Sugar Solution

Practical and Energetic Ways to Healthy Blood Balance

Reclaim Your Health and Vitality - Naturally Restore Balanced Blood Sugar

sugar solution

Are you discouraged from trying countless approaches that haven't stopped your blood sugar from spiraling out of control? 

Exhausted by short-term fixes that leave you stuck on a never-ending dietary rollercoaster?

What if you could regenerate your body's ability to maintain healthy glucose levels...regulate insulin production and sensitivity...and revitalize your energy and mental clarity - all without restrictive diets or harsh medications?

Introducing the Sugar Solution…

Sophia Zoe's pioneering mind-body program to harmonize your blood sugar through practical strategies AND profound energy healing.

Discover The Blood Sugar Breakthrough You've Been Waiting For

Whether you're struggling with fatigue, brain fog, neuropathy, vision issues, or anxiety around your declining health, the Sugar Solution empowers you with tools to…

  • Activate your pancreas to naturally produce more insulin
  • Enhance insulin sensitivity for better glucose utilization
  • Soothe damaged nerves and restore sensation
  • Protect and revitalize your vision
  • Boost mental focus, memory and cognitive function
  • Release lifelong fears around your physical vulnerability
  • Cultivate resilience, inner peace and overall well being

No more feeling defeated and deprived. 

This complete approach not only equips you with sustainable nutrition and lifestyle practices, but actually treats the energetic roots of imbalance.

Through guided healings, vibrational activations, meditations, visualizations and profound group healing experiences, you'll gently release blocks, rewire limiting patterns, and catalyze regeneration on a cellular level. 

Your ENTIRE system gets realigned to thrive.

Sophia has meticulously crafted a powerful array of audio programs, transmissions and group journeys to comprehensively address every aspect of high blood sugar's impacts. 

The Sugar Solution's multidimensional approach achieves what diet dogma and pharmaceuticals cannot.

Best of all, you'll emerge with lifelong self-healing tools. 

Any time exhaustion, cravings or concerns resurface, you'll know how to reset and stay on your path of radiant health.

Hear From Those Who Regained Their Health

"Sugar Solution has been a lifesaver - my blurry vision cleared up, carb cravings disappeared, I've lost 40 pounds and regained vitality." - Ashley Strong, Miami
"This profound healing journey allowed me to release deep trauma and regain control over my sugar cravings and life." - Isabella Castro, Rome
"I've eliminated over half my terrifying symptoms and improved my eyesight dramatically with this invaluable program." - Max Oliver, London
"The meditations transformed my stress, neuropathy pain and energy levels - I feel hopeful about my future again." - Emily King, Sydney
"A miraculous game-changer - I've become active, connected to my higher self and found renewed zest for life." - Rajesh Patel, Mumbai

The Catalyst

Sophia Zoe, The Healer’s Healer

Sophia Zoe is renowned as "The Healer's Healer" - the gifted energy worker that even renowned experts turn to for her exceptional abilities to decode and restore perfect wellbeing.

Drawing from her mastery of 25 holistic modalities, Sophia's pioneering work helps people transcend the root causes of chronic conditions that conventional medicine cannot solve.

After surviving a devastating car accident that doctors declared she'd never recover from, Sophia developed her profound self-healing capabilities. She reversed her own type 2 diabetes diagnosis, insomnia, anxiety and more - emerging vibrantly healthy and aligned with her life's purpose.

This firsthand experience allowed Sophia to create the Sugar Solution from the wisdom of someone who has been through it all. No shame, no judgment - just pure compassion and transformative pathways to thriving like you never thought possible.

An All-Encompassing System for Holistic Blood Sugar Harmony

The Sugar Solution takes a truly comprehensive approach, combining vibrational healing tools with practical lifestyle guidance to catalyze transformation on all levels. 

By giving you multiple avenues to release blocks, rewire patterns, and regenerate systems, this program leaves no stone unturned. You'll be fully equipped with knowledge and energetic support to reclaim your health.

When you join, you'll receive a robust collection of resources to awaken your body's natural ability to achieve balanced glucose levels…

Choose Your Sugar Solution

Package A:

8 Vibrational Healing MP3s - Click to read more

  1. 1
    Cortisol Balancing Meditation: A guided meditation to regulate cortisol levels, reducing stress and its detrimental effects on blood sugar regulation.
  2. 2
    Beta Cell Regeneration Activation: A powerful energy healing session aimed at stimulating the regeneration of pancreatic beta cells for improved insulin production.
  3. 3
    Insulin Sensitivity Optimization: Techniques and affirmations to enhance insulin sensitivity and promote better utilization of glucose by the body's cells.
  4. 4

    Neuropathy Relief SILENT MP3: Energy healing to alleviate neuropathic pain and discomfort, promoting nerve regeneration and restoration of sensation.

  5. 5

    Vision Restoration Visualization: Guided visualization exercises to support vision health and prevent further deterioration, fostering a sense of clarity and vitality.

  6. 6
    Cognitive Enhancement Session: Brain-boosting activities and affirmations to enhance cognitive function and mental clarity, counteracting cognitive decline associated with diabetes.
  7. 7
    Overcoming Fear and Anxiety: Specialized resources to address the physical decline faced by diabetics...the fear of amputation, blindness, and mortality, promoting inner peace and resilience in the face of uncertainty.
  8. 8
    Happy Life and Wellness: Holistic approaches to cultivating a positive mindset, embracing life with joy and gratitude, and fostering overall well-being despite diabetes-related challenges. Not feeling deprived of food. Not feeling alienated, socially.

Comprehensive PDF Guide of Coping Strategies

A written guide offering insights, practical strategies, and lifestyle recommendations tailored to address specific concerns related to cortisol management, beta cell regeneration, neuropathy relief, vision preservation, cognitive enhancement, and overcoming fear and anxiety. Tips and strategies for integrating the teachings of the program into daily life and maintaining progress over time.

4 Empowering Group Healing Experiences: June 3, 12, 17, 25
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EDT/10 AM PDT

  1. 1
    Healing Inner Wounds and Fears: A transformative group session focused on releasing deep-seated fears, trauma, and limiting beliefs related to diabetes complications, fostering emotional healing and empowerment.
  2. 2
    Regeneration and Renewal: Harnessing the collective healing energies of the group to promote physical regeneration, renewal, and revitalization of the body's systems affected by diabetes.
  3. 3
    Journey To Wellness: A guided journey envisioning a future of optimal health and wellness, inspiring participants to take proactive steps towards achieving their health goals.
  4. 4
    Empowering Awareness Through Art Therapy: Explore what your subconscious mind has been hiding. In a fun, easy, no-talent required workshop, learn what you need to do to unveil your best health. You just need markers and paper.

30 Days of Remote Group Healing, with Reports

Every day, a remote healing session will be transmitted to the program participants to support the changes they are making, to help bring their glucose within a healthy range. A report on the remote healings will be sent/posted every five days.

Private Community

Ask questions, get answers, get bonuses and inspiration to be, do and learn more. Being a part of a conscious community of health-seekers will help you stay on track and reach your health goals.


Tap along with Sophia to eliminate your most intense desire for any food, substance or bad habit. Do daily for three weeks for permanent results.  Chart of tapping points includedValue: $97 Free if you purchase a package by May 12, after that, you can add to cart for $97.

Package B:

8 Vibrational Healing MP3s - Click to read more

  1. 1
    Cortisol Balancing Meditation: A guided meditation to regulate cortisol levels, reducing stress and its detrimental effects on blood sugar regulation.
  2. 2
    Beta Cell Regeneration Activation: A powerful energy healing session aimed at stimulating the regeneration of pancreatic beta cells for improved insulin production.
  3. 3
    Insulin Sensitivity Optimization: Techniques and affirmations to enhance insulin sensitivity and promote better utilization of glucose by the body's cells.
  4. 4

    Neuropathy Relief SILENT MP3: Energy healing to alleviate neuropathic pain and discomfort, promoting nerve regeneration and restoration of sensation.

  5. 5

    Vision Restoration Visualization: Guided visualization exercises to support vision health and prevent further deterioration, fostering a sense of clarity and vitality.

  6. 6
    Cognitive Enhancement Session: Brain-boosting activities and affirmations to enhance cognitive function and mental clarity, counteracting cognitive decline associated with diabetes.
  7. 7
    Overcoming Fear and Anxiety: Specialized resources to address the physical decline faced by diabetics...the fear of amputation, blindness, and mortality, promoting inner peace and resilience in the face of uncertainty.
  8. 8
    Happy Life and Wellness: Holistic approaches to cultivating a positive mindset, embracing life with joy and gratitude, and fostering overall well-being despite diabetes-related challenges. Not feeling deprived of food. Not feeling alienated, socially.

Comprehensive PDF Guide of Coping Strategies

A written guide offering insights, practical strategies, and lifestyle recommendations tailored to address specific concerns related to cortisol management, beta cell regeneration, neuropathy relief, vision preservation, cognitive enhancement, and overcoming fear and anxiety. Tips and strategies for integrating the teachings of the program into daily life and maintaining progress over time.

4 Empowering Group Healing Experiences: June 3, 12, 17, 25
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EDT/10 AM PDT

  1. 1
    Healing Inner Wounds and Fears: A transformative group session focused on releasing deep-seated fears, trauma, and limiting beliefs related to diabetes complications, fostering emotional healing and empowerment.
  2. 2
    Regeneration and Renewal: Harnessing the collective healing energies of the group to promote physical regeneration, renewal, and revitalization of the body's systems affected by diabetes.
  3. 3
    Journey To Wellness: A guided journey envisioning a future of optimal health and wellness, inspiring participants to take proactive steps towards achieving their health goals.
  4. 4
    Empowering Awareness Through Art Therapy: Explore what your subconscious mind has been hiding. In a fun, easy, no-talent required workshop, learn what you need to do to unveil your best health. You just need markers and paper.

30 Days of Remote Group Healing, with Reports

Every day, a remote healing session will be transmitted to the program participants to support the changes they are making, to help bring their glucose within a healthy range. A report on the remote healings will be sent/posted every five days.

Private Community

Ask questions, get answers, get bonuses and inspiration to be, do and learn more. Being a part of a conscious community of health-seekers will help you stay on track and reach your health goals.


Tap along with Sophia to eliminate your most intense desire for any food, substance or bad habit. Do daily for three weeks for permanent results.  Chart of tapping points includedValue: $97 Free if you purchase a package by May 12, after that, you can add to cart for $97.

A 30 Minute Private Session with Sophia - Click to read more

Grab a 30 minute personal session with Sophia to take a DEEP DIVE into any issue, health, relationships, success etc. Known as the healer's healer, Sophia knows how to help you shift and heal from where you are now to where you want to go.

It's Time to Break Free and Thrive

You've tried everything else to regain control over your blood sugar and health. 

Now is the moment to invest in a comprehensive solution that gets to the root of your imbalances on every level.

Don't let fear, frustration or fatigue hold you back any longer. 

With Sophia's guidance and the Sugar Solution's multi-dimensional approach, you can awaken your body's powerful self-healing abilities.

Imagine living vibrantly again - with endless energy, sharp focus,no cognitive decline, stable moods and zero stress about your wellbeing. 

That's the reality awaiting you.

Take the first step today by enrolling in Sugar Solution. You owe it to yourself to finally experience what balanced health and inner peace feel like.

Say yes to reclaiming your sovereignty over your health and happiness. Your vibrant future self is calling - are you ready to answer?

package a

$247 $197

  • 8 Vibrational Healing MP3s
  • Comprehensive PDF Guide of Coping Strategies
  • 4 Empowering Group Healing Experiences
  • 30 Days of Remote Group Healing, with Reports
  • Private Community

Package b

$347 $247

  • 8 Vibrational Healing MP3s
  • Comprehensive PDF Guide of Coping Strategies
  • 4 Empowering Group Healing Experiences
  • 30 Days of Remote Group Healing, with Reports
  • Private Community
  • 30 Minute Private Session with Sophia

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

You can receive a full refund before the remote healing session starts. No refunds after. Check our full refund policy here

Transform Your Life Too: What Sophia’s Clients Are Saying

"My blurry vision cleared up, my carb cravings disappeared, my sleep improved, my skin is more elastic and taut, I have lost 40 pounds, my itchy rashes have vanished, my digestion is regular"

Sugar Solution has been a lifesaver for me. My blurry vision cleared up, my carb cravings disappeared, my sleep improved, my skin is more elastic and taut, I have lost 40 pounds, my itchy rashes have vanished, my digestion is regular…everything has changed for the better. Join Sugar Solution and experience your own miracles!

Ashley Strong, Miami, USA

I can participate in social events again and remain in control of my eating."

Living with high sugar was making me feel isolated and overwhelmed. I avoided family gatherings and parties because the food was too tempting and I didn’t want to explain why I wasn’t eating anything. I am so happy to have been one of the first to try the Sugar Solution program. It has been a profound healing experience, allowing me to release deep-seated fears and trauma. With the tools and resources provided, I've regained a sense of empowerment over my health and my life. I can participate in social events again and remain in control of my eating. Grazie mille, Sophia, for the strategies in this life-changing program.

Isabella Castro, Rome, Italy

"I have eliminated over half my symptoms, so I feel human again."

Before discovering Sugar Solution, I felt like my diagnosis was a death sentence. My list of symptoms included everything one finds when doing research on high blood glucose. I was a walking disaster. But thanks to this program, I have eliminated over half my symptoms, so I feel human again. Moreover, the Vision Restoration Visualization MP3 has improved my eyesight dramatically – thank heaven! And thank you, Sophia, for this invaluable program.

Max Oliver, London, UK

"I can now feel my formerly numb feet and hands."

A few months ago, I was trapped in a cycle of stress, unhealthy eating, and worry about my escalating blood sugar levels. My neuropathy was worsening (it hurt to walk), and the fear of losing my limbs haunted me. After committing to the program, I can't express how grateful I am. The Cortisol Balancing Meditation alone has transformed my stress levels, and the Neuropathy Relief MP3 has been a godsend. I can now feel my formerly numb feet and hands. I feel hopeful about my future, with reduced pain and newfound energy to enjoy life again.

Emily King, Sydney, Australia

"My vision has improved a lot. Even my cholesterol is better!"

Until recently, I felt like I was losing the battle against high glucose. My blood work was frightening. The fear of amputation and blindness loomed over me constantly. I had changed my eyeglass prescription three times in one year! But thanks to the audio tracks in this program, I've regained control of my health and my life. The private session with Sophia was invaluable, providing personalized guidance that addressed my specific concerns. Now, I'm not just managing my condition; I'm thriving. This program has given me hope and a renewed sense of purpose. My vision has improved a lot. Even my cholesterol is better! I am very grateful for Sophia’s integrity and concern.

John Windsor, Vancouver, Canada

"I've witnessed a remarkable improvement in my blood sugar levels."

I used to dread the thought of my blood sugar worsening, but Sugar Solution has turned my outlook around completely. My private session with Sophia was a profound experience, igniting a vision of health and vitality that I never thought possible. With the audios, I've witnessed a remarkable improvement in my blood sugar levels. This program has empowered me to take charge of my health and live life on my terms again. I have a spiritual understanding now, which has been even more helpful than the research I did about the physical aspects of high glucose. It’s all coming together, and I feel like I am in control of my health now.

 Lily Anderson, New York City, USA

"I have lost 45 pounds, my sleep apnea is gone, my tingling feet are nearly back to normal"

Before Sugar Solution, I felt like I was on a downward spiral with my high glucose diagnosis. The thought of going blind or needing amputation was terrifying. I had tried so many special diets, and each one failed me – I kept gaining weight and needing even more injectable drugs. But since embracing Sophia Zoe’s Sugar Solution, my results have improved significantly.  I have released fears and limiting beliefs. With Sophia's help, I now have better test results, I have lost 45 pounds, my sleep apnea is gone, my tingling feet are nearly back to normal and I can function at work and have energy for my family. This program has been a lifeline for me.

 Carlos Martinez, Houston, USA

"Now enjoy being 15 Kilos lighter, I can sleep 8 hours every night and I have the energy to exercise in a gym and I go swimming."

Living with so many symptoms of high glucose was affecting my physical and emotional well-being, leaving me feeling exhausted and misunderstood. But since using the Sugar Solution, I've experienced many amazing results. I have made small but important changes and now enjoy being 15 Kilos lighter, I can sleep 8 hours every night and I have the energy to exercise in a gym and I go swimming. This has changed how I look and feel. The audios have helped me find inner peace and commitment to my health. Thanks, Sophia, for this well-constructed program.

 Ahmed Nasr, Cairo, Egypt

Choose Your Sugar Solution

package a

$247 $197

  • 8 Vibrational Healing MP3s
  • Comprehensive PDF Guide of Coping Strategies
  • 4 Empowering Group Healing Experiences
  • 30 Days of Remote Group Healing, with Reports
  • Private Community

Package b

$347 $247

  • 8 Vibrational Healing MP3s
  • Comprehensive PDF Guide of Coping Strategies
  • 4 Empowering Group Healing Experiences
  • 30 Days of Remote Group Healing, with Reports
  • Private Community
  • 30 Minute Private Session with Sophia

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

You can receive a full refund before the remote healing session starts. No refunds after. Check our full refund policy here

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Life Reawakened has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.