Dipal Shah

Mind reprogramming Expert | Global Speaker | Spiritual Mentor

Dipal Shah, an Award-Winning International Bestselling Author, is a sought-after speaker who has graced stages alongside renowned names like Bob Doyle, Marci Shimoff, Rickie Byars, and Keith Leon S. With a wealth of experience and expertise, Dipal captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impact. As a recognized expert in the field of Energy Medicine, Spirituality, and Mindset Dipal is the creator of the Quantum Body Awakening Technique. Her globally taught course teaches individuals how to master their Intuition and heal their bodies. Dipal has helped her clients create powerful and profound shifts inside and out, allowing them to find more joy and inspiration in all aspects of their life. 

Dipal's popular PROGRAMS

Here’s what everyone is saying about  hillary

I can sit down and get up and walk normally!

Dipal, I am grateful to announce that the removal of the band in my pelvis, along with the other work performed in the pelvis, has greatly, significantly improved my left hips' function!! I can sit down and get up and walk normally. Of course, I walk as well as I can without the cushioning but the hip and my ability to walk is extremely better!

Betty Carpenter

After using your MP3, my Tinnitus has diminished by as least half!

After using your Tinnitus MP3 whenever I can, I am happy to say that after years of just living with such a raging background noise, I would say after just a couple of weeks using the MP3 with a different outlook, the sound has diminished by as least half. Sometimes there are even moments of quiet. So I am really learning new things and learning how to work with the healing from others and just wanted to thank you for your help along the way!


"Your MP3 ended up saving my tooth!"

A couple years ago and you helped me find your dental mp3 which ended up saving my tooth and which I am still very appreciative. Thank you Dipal!! You are always so kind and present and I really appreciate you!


"I had been seeing one doctor after another and Dipal found the solution immediately!"

I have been chronically ill on and off, immune system, digestive system, and nervous system are all out of whack. I decided to work with Dipal. She noticed that there was EMF toxicity. I had been seeing one doctor after another and Dipal found the solution immediately.

"I could feel all the tightening around my abdominal area!"

The sessions with Dipal are amazing as usual. You will never find someone so caring and compassionate as Dipal. She is dedicated to making you feel amazing in all ways. I could feel all the tightening around my abdominal area and my wife could tell a difference. That was good enough for me.


"My hair looks shiny, my skin looks healthy, my lips are less chapped!"

Dipal's healings are so powerful and natural. For someone who doesn't feel anything I sure felt the sensations during the remedy healing. My hair looks shiny, my skin looks healthy, my lips are less chapped, and I feel truly blessed.


"My Back and Shoulder Pain Are Gone"

My energy, self-esteem and confidence has shifted in ways I never expected. My back and shoulder pain are gone, and my heart feels more expanded.


Dipal cleared my shoulder and neck pain within 3 minutes!

My shoulder and neck pain released so quickly. I could feel the energy down my feet and in my diaphragm. Dipal cleared all this for me within 3 minutes. I can't wait to go deeper. Powerful, Powerful, Powerful!


"For the first time in a year, I slept deeply!"

That was FANTASTIC. I could feel the work being done, moving around to different areas. Felt so much better, and shortly after falling asleep and I slept deeply and restoratively — with good dreams. I don't know when the last time I really slept was — over a year ago, I'm sure.


"The healing just kept on happening!"

Bless you for taking the time to help me! I cannot tell you the difference you helped me begin to experience. I was in great need this morning, frightened and in pain, … soon the pain eased, I was able to sleep, and the healing has just kept on happening. I am so grateful!


Before embarking on my vagus nerve healing journey with Dipal, I was grappling with chronic insomnia that left me exhausted and drained. Nights of restless sleep had taken a toll on my overall well-being, and I was in search of a solution.
Dipal’s approach to vagus nerve healing provided a beacon of hope. Through a series of healing work and specialized techniques and exercises, I learned to activate my vagus nerve, which plays a significant role in regulating sleep patterns.
As the healing sessions progressed, I started to notice a marked improvement in my sleep quality. I was falling asleep faster, staying asleep longer, and waking up feeling refreshed.


The results were astonishing. As I continued with the healing sessions, my digestive problems began to ease. Bloating became less frequent, and I experienced improved digestion and overall gut health.Dipal's guidance and support were invaluable, and I now have the tools to maintain a healthier digestive system independently.
Today, I can confidently say that vagus nerve healing has transformed my digestive health and quality of life. I'm immensely grateful to Dipal and her Guide Team for helping me find relief from chronic discomfort and empowering me with the knowledge to nurture my gut health.
