Life Sessions
Master Life's Phases with Insight, Focus and Excitement!

Watch or Listen to Addison's Healing Session Below

Are you tired of trying numerous approaches that promise freedom from your struggles, only to remain stuck without progress?

If this rings true - you've spent countless hours and significant money trying to resolve past issues and traumas that hinder your growth - check this out…

What if your struggle is more about the life cycle you are in rather than personal failings?

Life is full of phases and transitions, each with its challenges and opportunities.

Sometimes, it's not about what you're doing wrong, but about the natural progression of life stages, such as career changes or societal shifts.

Understanding this can help you navigate challenging times with more clarity and less self-blame, allowing a balanced perspective.

Imagine knowing when a particular life cycle would end.

life sessions

How would that knowledge change your decisions and outlook? Would it bring peace or urgency?

Reflecting on these possibilities can offer insights into managing change and uncertainty.

Envision having clarity and insight to make the best life decisions, manage blind spots, and move forward with renewed confidence.

Now picture having a roadmap that empowers you to navigate current and future life's complexities with ease.

Introducing Life Cycles Sessions - Addison Ames’ innovative approach to help you manage life’s cycles for your highest good.

This work not only addresses current challenges but also equips you for future success, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and your journey.

Tap into the Power of Life Cycles

Discovering the cycles of your life and learning to navigate them with confidence and grace can lead to the most fulfilling outcomes.

It is not always easy to journey through the ups and downs of life, but learning about the cycles of your life and how to manage them for your highest good can offer you deep insights and support.

By knowing how to manage life cycles, you can overcome challenges, achieve your goals, and create a brighter future.

Let this understanding and experience be your companion on life's journey and guide you towards a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Regardless of what you're struggling with in your current life cycle, a Life Cycle Session allows you to gain insights into the different phases of your life, including the challenging stage known as the "dark night of the soul," and how to overcome it.

During this personal Life Session, you’ll learn to:

  • See what you can’t see
  • Overcome challenges with grace
  • Achieve your goals

No more hitting your head against the wall trying to figure it all out.

With this approach, there are no more:

  • Endless cycles of trial and error
  • Frustrating roadblocks
  • Moments of doubt and confusion

Instead, you simply access the profound wisdom and support provided by Addison Ames, letting your subconscious do the deep healing work for you through guided experiences.

Within moments, you'll be able to open up the pathways for integrating positive outcomes into your life.

Hear From Addison's Thriving Clients

“When I decided to do timelines work with Addison, I thought the shift would be a subtle change that would take me a long time to reap the benefits. Instead, I experienced a gentle but instantly enlightening, clearing, and healing process that made immediate changes in my mind, body, and spirit.” - Polo, Author, Teacher, Actor, and Speaker, Los Angeles, CA
“Addison is a gifted human, teacher, and guide. He is always so insightful and helps you see a new perspective. His energy provides intelligence, insight, and impact.” -  Grace, Designer, Chapel Hill, NC
“If you want to pour rocket fuel on your life, then book some time with Addison Ames. He shares information that provides answers to your deepest questions. He is a very, very rare gift and gem in this world.”- Zenka, Entrepreneur, Los Angeles, CA

The Catalyst

 Addison Ames, Your Timeline Traveler Guide

Addison Ames is an internationally respected thought leader, channel, awakened life guide, and conscious empowerment coach. With a reputation for blending innovative spiritual insights with practical, real-world solutions, Addison offers a unique approach that empowers individuals and businesses to thrive.

Drawing on years of experience and profound spiritual understanding, Addison shares deep knowledge and wisdom to effectively navigate life’s changes, challenges, and opportunities.

By providing personalized guidance and support, Addison helps clients unlock their true potential and achieve lasting success in both personal and professional realms.


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Discover a New Universe of Possibility Within

Results You Can Expect from a Personal Life Session with Addison

A personal life session with Addison offers transformative results tailored to your unique needs.

During the session, you can expect to gain insights into patterns affecting your life decisions and identify areas for growth and improvement.

Addison will guide you through techniques to enhance self-awareness, helping you develop a clearer vision for your future.

Additionally, you will receive actionable strategies to overcome obstacles and achieve personal milestones, ensuring a meaningful and effective journey towards your goals.

  • Greater clarity and focus in your life decisions
  • Enhanced understanding of personal and spiritual growth stages
  • The ability to gracefully manage and overcome life’s challenges
  • Empowerment and motivation to achieve your goals
  • A supportive community of like-minded spiritual seekers

It’s Time to Get Out of Your Own Way and Let Your Imagination Set You Free!

Unlock the potential within you and embrace a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

Addison's personalized life session is designed to help you break through barriers and explore new horizons with the power of your imagination.

Personal One Hour
Life Session: $199 
(50% off Regular Price)

For a limited time, experience this transformative session at half the regular price.

Whether you are seeking clarity, motivation, or a fresh perspective, this session will provide you with the tools and guidance you need to start living your best life.

Take the first step towards a more fulfilling and imaginative future!

life sessions

Book Your Life Session Today!

$399 $199

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after 7 days. Check our full refund policy here

Hear More From Addison's Happy Clients

Transformative Life Changes

After working with Addison, I found myself stepping into a new chapter of my life. His gentle yet powerful approach helped me release fears that had been holding me back for years. I feel lighter, more confident, and truly ready to embrace what lies ahead.

Mia, Marketing Specialist, New York, NY

"Finding Clarity and Direction"

I’d been searching for answers, feeling lost and uncertain. The moment I connected with Addison, everything shifted. His insights were not only profound but incredibly grounding. I’ve seen tangible changes in my relationships and career since our first session!

Jake, IT Consultant, San Francisco, CA

"Deep Self-Discovery"

Addison has this incredible gift for tapping into what’s really going on inside you. During our sessions, he helped me uncover layers of understanding and compassion towards myself that I didn’t even know I needed. I can’t recommend him enough!

Sarah, Yoga Instructor, Austin, TX

"Career Breakthrough"

Working with Addison was a game changer for me! He provided the clarity I needed to take bold steps in my career. I’m now pursuing my dreams with a renewed passion, and I owe it to the insights I gained during our time together.

Leo, Entrepreneur, Chicago, IL

life session

Book Your Life Sessions Today!

$399 $199

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after 7 days. Check our full refund policy here

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.