.

Through this program, you will clear out and heal your abundance challenges, so that your journey and experience of abundance becomes more effortless and smooth.

Why Most Abundance Programs Fall Short

  • They only target the human abundance grid, missing the other key grids of earth and time.
  • They try to remove all blocks, when some are kept for divine reasons. The Access Codes raise your overall abundance quotient instead.
  • They don't address the deep-rooted abundance heartwalls, allergies and saboteurs hardwired across your entire energetic system.

This program is designed to comprehensively overcome all three of these pitfalls by..

Awakening Your Path to Profound Prosperity

Through the Abundance Codes energetic MP3s, Live Group Activations and Healing Container, this program awakens and energizes the 3 Peak Abundance Grids of Human Abundance, Earth Abundance and Time Abundance. 

With a comprehensive and thorough approach, the Abundance Access Codes use energies to detect and heal the blockages that cause financial hardships, struggle, unexpected costs, abundance allergies, financial bullies, saboteurs and leeches, inheritance issues, repeating struggles, abundance leaks, financial disempowerment, loss of direction and being dealt a bad hand in general.

By harmonizing the energies across all three Grids, you will raise your Abundance Quotient to a much higher level so that you can usher in greater flow and prosperity into your life with ease and grace that you may never have experienced before.

Discover the jealously-guarded secrets of the wealthy and why they hire private advisors like Kaye to protect and grow their wealth on a profound, energetic level.

Abundance Access Codes Transformations:

“Company Revenue Doubled in 2 Years” - SA, CEO
“Sold House After More Than a Decade” - T, Malaysia
“Raised the Price as Advised and Made $10k More!” - Y. CEO
“Won the Chinese New Year Bets After Playing Your Audio” - N.
“Difficult Manager Brought Under Control” - VL
“Only One the Corporate Customer Didn’t Argue With” - T. Project Manager

The Expert Behind the Access Abundance Codes

Master Kaye Lee, Abundance Frequency Architect

Master Kaye Lee is a renowned energy intuitive and strategist who has advised multimillion-dollar international companies across diverse sectors. His journey began at age 12 when he started meditating and training his mind, taking the first steps on a path that would lead him around the world.

Over the decades, Kaye immersed himself in extensive training in healing, qigong, energy work, spirituality, Feng Shui, self-development and accelerated learning from both Western and Eastern traditions. After a transformative experience in his 20s, he spontaneously developed powerful energetic perception and influence abilities.

Kaye has had the privilege of studying under many leading teachers, including Jeddah Mali, Paul Scheele, Win Wenger and others. He is a certified trainer in the Beyond Einstein releasing-genius training and the only known PhotoReader to complete his MA from the University of Cambridge using accelerated learning techniques.

Today, Kaye's energetic insights and strategies are regularly consulted by personal development leaders, healers and top companies around the world. His comprehensive background allows him to craft highly-customized energetic interventions to remove blocks and unlock flows for his clients.

Here's just a sample of the life-changing transformations you'll experience with Kaye’s Abundance Access Codes:

  • Release deep financial trauma and "wealth allergies" causing self-sabotage
  • Clear generational poverty codes and entitlement blocks around money
  • Stop the cycle of "financial bullies, saboteurs and leeches" draining your energy
  • Break free from karmic cycles of lack, struggle and ancestors' scarcity mindsets
  • Become impervious to environmental disruptions and negative earth energies
  • Access hidden time portals and positive flows to accelerate your abundance
  • Effortlessly manifest wealth and opportunities on a whole new level

And that's just the start. 

The Abundance Access Codes are a complete environment for reprogramming your abundance reality across your mind, body, surroundings and spiritual destiny.

Unlock Your Path to Profound Abundance

Kaye Lee's Abundance Access Codes system is designed to harmonize the three core energetic grids governing your entire abundance experience - the Human Abundance Grid, Earth Abundance Grid, and Time Abundance Grid.

To experience a true abundance shift, you need a minimum 50% realignment of these grids. Which is why even at the Package A level, a pivotal 66.6% of your total "Abundance Quotient" will be covered!

Package A: The Foundation

This foundational package focuses on reprogramming your Human Abundance Grid and Earth Abundance Grid through:

The Human Abundance Grid (read More):

Clearing ancestral poverty codes, wealth allergies/phobias, financial trauma/heartwalls and subconscious abundance repellers hardwired into your psyche. Freeing you to finally embody a limitless prosperity mindset.

The Earth Abundance Grid (Read More):

Shielding you from harmful geopathic stressors, environmental radiations and toxicities warping your financial flow. Aligning you with nature's abundance pathways.

By awakening and energizing these two grids which make up over 66% of your abundance energies, Package A provides the powerful vibrational activations required to absolutely shatter through blocks and limits keeping you stuck in lack and struggle.

Here's What You Receive In Package A: 

17 Vibrational Activation Audios to Recode Your Abundance Blueprint ($833 Value)- Click to read more

Including gene-key activations to clear financial trauma and wealth allergies, releasing ancestral poverty codes, breaking cycles of struggle, liberating you from "financial bullies/saboteurs," overcoming blocks to career/income growth, shielding you from environmental disruptions and negative earth energies, and so much more.

  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Heartwalls, Financial Trauma and Abundance Allergies
  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Inherited Poverty Consciousness, Beliefs, Patterns and Energies
  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Financial Struggle Loops and Cashflow Blockages
  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Financial Bullies, Saboteurs, Troublemakers and Leeches
  • Abundance Access Codes: Protecting Your Property, Assets and Legacies
  • Abundance Access Codes: Hooking Back Lost and Stolen Abundance
  • Abundance Access Codes: Healing Financial  Relationship and Family Rifts
  • Abundance Access Codes: Finding, Building and Advancing Careers
  • Abundance Access Codes: Translating Wealth to Happiness
  • Abundance Access Codes: Energetically Minimizing Home and Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Costs

  • Abundance Access Codes: Protecting Against Earth Grid Imbalances, Radiations, Stresses and Disruptions
  • Abundance Access Codes: Financial Grace
  • Abundance Access Codes: Relationships, Collaborations and Soul Groups
  • Abundance Access Codes: Good and Wise Decision-Making
  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Financial Phobias, Psychological Reversals and Disempowerment
  • Abundance Access Codes: Creating Magnetizing Aura and Abundance Protection Shield
  • Abundance Access Codes: Activating and Clearing Chakras to Enhance Abundance Life Energies

4 Recorded Abundance Access Codes Deep Cleaning and Inner Earth Abundance Grid Activations Group Sessions ($697 Value) - Click to read more

Get upgrades and updates associated with the Abundance Access Codes. Each week, Kaye will focus on and go deeper into key areas associated with abundance. Just tune in live or through the recordings and enjoy deeper resonance energies!

  • Apr 19, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Deep Cleaning of Ancestral, Belief, Energetic, Chakras and Aura Blockages Related to Abundance
  • Apr 23, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Building Earth Abundance Grid Immunity and Setting Up Powerful Inner Feng Shui Formations for Financial Strength
  • Apr 26, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Setting Up the Inner Earth Grid Position for Power, Career and Health
  • Apr 30, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Setting Up the Four Earth Abundance Grid Guardian Energies for Protection and Growth

60 Days Abundance Access Codes Energy Container Unlimited Energetic Recalibrations to Rapidly Reprogram Your Abundance Resonance ($150 Value) -Click to read more

Receive Kaye's proprietary energetic containers broadcast targeted frequencies day/night for 60 days! Kaye will send powerful energies to further help you energetically awaken and revitalize your abundance in these containers. You will receive powerful energies emitted for the period that accelerate your abundance growing process with the audios. These containers can also be used alone.

BONUS 1: Abundance Resonance Code for You and Your Loved Ones audio ($97 value) - Click to read more

In this audio, the Abundance Access Codes are used to create a very highly resonant and powerful abundance resonance energy. Play this for yourself, or for your loved ones. You can write their names and phone numbers on sheets of paper and play the audio for them to help them boost their abundance as well.

BONUS 2: Abundance Quotient General Booster ($97 value) - Click to read more

Use the powerful Abundance Access Codes to do an intelligent energy sweep of your 3 Peak Grids - Human, Earth and Time - to find any easy to boost abundance points from any of the grids. This audio will then boost and harmonize them for you for optimal experiences of abundance.

Package B: The Total Abundance Trifecta Solution

While Package A provides the foundational 66.6% energetic reprogramming for profound abundance shifts, Package B is the complete multidimensional system to unlock your full 100% "Abundance Quotient" across all three grids.

Includes everything from Package A to awaken your Human Abundance Grid and Earth Abundance Grid...

PLUS the exclusive Clearing Limitations and Optimizing the Time Abundance Grid program to align the final 33.3% of your abundance energies

Here's What You Receive In Package B: 

17 Vibrational Activation Audios to Recode Your Abundance Blueprint ($833 Value)- Click to read more

Including gene-key activations to clear financial trauma and wealth allergies, releasing ancestral poverty codes, breaking cycles of struggle, liberating you from "financial bullies/saboteurs," overcoming blocks to career/income growth, shielding you from environmental disruptions and negative earth energies, and so much more.

  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Heartwalls, Financial Trauma and Abundance Allergies
  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Inherited Poverty Consciousness, Beliefs, Patterns and Energies
  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Financial Struggle Loops and Cashflow Blockages
  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Financial Bullies, Saboteurs, Troublemakers and Leeches
  • Abundance Access Codes: Protecting Your Property, Assets and Legacies
  • Abundance Access Codes: Hooking Back Lost and Stolen Abundance
  • Abundance Access Codes: Healing Financial  Relationship and Family Rifts
  • Abundance Access Codes: Finding, Building and Advancing Careers
  • Abundance Access Codes: Translating Wealth to Happiness
  • Abundance Access Codes: Energetically Minimizing Home and Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Costs

  • Abundance Access Codes: Protecting Against Earth Grid Imbalances, Radiations, Stresses and Disruptions
  • Abundance Access Codes: Financial Grace
  • Abundance Access Codes: Relationships, Collaborations and Soul Groups
  • Abundance Access Codes: Good and Wise Decision-Making
  • Abundance Access Codes: Clearing Financial Phobias, Psychological Reversals and Disempowerment
  • Abundance Access Codes: Creating Magnetizing Aura and Abundance Protection Shield
  • Abundance Access Codes: Activating and Clearing Chakras to Enhance Abundance Life Energies

4 Live Abundance Access Codes Deep Cleaning and Inner Earth Abundance Grid Activations Group Sessions ($697 Value) - Click to read more

Get the live upgrades and updates associated with the Abundance Access Codes. Each week, Kaye will focus on and go deeper into key areas associated with abundance. Just tune in live or through the recordings and enjoy deeper resonance energies!

  • Apr 19, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Deep Cleaning of Ancestral, Belief, Energetic, Chakras and Aura Blockages Related to Abundance
  • Apr 23, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Building Earth Abundance Grid Immunity and Setting Up Powerful Inner Feng Shui Formations for Financial Strength
  • Apr 26, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Setting Up the Inner Earth Grid Position for Power, Career and Health
  • Apr 30, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Setting Up the Four Earth Abundance Grid Guardian Energies for Protection and Growth

60 Days Abundance Access Codes Energy Container Unlimited Energetic Recalibrations to Rapidly Reprogram Your Abundance Resonance ($150 Value) -Click to read more

Receive Kaye's proprietary energetic containers broadcast targeted frequencies day/night for 60 days! Kaye will send powerful energies to further help you energetically awaken and revitalize your abundance in these containers. You will receive powerful energies emitted for the period that accelerate your abundance growing process with the audios. These containers can also be used alone.

BONUS 1: Abundance Resonance Code for You and Your Loved Ones audio ($97 value) - Click to read more

In this audio, the Abundance Access Codes are used to create a very highly resonant and powerful abundance resonance energy. Play this for yourself, or for your loved ones. You can write their names and phone numbers on sheets of paper and play the audio for them to help them boost their abundance as well.

BONUS 2: Abundance Quotient General Booster ($97 value) - Click to read more

Use the powerful Abundance Access Codes to do an intelligent energy sweep of your 3 Peak Grids - Human, Earth and Time - to find any easy to boost abundance points from any of the grids. This audio will then boost and harmonize them for you for optimal experiences of abundance.

Clearing Limitations and Optimizing the Time Abundance Grid: Harnessing 10 Abundance Archetypes and 12 Hybrid Energies (4 x 60 min Group Sessions)- Click to read more

Through these groundbreaking sessions, Kaye will harmonize and upgrade the little-known but powerful 22 energetic elements governing your personal Time Abundance Grid, including:

  • Invoking the 5 Aspects of Wealth and 10 Pure Archetypes of Abundance
  • Harmonizing the 12 Hybrid Energies that control your life's fortunes
  • Upgrading your Time Grid for effortless wealth creation
  • Integrating your Human, Earth and Time Grids for total abundance flow

Even basic disharmonies across these 22 time elements can create stubborn glass ceilings, "impossible" financial situations and inexplicable blocks in your abundance journey.

Which is why Kaye has meticulously crafted this program to purify, update and realign your entire Time Abundance Grid through four pivotal live transmissions:

  • Jun 27, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Invoking the Five Aspects of Wealth and the 10 Pure Archetypes of Abundance
  • Jul 11, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Harmonizing the 12 Hybrid Energies and Smoothing Out Your Personal Time and Life Journeys
  • Jul 18, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Upgrading and Updating the Time Abundance Grid to More Effortlessly Create Wealth
  • Jul 25, 2024 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada): Integrating Your Human, Earth and Time Abundance Grids for Optimal Performance and Receiving

Bonus Time Abundance Audio - Click to read more

Continuously update and optimize your harmonized Time Grid for lasting results.

By harmonizing energetic distortions across your tripartite human, earth and time abundance framework, Package B unveils your highest abundance destiny and ushers in a complete vibrational shift.

Through these multidimensional protocols, you'll rapidly magnetize wealth, health, relationships and more into your life... leaving all past struggles behind.

Get ready to experience the profound impact of aligning your TOTAL energetic "Abundance Quotient" across all three grids through Kaye's comprehensive Abundance Access Codes system!

package a


$397 $297

  • 17 Vibrational Activation Audios to Recode Your Abundance Blueprint
  • 4 Live Group Transmissions to Align You With Time's Abundance Flows
  • 60 Days Abundance Access Codes Energy Container Unlimited Energetic Recalibrations to Rapidly Reprogram Your Abundance Resonance
  • BONUS 1: Abundance Resonance Code for You and Your Loved Ones audio
  • BONUS 2: Abundance Quotient General Booster

Package b


$597 $497

  • 17 Vibrational Activation Audios to Recode Your Abundance Blueprint
  • 4 Live Group Transmissions to Align You With Time's Abundance Flows
  • 60 Days Abundance Access Codes Energy Container Unlimited Energetic Recalibrations to Rapidly Reprogram Your Abundance Resonance
  • BONUS 1: Abundance Resonance Code for You and Your Loved Ones audio
  • BONUS 2: Abundance Quotient General Booster
  • Harnessing 10 Abundance Archetypes and 12 Hybrid Energies (4 x 60 min Group Sessions)

Need Help? Write to
support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

This package is Non Refundable. Check our full refund policy here

Don't Let Hidden Abundance Blocks
Hold You Back Any Longer

If you're tired of struggling against unseen energetic forces and subconscious wealth repellers…

If you're ready to finally break through your financial glass ceiling and experience true, boundless prosperity...

Then this is your opportunity to unlock the path to profound, multi-dimensional abundance with Kaye Lee's Abundance Access Codes system.

This comprehensive program presents a rare chance to align the energetic grids across your human self, environment, and spiritual destiny that have been keeping you stuck.

Join Kaye on this powerful journey to clear karmic blocks, inherited struggles, environmental disruptions, and negative time cycles trapping you in lack and scarcity.

Awaken a new resonance to magnetize wealth, health, relationships and more by restructuring your abundance blueprint from the ground up.

Your time to invest in true energetic flow and limitless prosperity is here.

And when you join before the timer hits 0, you'll also get access to 60 days, instead of 30 days, of Kaye's Abundance Access Codes Energy Container to rapidly lock in your new abundant frequency.

Click the button below to claim this limited-time charter offer before this transformative experience is gone forever.

Igniting Profound Abundance Shifts Across Business, Wealth and Life!

Company Revenue Doubled in 2 Years

After Kaye did the Feng Shui and energy adjustments, our company revenue reversed its 18-month decline, and doubled in the following 2 years.


Found New Job and Wife Gifted a Laundromat

“Thanks to Kaye, I found a new job quickly after being unemployed for a period, and it was training a team of national athletes! My wife was unexpectedly gifted a laundromat. We are both very grateful for the reversal of fortunes."

S, National Sports Trainer

"Sold House After More Than a Decade"

We adjusted the door as you advised, and within 3 months, we sold the house! As you know, it was on the market for more than 10 years when you came to see it. We have been unable to rent or sell it. We look forward to moving to a better place, now that this financial struggle is over.

T, Malaysia

"Came to an Agreement with the Bank"

I was surprised when you told us to place two rocks next to the telephone when the bank called about collecting the funds. They were so cooperative, and we managed to come to an amicable settlement. This could have been such a stressful call. Thank you for your help!

Pat, CEO

"Project Delayed as Predicted"

You were absolutely right. The D project was delayed for a few months. They sent me a notice today to tell me, but we already knew.


"Raised the Price as Advised and Made $10k More!"

You were right, as usual. I raised the price on that contract and we have made about $10k more on this deal!


"Difficult Manager Brought Under Control"

Thank you for your advice to put up that bagua with the royal picture. Once I placed it there, the difficult manager stopped giving me trouble


"Last One Standing in the Department"

After Kaye taught me the Feng Shui technique to protect myself, my position became the most secure in the department. One by one, my colleagues were removed or taken out. I am now the last one standing.

 P, Project Manager

"Only One the Corporate Customer Didn’t Argue With"

That mountain did the trick. The corporate customer who was our major international project of the year went through everyone from the top of the hierarchy down because we were late on the project. I thought I would be in trouble too, but I was the only one they liked. I didn’t get into trouble at all! In fact, I am now the key point of contact for them from my department, and we are working to bring the situation back under control.

 T, Project Manager

"Won the Chinese New Year Bets After Playing Your Audio"

At first, I thought it wasn’t going to work. The first few days of playing your audios, I seemed exceptionally unlucky. But I persevered. On the last day, I won it all back and won more than double my losses.


Choose Your Abundance Access Codes Package

package a


$397 $297

  • 17 Vibrational Activation Audios to Recode Your Abundance Blueprint
  • 4 Live Group Transmissions to Align You With Time's Abundance Flows
  • 60 Days Abundance Access Codes Energy Container Unlimited Energetic Recalibrations to Rapidly Reprogram Your Abundance Resonance
  • BONUS 1: Abundance Resonance Code for You and Your Loved Ones audio
  • BONUS 2: Abundance Quotient General Booster

Package b


$597 $497

  • 17 Vibrational Activation Audios to Recode Your Abundance Blueprint
  • 4 Live Group Transmissions to Align You With Time's Abundance Flows
  • 60 Days Abundance Access Codes Energy Container Unlimited Energetic Recalibrations to Rapidly Reprogram Your Abundance Resonance
  • BONUS 1: Abundance Resonance Code for You and Your Loved Ones audio
  • BONUS 2: Abundance Quotient General Booster
  • Harnessing 10 Abundance Archetypes and 12 Hybrid Energies (4 x 60 min Group Sessions)

Need Help? Write to
support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

This package is Non Refundable. Check our full refund policy here

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Life Reawakened has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.