The New You

Bye-Bye Trauma-Drama…Hello INSTANT Freedom!

Watch or Listen to Clardy's Session Below!

June 6 Replay

May 13 Replay

Instantly Shatter the Chains of Your Past Traumas and Negative Energetic Imprints

The New You!

Have you been working on your old childhood trauma patterns to the point of exhaustion?

Worse yet, have you convinced yourself that you’ve healed them all, even though you keep experiencing the same wacky situations in your life over and over and over?

You make excuses for it all by telling yourself you’re learning lessons, but you’re noticing a bizarre similarity between all of the upsets.

It’s like you’re stuck somewhere—and you can’t help yourself from attracting the wrong partners, co-workers, bosses.

You seem to experience lack no matter how hard to try to invite in abundance. 

It's a vicious loop of making excuses, playing the victim, attaching to limiting beliefs, and subconsciously sabotaging the life you want.

But deep down, a lingering suspicion burns brightly:

There has to be a way to permanently break these relentless cycles and shatter the traumatic conditioning...once and for all.

Introducing "The New You" - the missing key to instantaneous trauma release and profound life rebirth.

Instant Imprint Rewiring
Activate Your Infinite Potential

This isn't your typical approach of re-living painful memories or trying to think positively.

Clardy Malugen's revolutionary system gets to the core Source imprints and subconscious coding that keep you stuck in limitation.

With cutting-edge techniques like Source Field Activation™, you'll experience rapid-release of ancient emotional coding, outworn societal narratives, and deeply embedded fears and blocks.

Like an archeologist excavating your psyche's deepest layers, Clardy guides you to unearth, dissolve and re-imprint prosperous new beliefs and activate your highest divine blueprint.

Imagine taking your first breath into a trauma-free, lighter-than-air new reality...

One where health, abundance, authentic relationships, and unbridled creative expression flows to you naturally. 

No longer weighed down by the psychic sediment of your past, you're free to live from your highest potential and activate miracles in every area of your life.

Get started with "The New You" system today to finally exit the perpetual dramas and birth yourself into a life of authentic freedom, inner peace and limitless possibilities.

Birthing New Realities:
Hear From Those Who Transcended Trauma

“Clardy’s work is amazing. I have never experienced anything that works this fast.” - Arianna, Colorado
“Clardy's work is a futuristic level of healing with which we simply don't have much experience in our world.” - Barbara, Journalist, Amsterdam
“Wow. I get it that my future is literally shifting from where it was headed before. We're rewriting our trajectory from a higher place and awareness and relationship to Grace and God. It's big stuff here, and I'm really into it. Let's go!” -  Erin, Florida
“All I can say is wow. My experience with Clardy was like… Boom. Done. Bye-bye whatever it was. It's like sniper fire. And it’s gotten even more powerful, since I first worked with her.” - Sue R., Ohio
“This work has activated the truth of who I am. There is a huge difference between this and everything else I’ve tried. I have been looking for this for a long time as I have been running around in circles. I knew it was about frequency and not so much about digging endlessly. I feel much more optimistic that everything is possible. I am very grateful.” - Judith, Budapest

Ready to Meet the New You?

  • Imagine being able to effortlessly, even instantaneously, release the unconscious blocks and trauma-based safety mechanisms that have kept you stuck and held you back from living the life you were born to live.
  • Imagine feeling suddenly free and having limitless energy as you naturally start to live the life you were born to live…in an entirely new paradigm of joy, clarity, and abundance.
  • Imagine being able to manifest anything you desire – an exciting new career, financial success, loving relationships, renewed health – simply by owning and embodying the magnificence of the Authentic You. 
  • Now imagine not only being free from past traumas but also having a clear, compelling model for your New You. This blueprint will serve as your guiding light, ensuring that you maintain your transformation and continue to manifest your desires with ease.

This remarkable ability to manifest miracles while staying firmly anchored in a natural state of peace, love and joy is the promise – and the result – of Clardy Malugen’s complete system. 

You’ll find yourself living in the Miracle Zone and THRIVING, all day, every day—and creating the life of your dreams.

The Expert Behind the New You

Clardy Malugen, Your Expert in Birthing a New Paradigm of Transformation

Clardy Malugen is a specialist in the realm of consciousness expansion and is recognized internationally as one of today’s most uniquely-gifted master healers.

Clardy's unique approach not only facilitates the release of deep-seated emotional traumas but also guides you in creating a powerful model for your New You. This distinguishes her work from others, as it ensures lasting transformation and the ability to thrive in the Miracle Zone.

The profound impact of her work has astonished scientists, medical professionals, and skeptics alike, with many sharing glowing testimonials of their own experiences and results.

Her powerful set of tools, including her innovative system for identifying and eliminating unconscious behavior patterns, can activate immediate, permanent transformation and expansion.

According to international physicists who have studied her work, Clardy has the unique ability to tap into and transmit powerful multi-dimensional frequencies, which can trigger profound shifts at the level of DNA.

Clardy’s work has been credited with facilitating instantaneous healing processes for many deep-seated emotional traumas, as well as physical disorders such as fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, back pain, IBS, herniated disks, knee and neck injuries, pneumonia, smoking addiction, and many others.

Her energy work appears to dissolve the energy of entrenched patterns and belief systems that are obstructing the energetic flow within the human biofield—often leading to a surge in energy levels, dramatic self-healing, and a newfound ability to manifest conscious miracles effortlessly.

The New You
The Complete System to INSTANTLY Shatter the Chains of Your Past Traumas and Negative Energetic Imprints

Are YOU ready to manifest the miraculous life you were born to live?

Ready to move into the powerful paradigm of the New You…far beyond the limitations and belief systems that have kept you safe and small?

Take charge of your future today and join countless others in experiencing the profound shifts and instant transformations of Clardy's powerful 3-step system:

  1. Create Your "New You Blueprint" with the Miracle Zone Collection
  2. Uncover and Release your limiting Trauma Imprints with the Magic of Source Field Activation™ and the Frequency Formula™
  3. Experience "Next Level Upgrades" with a Private Session or "Frequencies in a Bottle"

Choose the level of support that resonates with you – whether you want to focus on creating your "New You Blueprint," dive deeper into releasing trauma imprints, or experience the complete system for ultimate transformation.

This powerful program is anchored firmly in the foundation of the pure white light frequencies, which you will be receiving in multiple ways, depending on the package you select.

No matter which step you choose, you'll be on your way to experiencing the profound shifts and instant transformations that countless others have already discovered.

Are you ready to embark on this life-changing journey?

for THIS WEEK only

Get Instant Upgrade: From the Oasis to the Miracle Zone FREE!



You missed out!

Get started with your package today, and you’ll receive the powerful MP3 activation: “Instant Upgrade: From the Oasis to the Miracle Zone”, absolutely FREE. 

This uniquely powerful 10-minute audio features an exquisitely beautiful “Call to the Light” soundtrack, as Clardy invites you on a journey to the magic of the Frequency Oasis.

You’ll feel completely at home and nurtured as you experience a powerful release of blocks and old trauma, a New You initiation, and the unmistakable love and peace of the Miracle Zone.  

Create your “NEW YOU BLUEPRINT” 
with the Miracle Zone Collection

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that will help you release past traumas, rewire limiting beliefs, and create a clear path for the New You to emerge?

Step 1 of The New You is the Miracle Zone Collection, your ultimate toolkit for crafting your "NEW YOU BLUEPRINT" and setting the stage for profound personal growth and lasting change.

By immersing yourself in the Miracle Zone Collection, you'll create a solid foundation for the New You to emerge, paving the way for the profound shifts and instant transformations that await you in the next steps of your journey. 

Here's What's Included Inside Package A...


Clearing the Path for Unlimited Miracles MP3

You’ll have instant access to Clearing the Path to Unlimited Miracles, which leads you on a powerful journey into embracing a completely new paradigm of truth and freedom, as you experiment with the creation of the limitless New You.

You’ll be bathed in the high-frequency light of Source Field Activation throughout, as you are supported to release your blocks and manifest enduring joy and abundance in every area of your life. 

This unique activation can help you:

  • Feel lighter and experience a new level of clarity and freedom
  • Reprogram old thought patterns
  • Release blocks stemming from childhood traumas
  • Eliminate the sources of energy drain
  • Release blocks that may be at the root of health issues

You’re invited to listen to this frequency-charged program as many times as you like. You may also choose to play the recording as background when working or relaxing. You’ll release layers of stuck energy every time. Be sure you’re well-hydrated before and during the activation and enjoy a nap or a bath afterwards.

**Please be aware that this recording utilizes extremely high-frequency transmissions of Source Field Activation. Do not drive or operate any type of machinery while listening. Do not use the recording as “background” when driving. Stay hydrated and rest afterwards.


I listened to the Activation MP3 yesterday and I could feel blocks dissolving away. I felt lighter and the heaviness on my chest was gone. It’s amazing and wonderful!

Sheryl M.New Smyrna Beach, FL

I am staggered at the growth and positivity that I’ve experienced working with Clardy. I must say the most stunning result I’ve had was during a recent healing activation. I had been feeling very off…very fatigued, achy, not well at all, and was hoping that the activation could help me. During the event, it felt as if there were fireworks in my stomach that had been ignited from the top down. When the fuse hit the bottom, I experienced what felt like an explosion of light filling my entire body. It was profound. The next morning, my symptoms were gone and my energy level had risen. I listened to the replay again the following night and had another extraordinary experience. Since then, I have felt lighter, clearer, more positive, more energized, and less likely to get caught up in any negativity around me. I am truly grateful for Clardy’s work. She has an extraordinary gift.

Carol California

The Miracle Zone Activations are beyond any previous energetic healing that I have experienced. Clardy is truly gifted in her ability to read and interact with transdimensional energy fields. I experienced deep energetic shifts in old belief patterns that were influencing my physical, mental and spiritual fields at an unconscious level. These activations are priceless jewels.


Miracle Life Assessment

Ready to find out who’s really in charge of your life? This powerful online assessment delivers a clear status report on your current path—in just a few minutes. Have you been consciously signaling the universe to create the life of your dreams—or is your Autopilot creating unconscious havoc and bringing you so many difficult challenges that you live in a constant state of chaos and upset?

This simple, but profound tool from Clardy’s Miracle Zone Collection asks you to take a moment, and a deep breath, and analyze your life right here and right now. You’ll be led through an evaluation of your current manifestations in every area of your life, as you respond to focused questions about finances, relationships, career, health, fitness, and your current vision blueprint.   

The result: You’ll know exactly how to set your MPS (Miracle Positioning System) to quickly manifest the New You and your healthy, happy, energized new life.


Let’s Manifest Miracles! AUDIOBOOK

Clardy’s innovative audiobook guide to the Frequency Formula provides laser-sharp insights that can shift your life quickly and profoundly. But this is no typical audiobook! As you listen, you’ll be receiving the supercharged magic of Source Field Activation™, which Clardy delivers throughout the entire audiobook presentation! You’ll receive the perfect recipe for miracle-making—in every area of your life! Full of true-life examples and compelling miracles stories, Let's Manifest Miracles!  reveals a simple, step-by-step formula that not only leads you to an abundant, healthy life, but also to the source of your true power--your authentic self. Clardy’s popular audiobook will supercharge your energy and inspire you to create miracles of your own!

Arielle Ford author of Soulmate Secret

Clardy Malugen is a master of manifestation. Let her book, Let’s Manifest Miracles! be your guide to realizing your dreams.

Penney Pierce author of Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration

Clardy Malugen invites you into a new reality where it’s actually easy to create what you want. She explains and summarizes the Law of Attraction in everyday language, with great examples—and with a joyful twinkle in her eye—so we can all reactivate the universal principles of abundance that our heart knows so well but our mind temporarily forgot. Let’s Manifest Miracles! will return you to faith in your dreams.


Plugging into the Light MP3

Take a break from your hectic life and enjoy this peaceful, relaxing meditation from the Miracle Zone collection. You’ll be reminded quickly about how powerful you truly are!  Clardy is your guide during this uplifting journey into "the light". You'll touch your deepest desires, feel the magnificence of your authentic self, experience the power of high-frequency energy, and return feeling rejuvenated and ready to manifest miracles! This 20-minute mp3 download provides a full immersion into the light of Source Energy—and calms your nervous system to set the stage for instantaneous self-healing.


Manifestation Machine Frequency Activator MP3

Dissolve Your Blocks and Raise Your Frequency—In 5 Minutes!ClardyM’s “Manifestation Machine” audio mp3 is jam-packed with layers of high-frequency energy that can easily dissolve old unconscious patterns and limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck in negativity. You’ll be inspired by motivational messages—both consciously and subliminally—while they’re helping you release your blocks and reboot your energy into the Miracle Zone!  Move to the beat of this fun, upbeat soundtrack and you’ll feel the results in less than 5 minutes! It’s the EASY, FUN way to change your life!


Release Your Story and Become A Miracle, From the Miracle Zone Activation Series MP3

Your next step on the path to the New You begins with releasing the trauma-based patterns and energetic imprints that have relentlessly kept you stuck in the past.

Release Your Story and Become a Miracle, from the Miracle Zone Activation Rebirth Series, is one of Clardy’s most powerful group healing activations, and delivers the very highest Crystalline light frequencies of Source Field Activation™.

This remarkable program will help you discover and release the obstacles and unconscious blocks that have been hidden deeply within your biofield, as it paves the way for the full embodiment of the limitless, radiant New You.

Each of the unique activations which are featured in the Miracle Zone Activation Series can help you:

  • Clear and activate the innate power of your energetic DNA
  • Feel lighter and experience a new level of clarity and freedom
  • Enhance your feelings of joy and success
  • Release blocks stemming from childhood traumas
  • Rewire unconscious behaviors
  • Free trapped energy

The program ends with a full-body supercharge with the high-frequency light of Source Field Activation™.

You’re invited to listen to this frequency-charged program as many times as you like. You’ll release layers of stuck energy every time you listen. You may also choose to play the recording as background when working or relaxing. Be sure you’re well-hydrated before and during the activation and enjoy a nap or a bath afterwards.

*Please be aware that this recording utilizes extremely high-frequency transmissions of Source Field Activation. Do not drive or operate any type of machinery while listening. Do not use the recording as “background” when driving. Stay hydrated and rest afterwards.

Carol California

These activations are beyond any previous energetic healing that I have experienced. Clardy is truly gifted in her ability to read and interact with tridimensional energy fields. I experienced deep energetic shifts in old belief patterns that were influencing my physical, mental and spiritual fields at an unconscious level. These activations are priceless jewels.


Just listened to the Activation — Wow! Super powerful and Awesome! Major shifts happening energetically. Thank you, thank you, thank you! So amazed by the magnitude of this work. Amen!


These activations are very profound, very intimate, and very liberating. I felt like Clardy was talking to my soul, my higher self, and my DNA, like my body knew what she was doing and was following her instructions. Her work is perfect for people who have unresolved issues. I feel a strong improvement. 

Uncover and Release your limiting Trauma Imprints with the Magic of Source Field Activation™ and the “Frequency Formula™

Beyond Trauma and Into the Light!

This powerful Step 2 package is anchored firmly in the foundation of the pure white light frequencies of Source Field Activation™, which you will be receiving in multiple ways.

Through a combination of Frequency Boost™ Transmissions, access to the Frequency Oasis, and live events with Clardy Malugen, you'll embark on a transformative journey to become trauma-free and thrive in the Miracle Zone.

Throughout this transformative journey, you'll experience the profound shifts and instant transformations that countless others have discovered through Clardy's work.

By combining the power of Source Field Activation™, targeted transmissions, and live events, you'll be well on your way to releasing past traumas, rewiring limiting beliefs, and stepping into the liberated, authentic version of yourself.

Here's What's Included Inside Package B:
ALL OF STEP 1 (Package A) PLUS...


Frequency Boost™ Transmissions

4 Directly Targeted Frequency Boost Transmissions delivered weekly for 28

Frequency Boost Remote Transmissions provide on-going access to targeted Source Field Energies via weekly remote transmissions.

These powerful transmissions work specifically with the Source Field Codes™ for Perfect Health, Rejuvenation, and Unlimited Prosperity and are designed to support the frequency expansion of each participant and the group.

You are invited to choose from these themes for your 4- week session:

  • Health and Wellness
  • Prosperity/Abundance
  • Relationships/Soulmate Attraction
  • Career/Work
  • Spiritual Awakening

You are also invited to submit an intention and a healing request for the entire 4-week session.


Frequency Oasis—A Powerful Field of Light

Individual Access for 28 days

The Frequency Oasis is a uniquely powerful field of high-frequency energies that was created by Clardy as the energetic foundation for group work with Source Field Activation™.

When you sign up for your Remote Transmissions, you’ll also be given 28 Day Access to a very special energetic field within the Frequency Oasis that has been created exclusively for Life Reawakened participants. This powerful field is loaded daily with high frequencies to help participants stay clear, happy, and focused, as well offering on-going frequency upgrades.

You can tap into this field any time, day or night, to chill out or supercharge your frequency.

Simply relax, close your eyes, breathe, and feel yourself tapping into the light of the Oasis. Your session in the Frequency Oasis will run concurrently with your Frequency Boost Remotes.


The Miracle of the NEW YOU

4 Live Events with ClardyM

"Learning to Flip Your Frequency is the ultimate secret code that will help you navigate beyond your physical challenges and blocks—and into the life of your dreams. Ready to choose a fully-awakened life filled with radiant health and unlimited abundance now?  If so, I’ve got your back.” –Clardy Malugen

*All four live events include the transmission of high-frequency energies during the entire event. The frequencies are more intense and specifically targeted during the activations. Please stay hydrated and rest afterwards to allow the energies to integrate fully. No driving during these events.

EVENT 1: Building the Blueprint for the Liberated, Focused New You

LIVE Q&A and Activation with Clardy + Replay

60-90 minutes

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 at

4:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM MT / 6:00 PM CT / 7:00PM ET

Join Clardy for this live exploration of how you can shift your current paradigm into a powerful new blueprint that will feed your soul each and every day.

You’ll learn about the power of the Miracle Mantra, and other insights from her Frequency Formula toolbox to help you release the old blocks that have been getting in your way and create instantaneous shifts in every area of your life—all the way down to the DNA.

Bring your questions and a strong intention for a miraculous upgrade.

The event will conclude with a high-frequency activation with the pure light frequencies of Source Field Activation™: Welcoming the Liberated New You.

*All live events include the transmission of high-frequency energies. Please stay hydrated and rest afterwards to allow the energies to integrate fully.

EVENT 2: The Easy Path to Dissolving Unconscious Patterns

Q&A and Activation with Clardy + Replay

60-90 minutes

Wednesday, June 19th, 2024 at

12:00 PM PT / 11:00 AM MT / 10:00 AM CT / 9:00AM ET

Join Clardy Live for an in-depth exploration of the Frequency Formula tools for instantly dissolving the blocks and patterns that have kept your foundational frequency stuck in a cycle of on-going lessons and limitations.

You’ll learn why raising your foundational frequency is the simple key to creating dramatic changes in your life quickly—and why choosing to live a miraculous new life is easier than you ever thought possible.

The event will wrap up with a supercharged live activation designed to catapult you “Beyond the Shadow of Trauma and into the Light of Pure Love”

*All live events include the transmission of high-frequency energies. Please stay hydrated and rest afterwards to allow the energies to integrate fully.

EVENT 3: Embody the Liberated, Trauma-Free New You

LIVE Miracle Zone Activation
VIP Status + Replay

60 minutes

Wednesday, June 27th, 2024 at

6:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM MT / 4:00 PM CT / 3:00PM ET

These exclusive LIVE VIP Miracle Zone Activation Events are designed to facilitate massive change very quickly and are normally available only to Clardy's high-level inner circle.

These powerful group healings utilize Source Field Activation™ to create a field of high-frequency energy where old traumas, unconscious blocks, and limiting beliefs are invited to dissolve and evaporate effortlessly. If you've been searching for the bullet-train to transformation, here's your ticket!

During this unique LIVE event, we'll launch you into a sparkling, magnificent future, far beyond the belief systems and blocks that have kept you locked into old trauma patterns, abundance barriers, and health challenges.

You'll be joining Clardy and fellow participants LIVE for this uniquely transformative event. After creating a powerful meditative environment, Clardy transmits energy to "reboot" and raise your foundational frequency, while creating a deep resonance with your true essence.

The next step is isolating and eliminating deep-seated energetic blocks in each participant — and in the group as a whole. Once released, the energy is available to be used as a catalyst for full-body rejuvenation and revitalization in every area of your life. Be ready with your intentions for creating conscious miracles in finances, career, relationships, health, fitness, etc. 

As a VIP participant, you are invited to submit an intention or healing request prior to the event.

This powerful group activation can help you:

  • Feel lighter and experience a new level of vitality in every area of your life

  • Clear generational blocks & activate the power of your innate DNA

  • Release blocks stemming from childhood traumas that can cause self-sabotage and self-worth issues

  • Release blocks and toxins that may be at the root of health issues

  • Reprogram old thought patterns that have kept you going in circles

  • Rewire, reboot and replace unconscious behaviors

  • Eliminate sources of energy drain

*Please be aware that both the event and recording will feature extremely high-frequency transmissions of Source Field Activation™. Do not drive or operate any type of machinery while listening. For best results, stay hydrated and rest afterwards.

**NOTE: This is a powerful group healing event with full-body healing transmissions. It does not include a Q&A.

Sheryl M.New Smyrna Beach, FL

I am staggered at the growth and positivity that I’ve experienced working with Clardy. I must say the most stunning result I’ve had was on a recent healing call. I had been feeling very off…very fatigued, achy, not well at all, and was hoping that the healing call could help me. During the call, it felt as if there were fireworks in my stomach that had been ignited from the top down. When the fuse hit the bottom, I experienced what felt like an explosion of light filling my entire body. It was profound. The next morning, my symptoms were gone and my energy level had risen. I listened to the replay again the following night and had another extraordinary experience. Since then, I have felt lighter, clearer, more positive, more energized, and less likely to get caught up in any negativity around me. I am truly grateful for Clardy’s work. She has an extraordinary gift.

Naoko Tokyo

My neck is healed! I hurt my upper back / neck when dancing three weeks prior to the activation. It was still painful at the beginning of the event, and I decided to lie down instead of sitting up. I fell asleep, and when I woke up the activation was over and the pain was gone! It's been more than two weeks now but it's still gone! I have never experienced anything like this! Thank you so much!


These activations are very profound, very intimate, and very liberating. I felt like Clardy was talking to my soul, my higher self, and my DNA, like my body knew what she was doing and was following her instructions. Her work is perfect for people who have unresolved issues, or people who simply want to evolve with their soul to higher levels. I feel a strong improvement in the way that I feel inside.

MiriAm The Netherlands

Last week’s Activation felt unspeakably deep and intense. Something in me amazingly changed and I can’t describe it in words. I feel like I am rearranging at the core level. I feel so tender and peaceful, as if the attachments to fear and worry are gone.

EVENT 4: Celebrate the Fully-Aligned, Authentic New You

LIVE Q&A and Activation with Clardy + Replay

Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 at

4:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM MT / 2:00 PM CT / 1:00PM ET

Join Clardy for a Live Premiere Party, where you’re invited to arrive and participate as the NEW YOU!

You’ll experience the power of LIVING your powerful Miracle Mantra, as you’re supported and boosted to move quickly into the next level of your miraculous new life.

Bring your questions for the Q&A and a strong intention for miraculous upgrades and outcomes.

The event will conclude with a high-frequency “Blast-off into Your New Life—Trauma-Free and Thriving” activation with the pure light frequencies of Source Field Activation™.

Erin Florida

There is nothing that compares with Clardy's work. Nothing. It's mind-blowing. And the results are real.

Sue F.

I felt the energy traveling through my body and became more peaceful. My digestive tract calmed down, the burning in my esophagus reduced by 90%, inflammation in body and sinuses reduced by 40%.

Peter M. Australia

This was an amazing healing experience, delivered with warmth and generosity. I felt energy working in and moving to specific parts of my body and out of my body.

Donna E.

I could feel the energy pulsating through my whole body and my chest got very warm. My breathing is better and my face looks more relaxed.

Alex S. Albuquerque

Clardy Malugen has a gift that is utterly mind-boggling!  I had experienced chronic, severe back pain for years when I did a session with Clardy. That day I literally could hardly move and felt a terrible stabbing pain in my lower back. During the session, the pain subsided dramatically and I was able to walk easily again. By the next day, the pain was GONE and has not returned. This is completely life-changing for me. After constantly living with this problem, I now don’t even think of it anymore!  Clardy is amazing. It’s hard to describe, but it seems like she is removing the bad energy that is causing the pain. Whatever she is doing, the pain is just GONE.  Not just better, but completely gone!  If you have the opportunity to do a session with her, you will be blown away by the results.


This is an easy way and great opportunity to become a better version of yourself. I woke up the next morning 4 pounds lighter and full of energy.

Gloria London

The session with Clardy was like nothing I have ever experienced before. It felt almost like an out of body experience and the physical sensations of energy touching my skin and my mind was extraordinary! It has definitely got to be experienced to be believed. But the best part about it is the effects and transformation that I got after the session was over. I lost my cravings for sweet things and within a couple of days, I'd lost 2 pounds in weight. Whatever Energy blocks you have, Clardy will help shift them. Even if you have Energy blocks that you didn't even know were there, she'll identify them and will release those as well. It's an incredible experience. You'll see your energy change and your life will open up to more health, abundance and prosperity in ways that you can't even imagine.


So many things have lined up for my health consulting business since my session! I am blown away!

Linda R.

I’ve been feeling great nearly every day now, so that’s about two weeks or three, and getting better with each day that passes. I’m slowly getting off the morphine, which has been smooth so far, without relapse. I have hope for the first time in years that I’m going to lead a normal, healthy life after all. After so many years of so many doctors just treating symptoms, I’m unspeakably grateful for your gift of actual healing, and that you willingly share it with those in need. Thank you doesn’t begin to express my feelings.

Experience a "Next Level Breakthrough" Private Session or
“Frequencies in a Bottle” from Source Field Technologies.

Supercharge Your Results!
Add a Private Session with Clardy or
Your Choice of a “New You” Frequency Formula!

Take your transformative journey to the next level by adding a private session with Clardy Malugen or selecting a powerful "New You" Frequency Formula. These add-ons are designed to help you experience even more profound shifts and instant transformations as you move beyond trauma and into the light of your true potential.

A private UNLEASH THE NEW YOU Zoom session with Clardy will utilize a unique scan of your physical energetic blueprint to identify and facilitate the release of blocks that may be at the root of stress or distress in various areas of your life.

During this 45-minute energetic recalibration, Clardy works with block-busting behavior adaptation tools while simultaneously transmitting the calibrated high-frequency energies of Source Field Activation™ to dissolve, transmute, and release foundational unconscious energetic blocks and trauma imprints. Clients often report significant positive results, including feeling lighter, younger, more peaceful, and more focused.

Alternatively, you can choose from the "NEW YOU" Series Formulas or the Crystalline Flow formula from the Awakening Series. These powerful trauma-release solutions are infused with specifically targeted subtle energy frequencies to help you move beyond the past, eliminate free-floating anxiety, and shine on as the New You. Each formula addresses a specific type of trauma, such as emotional abuse, abandonment, physical abuse, or sexual abuse, while Crystalline Flow supports a life of joy, ease, and effortless productivity.

By supercharging your results with a private session or a carefully selected Frequency Formula, you'll accelerate your progress towards releasing past traumas, rewiring limiting beliefs, and stepping into the liberated, authentic version of yourself.

Embrace the opportunity to experience the profound shifts and instant transformations that countless others have discovered through Clardy's work.

Here Are Your Choices for Your Next Level (Step 3)


Private Session with ClardyM

45 Minute Via Zoom

Your private UNLEASH THE NEW YOU Zoom session with Clardy will utilize a unique scan of the physical energetic blueprint to identify and facilitate the release of blocks that may be at the root of stress or distress in the areas of finances, physical health*, relationships, career, and emotional well-being.  

During this 45-minute energetic recalibration, Clardy works with block-busting behavior adaptation tools, while simultaneously transmitting the calibrated high-frequency energies of Source Field Activation™ to dissolve, transmute, and release foundational unconscious energetic blocks and trauma imprints. 

Her work with transdimensional energy transmission, often termed “magical” and “indescribable” by her clients, assists people with the release of energetic blocks that are obstructing their own energy flow, thereby clearing the path for powerful self-healing. 

Most clients report significant positive results, including feeling lighter, younger, more peaceful, and more focused. Her work has been credited with the elimination of many deep-seated emotional traumas, as well as physical disorders such as fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, IBS, epilepsy, candida, herniated disks, rotator cuff injuries, knee, back, and neck issues, pneumonia, bronchitis, smoking addiction, insomnia, and many others.

Note: Recordings of private sessions are not provided.

** The information and products presented during this event and in all of Ms. Malugen's work are based solely on a subtle energy/frequency model. Her work is not based on a medical or psychological model of ANY kind. It is not intended as specific medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional treatment or diagnosis of any kind.

I felt the energy traveling through my body and became more peaceful. My digestive tract calmed down, the burning in my esophagus reduced by 90%, inflammation in body and sinuses reduced by 40%. - Sue F

I could feel the energy pulsating through my whole body and my chest got very warm. My breathing is better and my face looks more relaxed. - Donna E.

So many things have lined up for my health consulting business since my session! I am blown away! - Christine

Clardy Malugen has a gift that is utterly mind-boggling!  I had experienced chronic, severe back pain for years when I did a session with Clardy. That day I literally could hardly move and felt a terrible stabbing pain in my lower back. During the session, the pain subsided dramatically and I was able to walk easily again. By the next day, the pain was GONE and has not returned. This is completely life-changing for me. After constantly living with this problem, I now don’t even think of it anymore!  Clardy is amazing. It’s hard to describe, but it seems like she is removing the bad energy that is causing the pain. Whatever she is doing, the pain is just GONE.  Not just better, but completely gone!  If you have the opportunity to do a session with her, you will be blown away by the results. - Alex


New You Series Formulas

From ClardyM & Source Field Technologies™

When you buy Package A or Package B, you’ll also receive a secret link and a promo code for a special $50 discount on Clardy’s powerful Frequency Formulas. This offer is available only to the Life Awakened Community.

Get ready for a COMPLETE UPLEVELING when you add your choice of the powerful Frequency Formulas from Clardy’s New You Series—or choose Crystalline Flow, from the Awakening Series.

You’ll enjoy a significant energetic upgrade and save $50 per bottle off the regular price + shipping is included.

Ready for the NEW YOU?

Imagine instantly dissolving unconscious energetic blueprints from old emotional, physical, sexual, or abandonment traumas, as the New You steps up into the light.

These powerful trauma-release solutions are infused with specifically targeted subtle energy frequencies to help you move beyond the past, eliminate free-floating anxiety, and shine on as the New You.

Loving Arms

Specially formulated to help release the energetic residue of emotional abuse trauma or relationship trauma. Feel lighter and more present with all relationships, as well as increased self-confidence and calm.

Powerful Presence

Specially formulated to help release the energetic residue of abandonment trauma.  Users report feeling more powerful, more present, more supported, as well as increased self-confidence, clarity, and enjoyment of life.

Super Shield

Specially formulated to help release the energetic residue of physical abuse trauma.Users report feeling more centered, less confrontational, and more secure, as well as a greater sense of well-being in stressful situations.

Easy Intimacy

Specially formulated to assist with the energetic release of sexual abuse trauma. Users report feeling a deeper sense of self-love, an ability to be more fully present in relationships,  as well as increased self-confidence, a more positive outlook, and a sense of new beginnings.

Clean Slate

Often used as a follow-up to a previous New You formula, or as part of an addiction recovery process. Users report feeling lighter, more focused, more at ease, as well as increased self-confidence, a greater sense of calm, more energized, and a sense of hope for the future.

Clardy’s healing gift appears to have the capacity to alter the course of the immune system or alter the typical disease processes to cease in a manner I have not seen previously. - Dr. Lori S.

Release Anxiety and Enjoy the Ease of Crystalline Flow From the Awakening Series

Embrace a new life of joy, ease, and effortless productivity with support from the targeted subtle energy frequencies of Crystalline Flow. A few drops in water can help you shift instantly from anxiety and overwhelm into the serenity and focus of the Authentic You.

Crystalline Flow is one of my favorites from Clardy’s line of drops. It’s become a staple! I’ve noticed an increase in my productivity and, yes, the synchronistic flow from which things get done.  I notice I accomplish much more in a day--but from a calm, centered state. I first noticed its effects when I’d take it before a morning run. The miles whizzed by much more easily. (This was the first identifiable effect I noticed–then I traced it to many others!)Does it give me energy? Is it like B-12 or caffeine? Interestingly, it’s almost the opposite–very calming and centering. Then from this state of focus, the actions I choose to take are inspired, aligned, and maximized for output from a state of calm, knowing focus. I’m doing less and accomplishing more. 🙂 It’s like using the moving walkway at the airport:  every choice and step I take is enhanced and propelled–maximizing my momentum with flow from the drops. - Erin B.

Choose Your The New You Package Below

package a

$630 $147

  • Clearing the Path for Unlimited Miracles MP3
  • Miracle Life Assessment
  • Let’s Manifest Miracles! Audiobook
  • Plugging into the Light MP3
  • Manifestation Machine Frequency Activator MP3
  • Release Your Story and Become A Miracle, From the Miracle Zone Activation Series MP3

Package b

$2095 $297

  • Clearing the Path for Unlimited Miracles MP3
  • Miracle Life Assessment
  • Let’s Manifest Miracles! Audiobook
  • Plugging into the Light MP3
  • Manifestation Machine Frequency Activator MP3
  • Release Your Story and Become A Miracle, From the Miracle Zone Activation Series MP3
  • Frequency Boost™ Transmissions
  • Frequency Oasis—A Powerful Field of Light
  • LIVE EVENT 1: Building the Blueprint for the Liberated, Focused New You
  • LIVE EVENT 2: The Easy Path to Dissolving Unconscious Patterns
  • LIVE EVENT 3: Embody the Liberated, Trauma-Free New You
  • LIVE EVENT 4: Celebrate the Fully-Aligned, Authentic New You

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

30 Days Refund Available or Before First Live Group Event.

Beyond Trauma and Into the Light:
Discover the Key to Lasting Transformation

Are you ready to step into the radiant, liberated, and authentic version of yourself?

It's time to move beyond trauma and embrace the life you truly deserve.

By joining Clardy Malugen on this journey, you'll gain access to the powerful tools and high-frequency energies that have helped countless individuals release past traumas, rewire limiting beliefs, and unlock their true potential.

What sets Clardy's work apart is her unique approach to creating a model or blueprint for the New You in advance, making that model real, and ensuring lasting transformation.

This is the key to not only releasing trauma but also moving beyond it – a crucial aspect that is often overlooked by others in the field.

Through her healing and activation sessions, Clardy will guide you through this essential process, empowering you to maintain the profound shifts and instant transformations you'll experience.

You pick the course of action that works best for you...

By combining her Miracle Zone™, Frequency Boost™ Transmissions, access to the Frequency Oasis, live events, and the option to supercharge your results with a private session or a carefully selected "New You" Frequency Formula, you'll have all the tools you need to accelerate your growth and healing. Clardy's approach is truly unparalleled, and her commitment to helping you create and embody the New You is the key to achieving lasting transformation.

Don't forget when you once you join, you’ll also receive a secret link and a promo code for a special $50 discount on Clardy’s powerful Frequency Formulas. This offer is available only to the Life Awakened Community - so be sure to take advantage of that if it resonates.

Don't let the past hold you back any longer.

Embrace this opportunity to step into the light and become the New You.

Join Clardy Malugen on this life-changing journey today and discover the joy, ease, and abundance that awaits you.

Your transformation starts now – click the button below to embark on your journey Beyond Trauma and Into the Light!

Unleashing Miracles:
Clients Share Their Experiences

There is nothing that compares with Clardy's work. Nothing. It's mind-blowing. And the results are real.

Erin, FL

My exercise-induced asthma completely resolved shortly after my exposure to Clardy Malugen’s Crystalline Immunity drops and her Activation Calls that share the Crystalline Immunity frequency. I realized the powerful healing capacity and reached out to Clardy for assistance with my 95-year-old uncle who was testing COVID-19+ in an ALF with a very severe viral outbreak. His symptoms immediately abated and have not returned. I have no doubt that Crystalline Immunity is the cause of his return to health.

Dr. Lori S.,  Florida

I have no doubt whatsoever that God has blessed Clardy with the gift of healing--physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Lynn Kline, Orlando

I have worked with many light workers and energy healers over the last many years, but I have never had such a visceral experience as I do when Clardy is transmitting energy. My body vibrates and my anxiety and fears diminish. I feel a wonderful sense of calm. Clardy is a gift to the world! It is not only the fact that she shares her gift with others, it is the love and the compassion she exhibits in the process.

Stephanie, Rhode Island

I believe that in addition to actually healing people, Clardy ignites that part of us that knows how to heal. I’m sure I will never know all of the healings that took place in my body, mind and spirit during this work.

Sydney S.

Clardy’s unique method of healing is a life-changer. Each result I’ve had has been astounding. The healing takes place on a spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental level.  It is awe-inspiring. For me personally, she healed ongoing health and physical issues, emotional issues pertaining to childhood traumas, issues with not being good enough, and general emotional traumas from 49 years of living. Not only did these healings alter my life profoundly, they also had a healing effect on my immediate and extended family in very positive ways. It’s truly an amazing experience on all levels.

Kelly C., Kansas

Over the past 22 years I have seen many doctors and have spent tens of thousands of dollars in an effort to discover the root of my health issues.  In addition, I have tried Reiki, N.E.T., the Emotion Code, holistic and homeopathic remedies, the list goes on.  Finally, I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease by a top Lyme specialist.  After enduring 2-1/2 months of oral antibiotic therapy with no improvement, I was almost at my wit’s end.  The oral antibiotics were making me ill and in fact, I was feeling worse than ever.  My doctor’s solution was to give me a break for 4 weeks to allow my body to recover before installing a PICC line, to administer a stronger dose of intravenous antibiotics for a full month.  It was during this break that a friend encouraged me to give Clardy a call.  After hearing of the amazing healing he experienced following a visit with Clardy, I figured I had nothing to lose and decided to give her a try.
Though a little apprehensive during my first visit, that night I felt the most amazing calm and peacefulness that I had ever experienced in my life.  I made the decision to continue seeing Clardy for the next 3 weeks and we both focused on “perfect health”.  I was feeling better and better after each visit and by the time of the appointment to have the line installed, I was feeling great. Most of my symptoms were drastically reduced and I was experiencing more energy than I had in years.  After examining me, my doctor decided that I did not need the PICC line. In fact, he determined that I didn’t need any further treatment.  As you can imagine, I was incredulous—and so was my doctor!
I feel I have experienced quite a miracle!  My life has changed both physically as well as emotionally. In my opinion, Clardy is an all-encompassing healer of the body, mind, spirit and soul. 

Irene Ouillette, Orlando, FL

Choose Your The New You
Bye-Bye Trauma-Drama…
Hello INSTANT Freedom Package Below

package a

$630 $147

  • Clearing the Path for Unlimited Miracles MP3
  • Miracle Life Assessment
  • Let’s Manifest Miracles! Audiobook
  • Plugging into the Light MP3
  • Manifestation Machine Frequency Activator MP3
  • Release Your Story and Become A Miracle, From the Miracle Zone Activation Series MP3

Package b

$2095 $297

  • Clearing the Path for Unlimited Miracles MP3
  • Miracle Life Assessment
  • Let’s Manifest Miracles! Audiobook
  • Plugging into the Light MP3
  • Manifestation Machine Frequency Activator MP3
  • Release Your Story and Become A Miracle, From the Miracle Zone Activation Series MP3
  • Frequency Boost™ Transmissions
  • Frequency Oasis—A Powerful Field of Light
  • LIVE EVENT 1: Building the Blueprint for the Liberated, Focused New You
  • LIVE EVENT 2: The Easy Path to Dissolving Unconscious Patterns
  • LIVE EVENT 3: Embody the Liberated, Trauma-Free New You
  • LIVE EVENT 4: Celebrate the Fully-Aligned, Authentic New You

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

30 Days Refund Available or Before First Live Group Event.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Life Reawakened has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.