IdealWeight Intelligent Energy Drops

Dissolve Your Weight Codes with Energetic GLP-1 & the COMPLETE “Fat Burner” Systems to Transform into a Lighter, Happier You!

Watch Kaye's Session Below

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Tired of struggling with stubborn weight that won't budge no matter what you try? 

Thought about trying some of the latest weight loss drugs but worried about the risks and side effects?

What if there's an energetic way to tap into the fat-burning power of GLP-1 without synthetic drugs or hormones?

Introducing IdealWeight Intelligent Energy Drops - Master Kaye Lee's pioneering natural system that energetically activates your body's own complete GLP-1 mechanism while reprogramming your encoded weight set points for TOTAL "fat burner" optimization.

The Hidden Reason You Can't Lose Weight
(And How to Fix It)

Resistance to weight loss happens when the weight codes are locked to "heavy" set points. These faulty weight codes can be due to trauma, oaths, vows, decisions, hereditary programming, upbringing, beliefs, energy fields, habits, poor role models, poor self-esteem and many others.

Faulty weight codes will fight any attempts to lose weight until they are changed. These attempts might include diet, exercise and even energy healing. 

Some weight codes will even stop you from trying to lose weight!

The IdealWeight Intelligent Energy Drops are a special reprogramming energy that can clean, clear, rewrite and update these weight codes to help you shift towards your ideal weight. 

Unlike other energy healing that tries to clear weight issues from the outside in, the Intelligent Energy Drops persuade your body to cooperate with you in moving towards a lighter, healthier body.

If you are ready to clear out low metabolism, poor digestion, hormonal imbalances, blood sugar disruptions, stubborn weight set points, pesky fluid retention, puffy looks, poor skin, uncontrollable cravings, weight loss mood swings, cellulite, stubborn fat, toxins, low self-esteem…

The Breakthrough Weight Loss Solution You've Waited For is FINALLY Here!

The Ideal Weight Intelligent Energy Drops allow you to dissolve and update problematic weight codes and connect with your body's natural fat-burning ability by stimulating complete GLP-1 production so you can:

  • Effortlessly Burn Fat: Supercharge your metabolism and melt pounds with minimal effort.
  • Balance Your Hormones: Restore hormonal harmony, making weight loss easier and mood swings a thing of the past.
  • Crush Cravings and Stress: Say goodbye to emotional eating and take control of your food choices with confidence.
  • Sleep Better, Slim Down Faster: Improve your sleep quality and wake up feeling refreshed, ready to lose weight naturally.
  • Enhance Digestion and Comfort: Flatten your stomach, reduce bloating, and enjoy smoother digestion as you slim down.
  • Move Freely and Pain-Free: Relieve joint pain and increase mobility, making physical activity enjoyable again.
  • Maintain Your Ideal Weight: Achieve lasting results with a program designed to help you keep the weight off for good.

No more wasting money on solutions that don't work. 

Or risk your health or quality of life with weight loss drugs and supplements...

With this approach, there are:

  • No restrictive diets or intense workout plans
  • No weight loss drugs, medications, or side effects
  • No willpower or self-deprivation required

Instead, you simply listen to the powerful energy-encoded audio programs to activate complete GLP-1 and reprogram faulty weight codes so your subconscious can do the natural, deep-level reset for you.

Within moments of experiencing these frequencies, you'll be able to release lifelong weight struggles and open up the pathways for integrating your ideal body and mindset around food.

Best of all, once you go through Kaye's life-changing Ideal Weight program, you'll have the tools to maintain your transformation for life without harmful drugs or hormones.

Master Kaye Lee’s Clients Experience Profound Transformation from the Inside Out

“Without reservation I would wholeheartedly recommend Kaye Lee as a transformational healer. He deploys his meticulously developed unique healing techniques with high intelligence, integrity and compassion.” 
 "Kaye is a master healer like no other. I can honestly say that he is the most incredible healer that I have been blessed to encounter."
"That all changed when I had my session with Kaye. It was absolutely mind blowing. Not only is he the most incredible healer, he has an amazing ability to read you and let you know what is going on."
 "Basically it's the most powerful sound healing I've ever experienced. The effects of this are the most tangible & noticeable."
 "Life has changed so much since I got your program. I got all my family their own code."
"I think that you were the answer of my prayers for a long time. And all my family has been transformed because of your programme."
"Oh my God Kaye.. [your reading was] spot on!!"
"Kaye is a phenomenal human. On Gretchen's show, he was so kind and honest with those of us w/financial concerns, advising folks not to accrue more debt to buy his program."

The Catalyst

Master Kaye Lee - Creator of Ideal Weight Intelligent Energy Drops

Master Kaye Lee (MA, Cambridge University, MBA) is retained as a behind-the-scenes energy intuitive and strategist for multimillion dollar international companies in various sectors. At age 12, he began to meditate and program his mind to successfully develop a specific type of singing voice.

This first step in the journey that ultimately took him around the world to train in both western and eastern skills in diverse subjects on healing, qigong, energy work, spirituality, Feng Shui, self-development and accelerated learning. After surviving a traumatic period in his 20s, he spontaneously received the ability to see and influence energetically in a much more powerful way than before.

He has had the privilege of having been personally taught by many leading teachers, including Jeddah Mali, Paul Scheele, Win Wenger and others. Kaye is a certified trainer in the Beyond Einstein releasing-genius training, and is also the only known PhotoReader who has completed his MA with accelerated learning from the University of Cambridge. He is regularly consulted “behind the scenes” by personal development leaders and healers.

Weight Code Reprogramming:
The Ultimate Life Upgrade

The IdealWeight Intelligent Energy Drops address the following problems in the five Fat Burner systems:

The Digestive and Metabolic Systems

  • Slowing metabolism, especially due to age
  • Insulin resistance causing stubborn belly fat
  • Digestive issues that cause bloating and indigestion

The Endocrine and Hormone Systems

  • Hormonal changes and fluctuations
  • Emotional eating and stress-related cravings
  • Sleep issues that detract from weight loss

The Detoxification and Excretory Systems

  • Bloating, puffiness and fluid retention
  • Accumulation of toxins
  • Lazy gut

The Nervous System

  • Emotional eating and cravings
  •  Low self-esteem and body image
  • Lack of motivation to lose weight

The Skin and Musculoskeletal Systems

  • Joint pain and mobility issues, especially affecting active lifestyles

This Program is Unique!

When the five Fat Burner systems are burdened with faulty weight codes, they will work to keep you at a certain weight.

All the above problems are strategies used by the body to keep that weight, so until the core codes have been reprogrammed, it can be very difficult to achieve one’s ideal weight.

Many healers focus on sending energies to different parts of the body, mind and spirit. This is like pouring water on an upside down cup.

Sending energy is only half the story....

Your body must be ready to receive.

The Ideal Weight Intelligent Energy Drops focus on turning the cup back up to receive healing energies.

It makes all your attempts to lose weight much more effortless, easy and effective. 

This is the most comprehensive and exhaustive program audio collection Kaye has made so far to cover all the weight codes throughout the Fat Burner systems. 

Each audio focuses on key points so that the energy is extra focused and powerful.

In the two live sessions, Kaye does an intensive energy focus on the Five Fat Burner systems and then rebuilds the Weight Codes Accelerator Ramp that speeds you to your ideal weight goals.

Results You Can Expect:

  •  Effortlessly burn fat without dieting or drugs
  • Balance hormones to eliminate cravings
  • Improve sleep and reduce stress
  • Enhance digestion and flatten your stomach
  • Move with ease as joint pain subsides
  • Develop a positive body image



You missed out!

Additional 30 days Ideal Weight Energy Drops Container

It's Time to Liberate Your Life with a Profound and LASTING Solution!

The IdealWeight program includes:


Healthy Appetite Reduction Intelligent Energy Drops

Reprogram hunger signals and satiety responses, making the body feel satisfied with smaller amounts of food:

  • Integrate portion control, leading to reduced calorie intake.
  • Decrease cravings for high-calorie snacks.
  • Support consistent eating habits and weight loss goals.


Healthy Reduction of Cravings Intelligent Energy Drops

Reprogram cravings and preferences, reducing the urge for unhealthy foods:

  • Decrease desires for high-calorie, low-nutrient foods.
  • Support healthier eating habits and food choices.
  • Maintain a balanced diet and weight loss goals.


Psychological Comfort Enhancing Intelligent Energy Drops

Modulate stress responses and support emotional resilience:

  • Support emotional well-being during the weight loss journey.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety related to weight management.
  • Promote a positive self-image and self-esteem.


Metabolism Enhancing Intelligent Energy Drops

Accelerate metabolic processes, increasing overall calorie expenditure:

  • Enhance the rate at which the body burns calories.
  • Promote more efficient energy use throughout the day.
  • Support quicker weight loss and improved energy levels.


Digestion Enhancing Intelligent Energy Drops

Optimize digestive processes energetically, improving nutrient breakdown and absorption:

  • Improve nutrient absorption and reduce bloating.
  • Support a healthier gut environment.
  • Ease discomfort related to digestive issues.


Nutrient Optimization Intelligent Energy Drops

Improve the body’s ability to utilize nutrients, minimizing fat accumulation:

  • Ensure the body uses nutrients efficiently, minimizing the tendency of fat storage.
  • Enhance overall health and vitality.
  • Support balanced energy levels and reduced cravings.


Hormone Balancing Intelligent Energy Drops

Harmonize hormone levels, addressing imbalances that impact weight and metabolism:

  • Alleviate symptoms related to hormonal imbalances, such as those from menopause.
  • Support stable mood and energy levels.
  • Improve the body’s ability to regulate weight effectively


Blood Sugar Balancing Intelligent Energy Drops

Harmonize blood sugar regulation, maintaining stable glucose levels:

  • Stabilize energy levels and reduce sugar cravings.
  • Smooth out spikes and crashes in energy.
  • Establish balanced metabolic function and weight management.


Weight Set Point Resetting Intelligent Energy Drops 

Reprogram the body’s weight set point, facilitating easier weight loss and maintenance:

  • Support long-term weight maintenance by adjusting the body’s natural weight set point.
  • Break through weight loss plateaus.
  • Establish and implement sustainable weight management.


Stress Control Intelligent Energy Drops

Modulate stress responses, helping to manage emotional triggers and support a balanced mood:

  • Minimize emotional eating and stress-related weight gain.
  • Promote a sense of calm and well-being.
  • Establish and support overall mental health and resilience.


Sleep Improvement Intelligent Energy Drops

Promote deeper, more restful sleep through energetic adjustments:

  • Enhance restorative sleep, crucial for weight management.
  • Reduce fatigue and support daily energy levels.
  • Regulate appetite and metabolism through better sleep patterns.


Fluid Retention Management Intelligent Energy Drops

Regulate fluid levels, reducing swelling and improving physical appearance:

  • Reduce bloating and discomfort associated with water retention.
  • Support a more toned and slimmer appearance.
  • Enhance overall physical comfort and well-being.


Fat Oxidation Intelligent Energy Drops

Enhance fat metabolism and utilization, converting fat into energy more effectively:

  • Increase the rate at which stored fat is burned for energy.
  • Aid in reducing overall body fat percentage.
  • Enhance the efficiency of exercise and physical activity.


Fat Absorption Reduction Intelligent Energy Drops

Reduce the absorption of dietary fats, establishing healthier fat metabolism:

  • Minimize the amount of unhealthy fats stored in the body.
  • Support healthier dietary choices and weight management.
  • Reduce the impact of high-fat foods on overall health.


Safe Detoxification Boosting Intelligent Energy Drops

Support the body’s natural detox processes, promoting toxin removal and overall health:

  • Enhance the body’s ability to remove toxins.
  • Support overall health and vitality.
  • Improve skin appearance and digestive function


 Self-Esteem Boosting Intelligent Energy Drops

Reinforce self-esteem and body confidence through energetic adjustments:

  • Boost confidence and body image.
  • Enhance motivation and adherence to weight loss goals.
  • Promote a positive outlook and self-acceptance.


  Cellulite Reduction Intelligent Energy Drops

Target connective tissue energetically to reduce cellulite appearance:

  • Improve the smoothness of skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Support a more even skin texture.
  • Enhance body confidence and comfort.


Joint Health Support Intelligent Energy Drops 

Support joint health, reducing discomfort and enhancing mobility:

  • Reduce discomfort and support mobility during weight loss.
  • Enhance overall physical activity and exercise comfort.
  • Support joint integrity and flexibility.


Healthy Energy Levels Intelligent Energy Drops

Energetically boost vitality and stamina through energetic enhancements, supporting an active lifestyle:

  • Increase motivation and the ability to engage in physical activity.
  • Improve overall productivity and daily function.
  • Reduce feelings of fatigue and lethargy.


Healthy Skin Intelligent Energy Drops

Promote skin regeneration and repair through energetic support:

  • Improve skin tone, texture, and elasticity.
  • Support a youthful appearance during weight loss.
  • Enhance overall skin health and radiance.


30 Day IdealWeight Energy Drops Container

Kaye will send Intelligent Energy Drops to support your journey to your ideal weight. You will receive powerful energies emitted for the period that strongly accelerate your healing process with the audios. These containers can also be used alone.


2 x 60-minute Live Ideal Weight Energy Drops Intensives

Kaye will focus on and go deeper into the five Fat Burner systems individually. Just tune in live or through the recordings and enjoy deeper resonance energies!

September 3rd, 2024, 8am Eastern Time: Five Fat Burner Activation Intensive

September 5th, 2024, 8am Eastern Time: Building the Weight Codes Accelerator Ramp to Ideal Weight

Be One of the ONLY Beta Testers 
to Access Kaye Lee's IdealWeight at 85% Off

This is your limited chance to get exclusive beta access to Master Kaye Lee's pioneering weight breakthrough program at a staggering 85.3% discount - only $247! 

As one of the beta testers to enroll, you'll not only get the immense value of:

  • Reprogram your weight codes for total life transformation
  •  30 bonus days of the IdealWeight Energy Container
  • Customize the program with feedback like weight/measurement tracking
  • Get access to additional live group sessions, updated and upgraded energy and more later this year

But you'll be an instrumental part of shaping the final program alongside Kaye himself. 

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to rewrite your weight story at a price that won't be repeated.

Claim your spot now before this offer goes away!

Important Note: This program makes taking weight loss actions easier, such as eating less, by updating your master weight codes.

Ideal Weight Intelligent Energy Drops

$347 $247

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

This package is Non Refundable. Check our full refund policy here

Kaye Lee's Pioneering Energy Healing Approach Have Helped People Around the World in ALL Areas of Their Lives!

Transformational Healer Resolving Chronic Issues

Without reservation I would wholeheartedly recommend Kaye Lee as a transformational healer. He deploys his meticulously developed unique healing techniques with high intelligence, integrity and compassion. I have experienced palpable, real time sustained resolution of GI issues during command healing sessions with Kaye.
Additionally Kaye is exceptionally gifted in precise and accurate identification of and clearing of historical and current emotional energetic patterns to make space for healing to take place at a deep level. Thank you Kaye for all that you do.

Dr Jo Pelho - Scientist  U.K.

"The Master Healer's Mind-Blowing Accuracy"

"Kaye is a master healer like no other.
I can honestly say that he is the most incredible healer that I have been blessed to encounter.
The night before my session with Kaye, I was thinking about all the many many healers I have worked with yet not one of them was able to help.  I am a pretty difficult case though.
That all changed when I had my session with Kaye.
It was absolutely mind blowing.  Not only is he the most incredible healer, he has an amazing ability to read you and let you know what is going on for you and causing your issues.  I found him to be 100% accurate.
It's like you are getting a reading and a healing all in one.
Kaye I just wanted to let you know that I can not believe how much better I am feeling since my session with you.  Thanks so much Kaye.  You are absolutely awesome.  
It's wonderful to know that everything is going to be ok.  This is thanks to you!!”


"Kaye's Energy Face Cream: Instant Anti-Aging Results"

I couldn't believe my eyes! I applied the Energy Face Cream to just half of my face and compared. The youthening effects were immediate, and the results were truly 'wow.' Not only did it make my skin look more youthful, but eventually, after consistently using 2-3 tubs of cream, lightened those stubborn black and dark marks on my face. I'm really thankful to Kaye for the cream, I feel much younger and more confident now.

"Regaining Energy & Optimism After Debilitating MS"

As a person diagnosed with MS more than 17 years ago, the chronic symptoms of fatigue, numbness, cold and hot sensitivity, muscle stiffness, and pain, are something you must handle daily. It is hard to juggle this autoimmune disease and life in general. It has been nothing short, but a long journey of pain, fear, and anxiety hidden inside me and embedded deep into my bones. I had to put a smile on my face and be strong for my young family and the people around me. Carrying these feelings for so long while searching for other alternatives like exercise, diet, and medicine, was to no avail. Very soon in the day, I would feel drained out of energy.
I had been working with different healers for less than a year now until I ran into Kaye Lee’s program. Last December, it was my first time listening to him live through FHTJ programs. His healing of people right there and then, his knowledge and teaching brought my faith back and drew me in, so I immediately signed up.
Since last December, I have been listening daily to his specific healing audio and my Personal Health Codes of Energies. The most pivotal point of Kaye Lee’s sessions was the teaching of the Five Master Healing Systems/Small Universe Circuit. For me, it was the most powerful experience because my body’s energy shifted completely. I could seriously doubt that it was me walking around with so much ease (even though I still used devices to walk around inside and outside the house), as my legs felt light as a feather. The energy was unbelievable! I felt the best in decades, and on top of it, it is so good to regain my energy, confidence, and joy. I am optimistic for my future and so grateful for his Work.
While I will continue practicing Kaye Lee’s audio, I highly recommend his programs to everyone who feels the need to change their energies and manage their health issues with ease and grace.
Thank you so much, Kaye Lee, thank you for everything that you do.

Barbara(St. Louis, MO USA)

“Kaye Lee's Priceless Healings Spark Unimaginable Shifts & A Second Chance at Life"

"Last 2 days have been unimaginable shifts taking place for me. I've done easy button healing processes, had insane amount of aha moments and recognitions. Yesterday's Zoom was just something you cannot even put a price tag on - so precious, so much value, so incredibly potent session from Kaye Lee, and I slept so deep as I have not slept for 20+ years.
I am in so much gratitude, I know I have been given a second chance for life and This is something That I consider worth more than anything else in my reality.
Thank you thank you thank you & Master Kaye Lee so so so so so so so much for this selfless, unconditional love and support & help - This is the greatest gift I could ever have wished for & I receive it whole heartedly.”

Ideal Weight Intelligent Energy Drops

$347 $247

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

This package is Non Refundable. Check our full refund policy here

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Life Reawakened has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.