Hillary Faye

Intuitive Healer, Teacher, and Mentor for healers

Hillary Faye is a revered Intuitive Healer, Teacher, and Mentor, channeling healing transmissions from spiritual guides like Kuan Yin and Mary Magdalene. With over two decades dedicated to healing and teaching, Hillary has empowered thousands of practitioners worldwide. As a Master Reiki Teacher, she has certified over 2,000 Reiki practitioners and 600 Reiki Masters. Through her Awaken Love Registered Yoga School and various certification programs, Hillary guides individuals to reclaim their inner light, hone intuition, and embrace abundance. With heart-centered transmissions, workshops, and certifications, she empowers individuals to remember their soul's gifts and confidently use them in this lifetime.

hillary's popular PROGRAMS

Here’s what everyone is saying about  hillary

I feel like I have reclaimed to my true essence.

I felt the healing changes to my physical, emotional, energetic, mental bodies as well as my heart and soul. I feel like I have reclaimed to my true essence. These upgrades, Attunements and teachings are so pure and uplifting that I feel every cell in my body has realigned with my soul! I feel like my true self for the first time in my life.

Sara M

Helped me to raise my vibration and call in the heart healing

Hillary’s angelic voice and deep soul connection serenely guided my spirit from lower vibrations of sadness and anger after loss to a place of pure healing. Her program helped me to raise my vibration and call in the heart healing I so needed to open to align with self-love which I have learned is a cornerstone to my 5th dimensional ascension path. I learned how fun and liberating ascension can be!

Maryanne R

"Learning anything from Hillary is very powerful!"

Hillary is such a incredible person that just being in her presence and learning anything from her is very powerful.

Meaghan Sittler

"Hillary is a wealth of knowledge!"

Hillary is a wealth of knowledge, love and an inspiration to everyone who gets the chance to learn from her.

Angela Brutto

"Thank you Hillary for helping me shift out of my 3D ways"

I absolutely loved the attunements, the exercises, and the meditations in 5D Initations - they are life changing. The morning and evening meditations are absolutely divine!!! Falling asleep to Hillary’s voice every night is something that I have become very addicted to, honestly I’m not even sure I could fall asleep without her anymore. It’s the most soothing lullaby that also serves as a powerful tool for growth. Thank you Hillary for helping me shift out of my 3D ways.

Melissa V

"This course helped me truly anchor in the 5D energies and align in my ascension."

I have taken many courses of Hillary's and this one was one of my favorites.
The attunements were incredible as well as her morning and evening meditations.
This course helped me truly anchor in the 5D energies and align in my ascension. It was more than I was hoping for.
Highly recommended for anyone looking to expedite their spiritual growth in the most loving way

Anthony V

"Guided my spirit from lower vibrations of sadness and anger after loss to a place of uplifted magnetic receptivity"

Hillary’s angelic voice and deep soul connection serenely guided my spirit from lower vibrations of sadness and anger after loss to a place of uplifted magnetic receptivity. Her program helped me to raise my vibration and call in the heart healing I so needed to open to receive a deeper self-love.

Maryanne Roujie Co ~ Entrepreneur & Guiding Light

Magnetic Receptivity helped me receive in more ways then I thought imaginable!

I can’t recommend Magnetic Receptivity enough, It is THE true foundation of healing the programming and past pain that keep you from receiving. It helped me to shift my consciousness from over giving and fear to anchor deeply into the frequency of worthiness to receiving more love, abundance. which made a huge shift in my relationships and my entire being. Magnetic Receptivity helped me receive in more ways then I thought imaginable!

Shadi Feyz

"If you can treat yourself with this course it will be one of the most delightful, magical and transformational journeys ever taken!"

This is going to be such a powerful course! Hillary is a loving and nurturing woman, true teacher devoted to uplifting humanity and such a powerful mystic. If you can treat yourself or someone else with this course it will be one of the most delightful, magical and transformational journeys ever taken. Recommending from my heart.

Anita S.

"Hillary must have arrived on a golden chariot from God… I feel so blessed by her presence in my life!"

I have now had the opportunity to take 2 courses with Hillary…and I can say is that she must have arrived on a golden chariot from God… I feel so blessed by her presence in my life. She teaches with the knowledge of a Scholar, the patience of a Saint, the compassion of an Angel, the Joy of the inner Child, and the authenticity of being Human… I cannot sing her praises enough.
I feel so much support and unconditional love from her, as I integrate the material I have been able to learn both in my personal and professional life. Because of the highest consciousness that she holds, the integrity and commitment she brings to all that she does is an inspiration. Thank you, Hillary, from the fullness of my heart and the brightest place in my spirit, for all that you are, and the gifts you are generously giving to the world!

Bethany C.

“I was so down before I started using these MP3s. I was no longer able to channel or feel connected, and I felt walloped by heavy energy. The amount that was cleared through these MP3s absolutely astonished me. I am channeling divine messages again. I highly recommend this program for anyone who feels the need for support with clearing and protection.

Jennifer B.

I now understand my energy body and walking around with the seven layers of protection is the most incredible feeling. I went from being so drained to feeling energized and strong.

John E