Advanced Entity Removal with Sohail Khan Yousafzai

This session will provide the one-time, complete clearing and recalibration you need to finally live unfettered - no lengthy program or endless sessions required.

You'll also receive practical tools and activations to maintain energetic hygiene and prevent future attachments from taking hold.

Imagine your life just weeks from now - free from the chains of negativity, fear, and self-doubt. Radiant in your true empowered state, facing each day with clarity, peace and soul-aligned purpose.

The inner freedom you've been seeking is just one session away.

Claim your spot and save $400 today!

Check out the rave reviews from Sohail's clients...

This was truly the most profound reading of my entire life.

I just wanted to let you know how happy I am to be a member of the Bliss Up Community and to give you feedback on the PROFOUND reading I had with Sohail on Saturday.

First of all, I felt like I was in the presence of a truly spiritual being and I felt blessed by the contact.

Second, Sohail started by telling me things about myself he could not possibly have known, such as where I work and that I have been here for over 20 years (all true of course). 

Third, Sohail shocked me by telling me I was "part of his line" and therefore I am a future "dimension-jumper" as well!!! This surprised and delighted me, because I am currently investigating transitioning my administrative academic career to becoming a sound healer, but I never thought being a "dimension-jumper" like Sohail would be a possibility for me.

Fourth, Sohail answered ALL of my future questions in detail, and while I definitely would like to have another reading with Sohail in the future, it would most likely be in 2023.

Sohail and I forged a real spiritual connection and this was truly the most profound reading of my entire life.

I am SO delighted I found out about Bliss Up and that I am a member of this amazing community.

Eram, thank you so much for all that you do and I wish you every happiness, now and always!!!!! 


Sohail’s guidance was phenomenal

I was totally blown away with my reading today with Sohail! He was incredible and lived up to every high expectation you set up of his abilities. And he was beyond charming and supportive and he even let me ask him questions beyond the time allotted for me, which was so generous of him and I'm so enormously grateful.

Thank you so much for sharing him with your community: it was such a blessing to have a reading with him and his guidance was phenomenal. I feel so privileged that I could have a reading with him when only a few months ago, I didn't know anything about you or your community.

So I write with gratitude, appreciation and thanks. I have only praise for you and your community, healers and oracles that you share so generously.


Transcendental level up from other oracles I have consulted

I had my session with Sohail, and I have signed up for another one! It was divine. Definitely a transcendental level up from other oracles I have consulted. 

The deep peace and at once utter joy I experienced during and after the call, feelings that have lasted long after, were so welcome at this time when I was seeking answers and reassurance on certain questions.

My questions were answered fully, and with great sensitivity to me as a person. And we went beyond those questions to more areas! I am deeply happy with this and am very much looking forward to my next session!

Suffice to say that I most definitely recommend Sohail to others!


After my session was over I was in a daze thinking of everything he said!

My session with Sohail was amazing!! He was incredibly accurate. It was beyond my expectations.

Sohail answered all my questions and then some. He was generous with his time and energy. I was very nervous in the beginning of my session but he made me feel very welcome, comfortable and relaxed right away. 

I would love the opportunity to work with Sohail again. Sohail is incredible.

After my session was over I was in a daze thinking of everything he said. I hope I have the opportunity to have another session with Sohail. Thank you Eram. Thank you Sohail.


Happy to hear about my future and what that might look like

I totally benefited from the session with Sohail and I was particularly happy to hear about my future and what that might look like!

The first indication that Sohail connected with me on a quantum level was his immediately mentioning my late husband’s name.  Even though my husband  made his transition in 2004 he is still very present in my life. Sohail said Walter would like me to be with him on the Other Side but that I still had work to do here on the planet.  And that has been my understanding also.  

He also confirmed that certain plans that have been delayed would come to fruition by the end of the year or at the beginning of 2023. That was a relief to know as it related to the resolution of a financial situation. 

Sohail explained very clearly how quantum jumping worked and how the soul left the body and visited other times or realms to get the information requested. I was very satisfied by the way Sohail addressed all my questions and would definitely recommend him to others.

I would certainly consider working with Sohail again.

I very much appreciate your introducing him to the FHTJ and Bliss Up Community


Overawed by Sohail’s ability which allows him to have a precognition of the future inspired by his connection to the divine!

Recently I had a wonderful opportunity of having a session with Sohail and was overawed by his ability which allows him to have a precognition of the future inspired by his connection to the divine.

In talking to him, I found him to have a very patient and down to earth demeanor as he converses with an ease and a compassionate understanding. 

I do believe that his insights are profoundly guided by his connection to the divine as he reveals what he can "see" in a very direct but compassionate and non judgemental manner. He offers wise counsel on what one can do to make things better and his commitment to helping people really comes through in his effort to satisfy all questions in the interactions.

I was very happy after the session and would recommend him highly to anyone who has questions about their lives. I certainly hope he offers more sessions so that more and more people can benefit from his God given ability. It was a pleasure to interact with him and get answers to my questions


Meet Sohail Khan Yousafzai

Sohail Khan Yousafzai has become one of The Life Reawakened Show's most sought after oracles.

He is an accomplished and seasoned quantum jumper/oracle/reader of timeliness. While he has been flying through dimensions for over 30 years to guide people in their lives through his profoundly accurate readings, he RARELY markets his services on public platforms.

That’s because he likes to stay under the radar and only works with people that come through a personal introduction or referral.

Eram introduced Sohail to our community a few years ago. She has known him for many years now and has witnessed first hand the incredible accuracy of his talents & predictions. 

Grab One of the Advanced Entity Removal Sessions NOW!

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