Activate Your Ancestral Gifts
Shed Inherited Blockages To Embody Your Soul's Legacy

Summon the Wisdom, Talents, and Blessings of Your Lineage
Through Biofield Tuning and Quantum Healing

Activate Your Ancestral Gifts

Do you sense there's a deeper purpose to your existence, a legacy waiting to be claimed?

Have you ever wondered how you can easily tap into your hidden strengths and abilities?

The truth is, your ancestors hold the key to unlocking your most authentic, powerful self. Their wisdom, talents, and blessings are your birthright - a sacred inheritance etched into your very DNA.

If you feel the call to embark on a metamorphic quest of self-discovery, ancestral healing, and soul-awakening, then Activate Your Ancestral Gifts is your catalyst for profound transformation.

Get Ready To Activate Your Ancestral Gifts!

Dawn Rahdianze Shantal Krystal, a trailblazing master of Biofield Tuning and sound healing, has crafted this immersive program to guide you in unlocking the treasures of your ancestral wisdom, dissolving the static of inherited patterns, and aligning with your authentic essence.

Through a potent alchemy of Biofield Tunings, remote quantum energy healing, and a recorded group session, Dawn will guide you to:

  • Clear the static of inherited traumas and beliefs
  • Ignite dormant talents and gifts within your DNA
  • Receive direct transmissions of wisdom and blessings from your ancestors
  • Awaken to your soul's unique design and purpose
  • Alchemize your lineage's pain into passion, power, and potential

As you liberate yourself from the chains of the past, you become a conduit for healing that ripples forward through generations. You reclaim your role as a co-creator of a more vibrant, connected world.

Your ancestors are waiting to welcome you home to your most radiant self....

Will you answer the call?

Real Stories of Healing, Growth, and Self-Discovery

" A big Wow! I can't believe the changes that I am getting from only listening to the mp3's. I haven't even booked my session with Dawn yet." ~ Beth S.
"These recordings are Powerful and I can actually feel like my old wounds are disappearing after a week of listening. What a Miracle! Thank you" ~ Steve
"I am amazed by the "Source" energy in these mp3's. I can feel the old stagnated energies leave my body. I have never felt anything powerful." ~ Janice
"Thank you Dawn Crystal for your gifts of Sound healing. I feel like I can manifest anything! I feel so good Everytime I listen to the recordings." ~ Tanya M.
"Your sounds are so different but I notice after a couple of days of listening that I am receiving more opportunities to receive more money. And the best part is that I got a unexpected check in the mail for $1000. Thank you Dawn for your work, it is miracoulous!" ~ Sara V.
"I bought this package because something in my heart told me to do it. I am so glad I did because the healing that I am receiving is so beyond the results expected. I am not only healing my money blocks but I am healing my Soul .Thank you for bringing your gifts to the world ." ~ Anne P.

The Catalyst

 Dawn Rahdianze Shantal Krystal, Your Biofield Tuning Healer

Dawn Rahdianze Shantal Krystal, An Internationally recognized Voice Sound Healer, A direct Channel to God the Creator, Medical Intuitive, respected Intuitive Life Coach, Soul Reader, Pain Release Expert and Best-selling Author of "6'" Books (Pain Free Made Crystal Clear!, Fear Free Made Crystal Clear, Happiness Made Crystal Clear, Fatigue Free Made Crystal Clear, Pet-Talk & Abundance Made Crystal Clear.) Is known as a LEADING TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERT incorporating ancient wisdom for modern day success.

Dawn is passionate about helping people clear emotional and physical blockages, so they can manifest from their higher selves, step into their full potential, and lead their lives and businesses in ways that align effectively with their souls’ purpose. 

Dawn helps her clients to release themselves quickly from pain, emotional and physical, and she has miraculously healed many life threatening health conditions such as Cancers and unknown Illnesses that no medical treatment could Cure. She is an active mentor for entrepreneurs , CEO's and Celebrities helping everyone! Dawn is the "Go-To" person to get out of pain fast in Minutes! Dawn participates regularly on global Teleseminars, radio shows and podcasts.

Activate Your Ancestral Gifts:
Ignite Your Soul's Design and Embody Your Legacy

Step into a soul awakening adventure to unearth the treasures hidden within your ancestral lineage.

Activate Your Ancestral Gifts is a powerful program designed to help you clear the static in your energetic field - those inherited imprints, patterns, judgments, and heavy emotions that obscure your true radiance.

Through this alchemical transformation, you'll:

  • Receive potent Biofield Tunings to dissolve energetic blockages and connect with the wisdom of your ancestors
  • Awaken dormant gifts, talents, and abilities etched in your DNA
  • Develop a deep sense of gratitude for the simple blessings that enrich your life
  • Cultivate a soul-felt connection to the greater human family and the tapestry of lives that have led to your existence
  • Tap into your innate knowingness and intuitive guidance
  • Deepen your relationship with yourself, the Earth, the Divine, and all beings in your life

As you alchemize the static and attune to the whispers of your ancestors, you open to a treasure of insight, creativity, and resilience. You begin to see life through the lens of abundance, recognizing the blessings in every moment.

This program is an invitation to reclaim your birthright - to step into the fullness of your being and embody the gifts of your lineage. As you heal the wounds of the past, you become a beacon of transformation, radiating light and love into the world.

Join renowned healer Dawn Rahdianze Shantal Krystal on this soul-awakening trek to activate your ancestral inheritance.

Through her masterful guidance and the power of Biofield Tuning, you'll connect with the greater ancestors of humanity and receive their sacred gifts.

Say yes to this transformative odyssey and awaken to the wisdom, love, and blessings that are your birthright. Your ancestors are waiting to welcome you home.

Here's Everything You'll Receive to
Activate Your Ancestral Gifts

Purify Your Energetic Body to Create a Sacred Container for your Divine Birth-Right MP3- Click to read more

In our Modern Culture we have been encouraged to dismiss the past, forget about our Ancestors and Tradition. Blocking us from the wisdom of those who came before us. Diminishing our true knowingness.

Dawn will give a group clearing and purifying your Energetic Signatures so that you can go deeper into the true blessings of being human. You will receive in this module: 

  • The gift of life through your human body.

  • The gift of each other - including connecting to those who come before us.

  • Open up to Receive more support from our bountiful planet.

  • Opening ourselves to the Gift of Receiving more of Life’s fluid music and dance.

  • Opening up to greater gifts of creativity in our Lives.

Open & Allow Your Ancestral Inheritance to take Root in your Psyche & Help you become a Healthier Human MP3 -Click to read more

Go deeper into receiving your gifts and take root in your psyche.

Start to receive a Healthy relationship with your body, the earth, food, each other, life, and the creator.

  • Receive a deep comprehensive Biofield tuning to plant and terminate within you the seeds of being a healthier human being on all levels.

  • Open up to a deeper understanding of how gratitude for the smallest things opens you up to the Greatest Riches.

  • Open up to a deeper experience of soul-felt connection to the human family who came before you to deepen your wisdom.

Nourish in the seeds of wholeness & connection to break-free from negative self-talk & fear MP3 - Click to read more

Address and clear the challenges that arise as you travel along your wholeness to reclaim the gifts of your humanity.

Changing habits, tendencies, and embedded beliefs. Clearing the path that derails you from your wholeness and deep connection.

  • Clear, dissect, and banish unworthiness.

  • Clear your deep fears and of what others think.

  • Deepen you to your center and Living in the present moment.

  • Clear Ancestral “miasms” distortions that corrupt your Life and Health and relationships from moving forward with easier flow, joy and ease.

 Reap the Harvest of Connection & Belonging to Live Life more Fully & Compassionately MP3Click to read more

Receive the gifts that have been growing within you to be birthed. Opening to these Ancestral offerings and initiating you into a deeper relationship with life and your body. To acknowledge the deeper well of the human Experience that is yours to Tap into at any time.

This initiation is to allow you to experience that you are not alone, isolated little individual, but the continuation of what is meant to be human and deeper connection to your Ancestors.

  • Tap in more deeply into the vast field of information and truth that is yours to access as you begin to live your life fully from this expanded place within yourself, informed by the cosmos.

  • Feel deeply present knowing you are able to bring the sacred into everyday living.

  • Knowing every action, thought and word you create matters.

  • Enjoy a deeper and more satisfying connection with yourself, mother earth, the creator, and others in your life.

Harness The Energy & Potential of New Beginnings - Biofield Tuning MP3 - Click to read more

The changing of the seasons is a natural time to harness the energy of new potential. Welcoming new beginnings which includes deep cleaning, releasing old patterns, and processing endings. This cleansing the biofield creates space for new possibilities that can emerge as a result, while sonically supporting the sprouting of new expressions. What was once frozen is ready to be released for good. Imagine this session as the water, energy, love and feeding that is needed to nurture seeds in you that have been waiting to be Re-Birthed! POWERFUL!!!

Awaken the True Expression of Your Heart - Biofield Tuning MP3 - Click to read more

This biofield clearing audio, Dawn uses precise sound frequency to clear deep in the heart - our individual hearts, the heart of the human family, and the heart of the Universe. The invitation is to connect and feel the source electricity that makes your heart beat and supplies the pulse of life itself. This session promotes levity, syntropy, nourishment, and flow, illuminating the physical heart and the aetheric heart like a powerful but Loving warm hug!

Balance Your Masculine & Feminine Energies Biofield Tuning MP3 - Click to read more

This audio session, Dawn uses precise sound frequency to create a balance between masculine and feminine energies. This is to effectively and harmoniously align your feelings with your communication - within yourself and with others. Having unbalanced male and female energy within yourself and in relationships can lead to stress on many levels. This will help you achieve improved equilibrium and harmony between the two which will allow you to approach old conflicts in New Higher Vibrational Ways!

Ancestral Miasms – The Distortions present in an Ancestor due to their passed down pattern of trauma that predisposes you toward illness MP3Click to read more

  • Clearing All Negative “Noise” out of your signal creating harmony aligned to your original souls blue-print

  • Full DNA upgrade

  • Clearing depression, anxiety, co-dependency and other forms of addiction passed down to you.

30 Day Remote HealingClick to read more

Over the next 30 days, you'll receive powerful quantum energy healing directly from the highest level of Divine energy from Source, customized by Dawn to align with your unique needs and maximize your healing potential.

This remote healing program goes beyond the physical, targeting the very essence of your being – your DNA, your cellular structure, and your complete genetic codes. By upgrading and rejuvenating these fundamental aspects of your being, Dawn works from the inside out to help you clear inherited imprints, patterns, and blockages that may be hindering your growth and self-expression.

As you open yourself to this potent quantum energy healing, you'll experience a profound sense of connection to your ancestors and the greater human family. You'll begin to unearth the treasures of your ancestral inheritance – the gifts, talents, and wisdom that are your birthright.

The healing energy is sent 24/7, ensuring that your cells are being rejuvenated and your ancestral connection is being strengthened non-stop, even while you sleep. You'll wake up feeling invigorated, balanced, and deeply rooted in your authentic self.

Through this program, you'll not only experience increased energy and vitality but also a newfound sense of purpose and belonging. As you align with your soul's design and embrace your ancestral inheritance, you'll radiate confidence and fall in love with yourself all over again.

The best part? You don't have to do a thing – simply sit back, open your heart, and receive this life-changing quantum energy healing. Dawn's remote healing techniques ensure that you can experience the benefits of ancestral healing from the comfort of your own space.

The more open and receptive you are, the greater the results – and you may start noticing shifts in minutes! By saying "YES!" to this program, you're saying "YES!" to igniting your soul's design, unearthing the treasures of your ancestral inheritance, and stepping into a radiant, renewed version of yourself.

60 Minute Recorded Group Healing SessionClick to read more

This immersive session brings together a sacred circle of like-minded individuals, all committed to unearthing the treasures of their ancestral inheritance and igniting their soul's design. As you gather in this virtual healing space, Dawn will guide you through a powerful collective experience, facilitating profound breakthroughs and healings.

During the session, Dawn will lead you through specialized Biofield Tunings, sound healing frequencies, and guided meditations tailored to the group's energy and intentions. These modalities work synergistically to clear ancestral blockages, harmonize your electromagnetic fields, and strengthen your connection to the wisdom and blessings of your lineage.

As the group's collective energy amplifies the healing potential, you'll find yourself diving deeper into the revelatory insights and gifts of your ancestors. Dawn's expert guidance and intuitive facilitation will create a safe, supportive space for you to explore, release, and transform inherited patterns, traumas, and limiting beliefs.

Throughout the session, Dawn will offer personalized guidance, insights, and activations, ensuring that each participant receives the specific healing frequencies and ancestral transmissions they need to fully embody their soul's design and step into their authentic power.

BONUS: Journey into the Deep Peace Activation MP3 - Click to read more

  • Journey into the Deep Peace as the World moves through its Chaos, Confusion, Conflict, extreme polarities and cognitive failures.

  • Open to the Energy that runs alongside as we call it the blessings, the miracles, the oneness, the grace, the higher dimensional light and sound of great change, transformation and transmutation.

Fast Action Bonus:
Elevate Your Journey with a Personal Session

For 10 decisive individuals who are ready to take their transformation to the next level, Dawn is offering an exclusive opportunity to enhance your Activate Your Ancestral Gifts experience with a private 30-minute session.

In this intimate, one-on-one experience, Dawn will guide you to:

  • Receive personalized insights and guidance from your ancestors
  • Identify and dissolve specific ancestral blockages holding you back
  • Activate your unique soul gifts and talents
  • Align with your true purpose and path

This is a special chance to work directly with a master healer and pioneer in the field of Biofield Tuning and ancestral healing. Dawn's intuitive wisdom and powerful energy work will help you accelerate your journey and experience profound breakthroughs.

To claim this fast action bonus, simply add the Private 30-Minute Session with Dawn to your cart during checkout.

As one of the 10 proactive participants to do so, you'll receive an exclusive discount of $100 off the regular session price.

Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your transformation and receive personalized support from a true visionary in the field.

Secure your spot in Activate Your Ancestral Gifts and add your private session with Dawn today.

Are You Ready to Ignite Your Soul's Design and Claim Your Ancestral Gifts?

If you feel the call to embark on a metamorphic quest of self-discovery, ancestral healing, and soul-awakening, then Activate Your Ancestral Gifts is your catalyst for profound transformation.

Dawn Rahdianze Shantal Krystal, a trailblazing master of Biofield Tuning and sound healing, has crafted this immersive program to guide you in unlocking the treasures of your ancestral wisdom, dissolving the static of inherited patterns, and aligning with your authentic essence.

Through a potent alchemy of Biofield Tunings, remote quantum energy healing, and a recorded group session, Dawn will guide you to:

  • Ignite your soul's unique design and embody your true potential
  • Clear ancestral blockages, traumas, and limiting beliefs
  • Connect with the wisdom, support, and blessings of your ancestors
  • Awaken dormant gifts and talents within your DNA
  • Align with your purpose and experience profound joy and fulfillment

Whether you're yearning to heal ancestral wounds, activate your authentic expression, or cultivate a deeper sense of belonging and purpose, Activate Your Ancestral Gifts will meet you where you are and guide you to where you're destined to be.

This is your invitation to reclaim your birthright and step into the fullness of your being.

Your ancestors are eagerly waiting to share their love, wisdom, and support. Your soul is ready to ignite its full radiance. The world is longing for the unique gifts and talents that only you can bring forth.

Say "YES!" to your soul's calling.

For a limited time, when you enroll in Activate Your Ancestral Gifts, you'll receive a special introductory discount of $50 off the regular program price.

Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a journey that will transform your life, heal your lineage, and reshape the collective human story.

Secure your place in this evolutionary passage and prepare to unearth the treasures of your ancestral inheritance. Your odyssey to soul-aligned living starts now.

Activate Your Ancestral Gifts

Activate Your ANCESTRAL Gifts



Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after 90 days remote healing or group sessions begin (or 30 days, whichever is first) Check our full refund policy here

Firsthand Accounts of the Power of Biofield Tunings and Ancestral Healing

Dawn has certainly helped lifting much burden from my shoulders.

I purchased all your energy downloads and have been playing them regularly since summer and I must say, they make me feel at peace and full of optimism.
We also had two one on one session which I enjoyed immensely. My life has become more of experiencing trust and lightness which I am so very grateful for. You certainly have helped lifting much burden from my shoulders. Thank you so very much for your immense support!  May the light guide you at all times, always, much love

Christina (London)

"My life was transformed with ease and grace!"

Dawn Crystal's healing energy is amazing! The first time that we spoke it was unrelated to her gift. At the conclusion of our call, I told her that I felt so much positive energy pouring through the phone and that I've never experienced that before. That's when I learned of her gift and I immediately booked a session with her. She helped me clear and shift blocked energy that kept me stagnated in certain areas of my life for more than 10-years. In less than 2 months of working with Dawn Crystal, my life was transformed with ease and grace! Dawn is a gifted healer. Step into her world and prepare for your transformation.

Sandy O.

"I Released So Much… My Body Is Still Processing All The Energy!"

Wow, what an intense session that was! My body was rocking and rolling and releasing so much! I feel like I'm still processing, and I haven't been feeling well (anxious, etc). Thank you so much!


"Dawn Was Right On The Money... I Feel So Much Lighter After This Clearing!"

Thank you so very much for the session… it was right on the money, and I really appreciate everything you did to clear me. I am feeling much lighter, and you really pinpointed some issues for me. I look forward to working with you again! Take care.


"I Feel So Much More Energized After The Wonderful Clearing Dawn Did For Me!"

Thank you for a wonderful clearing!! I feel more energized, vital and regular. Thanks again! You are a blessing to the world! Peace, serenity and blessings!

Christine (Canada)

"I love Dawns tonal activations!"

I immediately felt tingles running up & down my body & a feeling of relaxation that was so peaceful. I listen to her tones 1st thing in the morning to get my day started off “ on the right foot” so to speak. I would recommend Dawn also because she is a really kind & generous person


"I got my energy back!"

Hello my name is Jeffrey, awhile ago I hurt my hip and after a long recovery time which included physical therapy and chiropractic work. I noticed I started to get low on energy. By a chance meeting I met Dawn and with an open mind I scheduled an Energy rebalancing session with her. I believe that the combination of my receptiveness along with her energy soothing sounds made this a successful session. Afterward I felt more at ease. I noticed I had more sustaining energy, and I didn't have the crash at the end of the day. If you are experiencing any type of sluggish syndrome and are looking for an alternative to medicine. I encourage you to give Dawn a try, I'm glad I did


Activate Your Ancestral Gifts

Activate Your ANCESTRAL Gifts!



Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after 90 days remote healing or group sessions begin (or 30 days, whichever is first) Check our full refund policy here

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Life Reawakened has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.