SunDari Mari Lock's
Body Mastery
Healthy As F$@K!

Watch or Listen to SunDari's Session Below

The Ultimate Blueprint for Optimal Health, Vitality &
 Alignment to Liberate Your Body And Your Life


Are you exhausted from yo-yo dieting, bouncing from one health fad to the next, while your body continues to resist and rebel?

What if instead of fighting against your body, you could harmonize with its innate wisdom and unleash the vibrant fountain of energy, vitality and radiance within?

Introducing "Healthy As F$@K! Body Mastery" - SunDari, Marci Lock's trailblazing path to finally make peace with your body and liberate it into a vibrant vessel of aliveness.

Through this transformative journey, you'll transcend fleeting "quick-fix" programs to activate a new empowered normal of optimal radiant health aligned with your soul's blueprint.

Stop battling your body's divine design and get ready to unlock your body's true potential!

Step into a Rebirth to Wholeness

For too long, misguided beliefs, traumas and toxic programming have disconnected you from your body's inherent mastery over health and regeneration.

No more forcing, punishing or seeing your body as something to be overcome. "Healthy As F$@K!" initiates you into perspectives and practices to move in reverent flow with your body's superpowers.

Through powerful consciousness work, you'll release the stuck emotional patterning, past wounds and destructive habits that created dis-ease and aging in your system. 

As you unravel conditioned limits, you'll awaken to the truth of your infinite possibilities for healing and vital life force energy.

Imagine slowing the aging process and activating your body's youthful codes...freeing stuck energy and chronic symptoms...shedding dense layers of heaviness for a lighter, more vibrant vessel primed to thrive in every arena of your multidimensional life.

This is your rebirth into being Healthy As F$@K!

The "Healthy As F$@K!" Roadmap to Body Master

Within this comprehensive training journey, you'll uncover:

  • The personalized health blueprint encoded in your body's unique energetic frequency and how to decode your optimized dietary, fitness and lifestyle needs
  • Powerful energy healing protocols to clear destructive patterns, codes and stories keeping you bound in density and aging processes
  • Simple health hacks grounded in nature's wisdom and quantum laws for radical vitality, longevity and regeneration
  • Embodiment practices and rituals to live in reverence with your body and sustain heightened states of bliss, flow and aliveness
  • A comprehensive lifestyle map to thrive in nourishing alignment with your body, soul, and the earth's natural cycles

Through high-frequency transmissions from SunDari's mastery, you'll elevate your consciousness into harmony with health, radiance and the fulfillment of your body's divine design.

As old traumas and misalignments release, your body's innate healing abilities will activate, guiding you into greater flow, synchronicity and your ultimate human potential.

Stories from SunDari's Clients

“Since starting this journey, I have grown so much and I have physical proof. I've lost 75 pounds since we started, and my bank account has increased a lot. My life is so wonderful.” -  Brandi G
“... You have given me the tools to teach me to get out of my own fucking way and to take that step back and allow everything I've always dreamed of. I'm now flowing in this beautiful flow with life.”. -  Fiona


  • 2 live trainings calls a month with live support and Q&A
  • Access to a portal filled with trainings
  • Instant access to Bonus transformational Programs,
  • Resources, Plans & Guides
  • Bonus Expert Training Calls
  • Transformational Body Healing Experiences
  • Lifetime Access to Content + All upcoming updates
  • 6 Month Program =  Sustainable Implementation to Results
  • 1 BONUS Month support through the Holidays & New Year

The Revelational Path to Radical Health Mastery

Here's what you receive....

Mindset & Consciousness Upgrades to a New Body

Dissolve and heal unconscious programs, discover how your divine light body is designed to operate, and create a partnership and relationship with your body to exist in peace & communion with your sacred vessel.

Youth Codes & Beauty Hacks

Unlock secrets to maintaining youthfulness and vitality, reverse aging, with Longevity & Wellness practices, biohacking techniques, to align to your greatest well-being.

Embodiment, Alchemy & Alignment Practices

Experience the transformative power of living through Embodiment, and the alignment practices to  enhance your overall health, vitality, and alchemize to your body's highest alignment as it's natural state of well-being.

Biohacking for Health & Longevity

Discover cutting-edge biohacking techniques to optimize your health, hormones, gut, brain and sleep.  Activate your longevity genes in your DNA, and learn the upgrades to exist in the highest alignment for your wellbeing.

Nutritional Hacks

Gain guidance to be at peace with food, including game-changing knowledge, daily living nutritional guidance, fasting & feasting protocols, easy detoxification & digestion tools, glucose hacks, & how to eat for life, pleasure, results, travel & everything in between.

Fitness Guide

Learn how to design your most effective movement & exercise plan for you & your ultimate well-being.  Get the exact how to's & tips to speed up and magnify your results and keep them for life.  Including supportive workout guides, video's and resources to support you.

Flexibility Training

This included series of video trainings will take your body to a whole new level of energy flow and capacity.  It will show you how to release the stuck energy that has been creating pains in the body, old or current injuries, shed old constructs & programs creating stagnation, lengthening the body, and will open up new abilities and pathways for you to receive more energy flow, pleasure, and aliveness through your body vessel.

Etheric Encoding & Body Communication

Develop a deep connection with your body consciousness to communicate directly with your cells and body, activate your dormant DNA, design your ideal body of health, learn to interweave in the etheric realm to manifest all you desire, activate your Ka body & attune to higher frequencies for a high vibe body of health.

Nervous System Regulation

A form of wealth is having a regulated nervous system.  A dysregulated nervous system can make life really challenging, and yet most people don't know any different.  Existing in ease, calmness and peace is also available.  Learn powerful techniques to regulate your nervous system and promote a state of calm and balance. Discover practices that reduce stress, enhance sleep quality, and improve overall well-being.

Alignment through Balancing Hormones, Cycles & Sleep

Understand the intricate connection between your hormones and cycles and how to work with them for your optimal health and alignment. Discover tools and practices that support hormonal balance and overall well-being & to energetically clear your womb.

Emotional & Energetic Upgrades

Learn how to alchemize and play with all your emotions, and energetic connections to inner parts, programs and/or traumas, experiences or contracts operating through your body.  Heal the relationship with your body and clear your system of stuck energy, emotions and stagnation to open up your energy flow.

Healing Sickness & Disease

Gain the knowledge and tools to decode the messages your body sends during times of sickness, disease, injury or in daily life.  Learn techniques to facilitate healing, address underlying emotional wounds and programs to restore your body to a state of vibrant health.

Flow State Living & Self Love & Pleasure Alchemy to Receive

Discover a new way of being and vibration to live and operate from flow, activate the pleasure within your own body and with all of life to vibrate self love, and the highest worthiness to receive.


BONUS - 24 Body Breakthrough Workout Videos & Plans & "What's Your Relationship To Food" Audio Training Series

Access a collection of 24+ workout video's that you can do anywhere, along with personalized beginner to advanced plans, & fitness guides to support your journey.

What's Your Relationship To Food" audio training series will allow you to dive into discovery and heal your relationship with food.

BONUS - "Liberate Your Life" Program

Receive access to our two most transformational programs to catapult your journey into awareness.  You'll get the exact tools to know how to always move through, heal and alchemize.  Get access to "Freedom Activators" program, along with the 5 Steps Guide to Freedom, and the "Releasing Your Unconscious Commitments" Program  to begin dissolving your unconscious body beliefs operating and learn to alchemize any resistance.


Guest Experts &

Transformational Healing Experiences

As a part of your journey to Body Mastery you will dive into experiences of healing for true change. 

Both SunDari and some very powerful featured guest experts will be taking you through some deeply transformational experiences to heal your body through the  many layers of the physical, mental, emotional, etherical and energetics of the body. 

You'll have the opportunity to experience a Sub-Conscious Hypnosis + Breathwork Reprogramming Experience, Womb Healing Activation, Theta Brain Body Recoding, Energetic Consciousness Clearing Activation & MORE .... Just to name a few!!!


SunDari has been running successful transformative group programs for 15+ years and absolutely loves this space. 

Why?  It is the most magnified space of transformation because you get SO MUCH MORE from a shared environment of reflections, questions, and shares that will allow you to amplify your transformation and results. 

With this curated group, you will have the most sacred space for you to feel completely safe to show up, ask questions, get support, reflections, share and you'll learn so much even when you're not the one asking a question.

With Live Q&A time for individualized attention and support, you have the most effective environment to stop guessing and get your questions answered to continually move into greater results.

The Catalyst

  SunDari, Mari Lock

SunDari – Marci Lock is a mentor and alchemist of light. For over 25 years, she has worked with entrepreneurs, high-level leaders, CEOs, coaches, healers, teachers, and everyday individuals looking to upgrade their life experience.

She has had highly successful programs creating massive results for people with her 90-day Mind Body Transformation Program. SunDari has been a nutrition, fitness, and mindset expert featured on more than 350 TV stations nationwide. She has published several cookbooks and created over 24 workout video programs.

SunDari has coached a range of clients from high-level individuals and celebrities to moms and entrepreneurs. Whether through physical programs in gyms or successful online programs, she loves working with people from whatever stage they're at to create results that last a lifetime.

She shares these divine life mastery codes and transmissions of wisdom and light through various mediums including books, podcasts, a TV show, online programs, worldwide retreats, and through the Sanctuary of Light in Bali.

SunDari understands well the journey of transformation from the many opportunities for growth in her own life and those she supports and guides. Her journey of healing and transformation included battling the body through eating disorders, dysmorphia, sickness, disease, self-worth issues, and more, along with being a mother of two boys. She knows the many phases of body shifts and changes we experience through life.

For the outcome of absolute peace with the body and to live in the greatest health alignment, she had to dive into all realms and aspects from emotions, traumas, subconscious programming, and the inner realms. This allowed her to create a new relationship with her body, learn how to care for this sacred vessel, grow a new body, create new beliefs, and live in peace with her body daily.

At 44 years young, SunDari is more lean, toned, healthy, and in alignment than ever before. She lives fully embodied and at peace with her vessel to fully thrive.

You too can now get access to the blueprint that she has developed over the last 25 years to achieve full body mastery. Join SunDari on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.

Activate Your Body's Vibrant Potential

For lifetimes, your soul has longed to inhabit a body illumined with vibrant health and the blissful freedom to fully embody your spirit's infinite possibilities.

This is your invitation to leave behind fear, force, and the war against your body forever. "Healthy As F$@K!" holds the key to loving communion with the sacred vessel that is your earthly home.

When you harmonize with your body's natural genius, you'll experience expanded creative capacity, heightened radiance, euphoric aliveness and the deepest essence of thriving in every facet of your humanity.

Your rebirth into health mastery awaits! 

Say YES to liberating your body and living in radiant wholeness as your divine birthright.

Body Mastery
Exclusive Life Reawakened Pricing!

$4444 $2444

Still have questions about the program or wonder if it's right for you?
Book a call with SunDari's team HERE.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

This package is non-refundable. Check our full refund policy here


Body Mastery!

Exclusive Life Reawakened Pricing!

$4444 $2444

Still have questions about the program or wonder if it's right for you?
Book a call with SunDari's team HERE.

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

This package is non-refundable. Check our full refund policy here

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.