Karina Grant

Bio-Energy Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Qualified Natural Therapist

When her father was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2005, Karina discovered Quantum-Touch (QT) to alleviate his symptoms. This led her to become England's advanced QT instructor in 2007. She founded the HI CHI Integrated Health Institute in 2015, offering workshops worldwide. With over 17 years of experience, Karina teaches mindfulness, wellness, and energy healing to diverse audiences, including healthcare professionals and charities. She has trained individuals from organizations like the World Health Organization and speaks at various events, including those held by Universal Music Group and the British Government. Karina's programs, like Permission to Reset™ Anxiety, are recognized for CPD points for nurses and midwives. She has also contributed to mental health platforms and provided support to key workers during the pandemic.

karina's popular PROGRAMS

Here’s what everyone is saying about  karina

Airline Captain uses Karina’s audios

Good evening Karina. Just to let you know I passed my command check and am now a fully fledged airline captain. Hasn't sunk in yet. Thanks to you and your online audio meditations. Worked a treat!

N.B, Airline Captain

Moving out of trauma

“The session I had with Karina was the catalyst to find a way to help move me out of an enormous trauma. Karina’s reset techniques are the most powerful thing I have ever done and Karina personalised it for my situation"

L. Goodman, Producer of “Shit to Sunshine” podcast

"It is on another level to anything else I have experienced"

I have a therapy subscription service that I can call through my company. It is part of the wellbeing provision. The calls have been helpful and it was beneficial to talk. However, after each session with Karina I come away with life changing insights and tools. It is on another level to anything else I have experienced therapeutically. I can literally pinpoint huge changes in my life happening after each session with Karina. I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude.

I.R, Head of product development

"Knee alignment and pain gone"

My knee is still in alignment!!! I am SO happy about it. It feels fragile but what a gift after over a year of pain . Love and blessings ... Surely happy to be in this group …


"Large Eye Floater Gone"

When the large cobwebby floater suddenly appeared in my eye, it was extremely disconcerting and visually intensely annoying. My optometrist said the floater would never go away but that my brain would eventually adapt to not seeing it. A process that could take months but there were no guarantees.
I thought of Karina as I had seen marvellous things. The session was astonishing.
Karina homed in on the problem with such accuracy that I was amazed. Clearly there were still some unresolved issues that needed to be looked at. Within 72 hours the floater had gone, a few pieces remain but I haven't finished my part… yet.
Thank you Karina, you are an immensely gifted teacher and practitioner. You have enabled my inner light to be glowing again. Truly grateful beyond words. Life has a sparkle once more."

 Suzie L, England

"Best teacher I have come across in all my many years of healing"

Karina is the best teacher I have ever come across in all my many years of meditation and healing. She is an absolutely incredible healing practitioner. If you have the chance to have a session with her I highly recommend it. The energy is palpable, very relaxing and amazing!

 Tyroon Win, Consultant at The London College of Psychic Studies

"Killker back pain since 1998 gone"

First of all I flew all the way from Kuwait to the United Kingdom to attend a workshop with Karina. I arrived at the class with a severe back pain that I described as a “Killer” pain since 1998! I started having insights about what I thought was the cause.
Suddenly when I figured out that this is truly the cause the pain just disappeared, boom just like at in seconds it disappeared, and I was so surprised in that moment.
Later on that day i did the release exercise and fell asleep straight away. I woke up the next day so refreshed and as my colleagues say my face was brighter and youthful.

Fatemah S, Kuwait

"4 years of Chronic Fatigue syndrome gone"

WGoing through this process with Karina relieved me entirely of the chronic fatigue syndrome and since I have done it I feel like a live wire. All my energy has come back, I am literally buzzing with energy and I feel like myself again.


"Lyme disease gone"

Karina helped me for around one year to overcome my chronic Lyme disease and low energy levels. After the first few sessions, I had more energy for my kids and felt so much better physically and mentally.
This positive result was also shown in my blood results as my Lyme disease has vanished.
I highly recommend getting in touch with this honest and radiating positive healing practitioner.
Karina, thanks so much, for an amazing and delightful journey of my healing experience.

Kate P, London

"Spine straight and limp disappeared"

Karina has done what no other therapist, in the US or the UK, has been able to do in 34 years. My spine is straight, my limp has disappeared and my pain and stiffness are much reduced.
I originally contacted Karina in November, 2021. A car accident 34 years earlier had shifted my pelvis, causing me to limp and have constant pain on one side of my body. No therapist had been able to help me.
The result? I now use my leg and back muscles appropriately. My spine is straight, my limp has disappeared and my pain and stiffness are much reduced.
Thank you, Karina!

Thalassa Scholl, writer

"Airline Captain uses Karina’s audios"

Good evening Karina. Just to let you know I passed my command check and am now a fully fledged airline captain. Hasn't sunk in yet. Thanks to you and your online audio meditations. Worked a treat!

N.B, Airline Captain

"Moving out of trauma"

The session I had with Karina was the catalyst to find a way to help move me out of an enormous trauma. Karina’s reset techniques are the most powerful thing I have ever done and Karina personalised it for my situation

L. Goodman, Producer of “Shit to Sunshine” podcast

"It is on another level to anything else I have experienced

I have a therapy subscription service that I can call through my company. It is part of the wellbeing provision. The calls have been helpful and it was beneficial to talk. However, after each session with Karina I come away with life changing insights and tools. It is on another level to anything else I have experienced therapeutically. I can literally pinpoint huge changes in my life happening after each session with Karina. I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude.

I.R, Head of product development

"Best teacher I have come across in all my many years of healing"

Karina is the best teacher I have ever come across in all my many years of meditation and healing. She is an absolutely incredible healing practitioner. If you have the chance to have a session with her I highly recommend it. The energy is palpable, very relaxing and amazing!

Tyroon Win, Consultant at The London College of Psychic Studies

"Heals the practitioner and takes great care of them"

Karina caters wonderfully to such diverse groups. I believe this is the first training I have completed that heals the practitioner and takes great care of them, so they can help others. Wonderful!

Rosena Johnson, UK Clinical Lead Physiotherapist, UK Athletics Disability team for Paralympics

"Ukranian trauma"

As a Ukranian I believe without Karina’s Permission to Reset your Nervous System techniques I wouldn’t be able to keep calm. Even when events do occur I feel calm and relaxed inside

Anastasic C, Ukraine

"ME/CFS, depression and anxiety - most powerful 7 hours I have ever experienced."

This was one of the most powerful and resourceful 7 hours I have ever experienced. As someone who struggles with the symptoms of ME/CFS, depression, anxiety and being highly sensitive, Karina’s tools here made me feel so safe, capable and loving. Highly, highly recommend.

Sara Bazrielli, UK

"13 years of back pain gone"

I have just experienced a healing session with Karina. I dont really know how to descrive it but it has been absolutely amazing. I had left hip pain for 13 years after birthing my daughter and I was constantly in pain. Some days it would be really bad which would effect my walking too. After having the healing I have no pain there. I couldnt believe it myself but I literally have no pain. I feel energised as well and was feeling so good after it. Not to have pain is something I cant describe because when you suffer with pain all the time it drags you down. Today I woke up feeling like I could get on with what I was doing and not have to worry about it. Absolutely amazing!


"Anxiety - Psychotherapist doesn’t know any other technique that’s easier or more effective"

I’ve used Karina’s Permissioning and Transformation™ techniques to treat patients who are suffering from anxiety. I’ve seen it help alleviate mental stress very, very rapidly.I don’t know any other technique that’s easier or more effective.

Lisa Jennings, Former NHS Psychotherapist (now in private practice) & Nutritionist, London UK

"Trigeminal Neuralgia - staggering results"

In doing the Permissioning work with Karina I have experienced stunning physical and emotional results. I’ve had high levels of trigeminal neuralgia pain for 2 years. No medical interventions helped.
In just 2 sessions my consistent pain level is so low and on it’s way out. This is staggering. An unexpected benefit is the peace I feel inside.

Megan G, USA

"Panic attacks gone"

Karina, you have really held my hand and pulled me out of the deep pit I was in! I sincerely thank God for sending me such a caring and wonderful practitioner as Karina Grant!! My children laugh every time I mention your name to all my friends and family- they are fed up as I talk about you so much!!
Thank you again and I will be using this powerful technique for the future!

G.S, London

"Significant impact on health and wellbeing"

I have worked with many, many healers over the years, and Karina's permissioning work stands out for many reasons. First of all, she has an exceptional presence, even if it is just a voice on the phone. Her methods are straightforward and yet extremely deep. She engages you so that you are participatory in the work, and that involvement is fundamental for incorporating her techniques and approaches. She taught me her technique a few weeks ago and I have done it every single day since. This work is having a significant impact on my general health and well being. Healing modalities are highly personal, but I recommend Karina to everyone. If it is a fit, you'll know right away. I knew immediately.

Deborah Barlow, Artist, US

"Medication no longer needed after atrial fibrillation meds prescribed"

Following a period of intense stress my husband was prescribed a blood pressure medication, he stopped the meds after a few days due to adverse reactions including excruciating muscle pains, spasms and an elevated need for urination and fatigue, immediately on stopping the medication the pain and urination problem stopped but he was left with such fatigue he couldn't get out of bed and developed constant twitching in his muscles.
He was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (we can only assume caused by the meds as he does not have a heart condition) and prescribed more meds which he was told could be a lifelong prescription.
Once home I arranged for some healing sessions with Karina and the symptoms started reducing, the following week he had another ECG scan which was normal and he was told he no longer needed the medication. He feels like his old self and his blood pressure (which has always been bordering on the high side) is now within the normal range. This healing is remarkable, thank you Karina!

Sue Bryant, Bristol

"Pain free - bunions and back pain"

I came back to seek Karina’s help again due to ongoing pain on my lower back. I have a bulge on my second lowest disc and this has been giving me a lot of problems lately. I was in pain every day and my back was so weak that it felt like it was going to go at any time.
Karina had successfully helped me eight years ago with my bunions so I decided to ask for her help again.
I had four sessions with Karina this time round to help me with my current problem. I am now totally pain-free and my back feels much stronger!
Thanks to the healing, I can now do mundane things that I couldn’t do before without pain.I highly recommend Karina as she is incredibly talented and she has once again given me the healing needed to be pain-free!! Thank you Karina so much!!!

Marina Maccormack, Teaching Assistant England

"From hardly able to walk to pain vanishing"

Over 3 years ago I had constant problems with my ankles and feet. Finally, it got to a level where I could hardly walk anymore. I found out about Karina’s healing on the internet. After starting my healing sessions with Karina, my healing and improvements happened quickly. The pain and discomfort in my ankles and feet went away, and my whole body felt so much more flexible. What a wonderful feeling it was! I had not felt like this for ages.
After 3 or 4 sessions with Karina, my problems simply vanished. It has been one year since our sessions and there is still no discomfort in my feet. This is so amazing! I was really lucky to find Karina and her excellent healing techniques. She can really work miracles!

Soili, Helsinki, Finland

"Pain gone after 5 minutes"

I had some pain in my hips and Karina gave me just a few minutes of healing. To my astonishment, within just a few minutes my pain had gone! Some people may or may not believe that this has happened, but it did!
I am learning the second course now with Karina and would highly recommend Karina’s workshops.
She has a very relaxed and respectful attitude towards all her participants and she is always smiling. Many thanks, Karina

R.P Dr’s GP Practice Manager, London