Harmonize Your Ancestral Blueprint
Attune to Wholeness Through Systemic and Family Constellation Healing

Breakthrough from Hard Work and Struggle, into the Paradigm of Purposeful Life, Abundance and Joy!

harmonize ancestral blueprint

Are you exhausted from trying endless approaches that promised to heal your deepest wounds and unlock your full potential, yet you stay stuck spinning your wheels? 

Have you invested too much time and money into self-help, only to face the same cycles of scarcity, fear and self-doubt sabotaging your growth?

What if there was a way to shatter the patterns weighing you down...realign with your sovereign truth...and emerge as the radiant, magnetic being you're destined to become - without any more struggle, analysis or temporary surface fixes?

Introducing Sharmee's Harmonize Your Ancestral Blueprint - A profound soul-level methodology to liberate your ultimate potential and creator essence.

The Revelation You've Been Seeking

Through the ancient, indigenous-inspired process of Family & Systemic Constellations, you'll uncover the all-encompassing 360° perspective that's been missing from your healing journey. Allowing you to re-member the judged, excluded and forgotten parts of your lineage, soul-identity and creative force.

Whether you're struggling with relationship issues, family feuds, property conflicts, ancestral wounds or an overall feeling of being trapped by unseen influences...this phenomenological approach gives voice to anything stealing your energy and obscuring your path.

Once witnessed and integrated through the constellation experience, you can make peace with "what is" at the deepest level. Untangling the toxic patterns, trauma vows and fear programming so true transformation can occur. No more hitting your head against the wall trying to figure it all out through traditional analysis or self-help methods.

Instead, you simply hold space for your entire systemic field to be seen, heard and embraced with unconditional love. Letting your subconscious do the profound healing work as you open up to re-coding these distortions at a cellular level.

Within this powerful healing container, you'll experience reality-shifting revelations that catalyze your re-awakening, like:

  • Shedding the layers of judgment, disempowerment and separation consciousness that obscure your brilliance
  • Re-encoding your energy blueprint to a frequency of magnetic abundance and soul-aligned prosperity
  • Unlocking unshakable resilience to external circumstances by anchoring in your truth
  • Reclaiming the courage and confidence to boldly take actions from your inner authority
  • Occupying the uncompromising freedom, radical joy and unbreakable self-trust of your ultimate sovereignty

Best of all, you'll integrate Sharmee's practices and spiritual principles to apply these revelations the rest of your journey. Calling upon her wisdom to continually unleash your unique creative essence into the world

Stepping Into A New Reality: Game-Changing Evolutions

“Sharmee's work gave me confidence and belief in family healing's power. Join - it's a no-brainer!” - Yogesh
"This session helped me unwind emotional knots seamlessly. Grateful for the hidden benefits." - Anuja Kapadia
"Uncovered my own patterns with surprising takeaways. The session also tapped into my emotions. Very grateful for Sharmee's guidance." - Divya Sharma
Identified and resolved deep subconscious issues impacting my daily life. With Sharmee's assistance, I now have proper resolution. Highly recommend!” - Shreya Mehta

The Catalyst

 Sharmee Divan, Pioneering Guide for Reclaiming Your Sovereign Truth

Sharmee Divan is an Author, an Anxiety Expert, Counsellor, Conscious Parenting Coach, Coordinator of the Bach International Education Program and a Licensed Trainer from the Bach Centre, UK for Level 1.

With over 15 years of experience of being a Mental Health Professional, Sharmee brings in her knowledge and expertise along with her passion for teaching what she absolutely loves in her various courses and consultations.

Sharmee has conducted over 500 workshops and touched  over 10000 people’s lives with her work. In 2020, she won the award for being a Healer Beyond Boundaries. She believes in empowering people to recognise their purpose, power and passion and live an abundant, anxiety free life.

This is Your Invitation to Be Truly Seen, Felt and Unleashed

Sharmee's Harmonize Your Ancestral Blueprint provides the space for you to be met with all of who you are on the deepest Soul level. Without judgment, conditions or the need to conform to any external narratives.

By bringing inseparable parts of your personal and ancestral consciousness into the light, distortions can be re-integrated and obsolete victim patterning re-imprinted for the highest actualization of your divine essence.

You were born for a radical revolution beyond any paradigm...and standing in the fullness of your unshakable magnificence is the greatest shift you can catalyze within yourself and the world.

It's time to finally get out of your own way and surrender to the cosmic creator-being that's been waiting to be unleashed.

Here’s what’s included

  • Personal Family Constallation Session

  • 3 Personal Integration Sessions

2 Hour One Personal Session on Systemic & Family Constellation

Experience a profound soul-level journey into your ancestral patterns, karmic influences and systemic dynamics through Sharmee's pioneering constellation approach. This 2-hour experiential process, allows you to gain embodied insights into the invisible dynamics, energies and entanglements within your personal and familial systems that may be the root cause of current issues.

Through setting up physical representations of the elements in your system (ancestors, family members, inner voices, etc.), you can witness the living systemic forces at play in a tangible way. This creates a powerful space for these unconscious influences to be seen, heard and integrated rather than just analyzed intellectually. Distortions, judgments and fragmented energies can then harmonize into a state of wholeness.

You'll emerge with profound revelations into what's truly shaping your reality from these deeper realms, so real transformation can finally occur. This immersive session provides a potent container for your full lineage to be witnessed, heard and embraced on a soul level.

Accelerate Your Transformation With A Precision Pathway Tailored Just For You

This isn't a one-size-fits-all healing experience. 

Sharmee's program is meticulously customized to your unique needs, specific circumstances and personal growth goals. Through an intensive yet profoundly efficient process, you'll unlock quicker results with fewer sessions required.

In this compact, 4 personal session offering, you'll experience an individualized journey into the core systemic patterns and energetic influences shaping your reality. Sharmee's pioneering approach provides a laser-focused container for revealing and harmonizing the very dynamics keeping you stuck or misaligned.

After your personalized systemic constellation immersion, you'll receive customized embodiment tools, practices and transmissions attuned specifically to anchor your newfound resonance into sustainable results. No fluff or filler - just an expedited pathway to actualizing the sovereign potential and resonant living you profoundly crave.

Say goodbye to generic healing modalities creating more confusion than clarity. This is a curated, high-frequency experience tailored to the truth of your soul's cosmic journey. One where your greatest transformation occurs through precise, pinpointed acceleration into your most unstoppable, radiant, empowered self.

Harmonize Your Ancestral Blueprint

Harmonize Your Ancestral Blueprint Today!



Need Help? Write to:
 support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

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No refunds after the first session begins. Check our full refund policy here

Liberated Souls Walking In Their Truth

Harmonize Your Ancestral Blueprint

Harmonize Your Ancestral Blueprint!



Need Help? Write to:
 support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refunds after the first session begins. Check our full refund policy here

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.