Eternal Beauty
Freedom from the False Beauty Matrix

Watch or Listen to Hillary's BEAUTIFUL Healing Session Below

Shatter the Illusion so You Can Step into Your Radiant Sovereignty

eternal beauty

The False Beauty Matrix:

Do you feel overwhelmed by the constant pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards? 

Are you tired of feeling like you're never enough, no matter how hard you try? 

You're not alone. The false beauty matrix is a pervasive web of societal projections, programs, and collective mind control that leaves too many women feeling inadequate and blinded to their true beauty.

This matrix creates gray/brown energy in your energy field, blocking you from seeing and appreciating your own unique radiance. 

It's time to break free from the false beauty matrix and reclaim your power.

It’s Time to Dismantle the Beauty Facade

Hillary Faye’s  "Eternal Beauty: Freedom from the False Beauty Matrix" is designed to help you unplug from the societal conditioning and energetic blocks that keep you from recognizing and embracing your authentic beauty. 

Through powerful energetic clearings and healing elixirs, you'll dissolve the gray/brown energy and restore your ability to see and appreciate your radiant self.

Transformative Healing…

Guided by the loving presence of the Goddesses, you'll experience profound healing on multiple levels:

  • Energetic: Clear the blocks and stagnant energy that have been dulling your radiance
  • Emotional: Release self-judgment, comparison, and limiting beliefs around beauty
  • Physical: Rejuvenate your skin, body, and overall appearance with sacred healing frequencies
  • Spiritual: Reconnect with your eternal essence and the wisdom of your soul

Hillary’s Clients LOVE Her Work!

“I can only describe the delivery of this program and all the heart you put into it as poetic movement through ascension.  For me it was a Magical Mystery Tour that put me on a path of alignment with my true self and for this, I am eternally grateful.” - Lucy W
"Hillary is a wealth of knowledge, love and an inspiration to everyone who gets the chance to learn from her." - Angela Brutto
"Hillary has been my guide and my greatest teacher of all. She helped me start living the life of my dreams!" - Sara Sanguino
This program changed my life! I feel the best I felt in decades! I am channeling the most powerful healing energy I've ever felt!” - Elliot C .

The Catalyst

 Hillary Faye, Your Guide to Breaking Free and Embodying Radiant Sovereignty

Hillary Faye is an Intuitive Healer, Teacher and Mentor for healers who has devoted over 21 years to the path of awakening and healing. She has guided, trained and certified over 3,000 heart-centered energy healers. Through her life-long dedication to deep inner work and learning how to love herself unconditionally, she turned her past trauma into transformation and now holds space for others to do the same. Hillary’s passion is to help others recognize and embody the beauty of their eternal essence. 

She channels healing transmissions and ascension teachings from her guides including the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Kuan Yin, Mary Magdalene and the Fairy Queen Council amongst others. Hillary has been a teacher of teachers and a trainer of healers for over a decade. 

She is the creator of the Awaken Love Registered Yoga School and multiple intuitive healing certification programs, including The Crystal Chamber Galactic Healers Academy. 

These programs support people in awakening and empowering their gifts. Hillary channels vast soul knowledge and unconditional love into everything she offers and is holding space for you to reclaim and radiate your organic beauty.

Discover the Treasures Within: A Journey to Radiant Sovereignty

This is an opportunity to embark on a liberating journey of rediscovering and embodying your soul's radiance. Eternal Beauty offers a sacred sanctuary designed for women who are ready to embrace their true essence and radiate their unique beauty from within.

From Athena's liberating elixirs of freedom to Mother Mary's nurturing transmission of forgiveness and the compassionate healing of the inner critic with Kuan Yin, every moment is dedicated to unraveling the layers of societal conditioning to reconnect you with your true divine gorgeous beingness.

Step into the etheric retreats and sacred temples of the divine feminine, where you'll be immersed in the loving presence of Kuan Yin, Aphrodite, Athena, Hathor, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene. With the support of the goddesses, you will release the weight of judgments from yourself and others to reclaim the eternal beauty of your soul within every cell of your body. 

Dive into the depths of your true divine nature as you clear ancestral programming and societal norms that no longer serve your highest good. 

These six professionally recorded audios activate a profoundly sacred ceremony within the goddess's sacred temple, where you bathe in the light elixirs and receive a powerful clearing custom-calibrated specifically for you.

Free yourself from the societal matrix of beauty standards that leaves too many women blinded to how beautiful they truly are. 

These false matrixes create grey/brown energy in the energy field and can block you from seeing your own beauty and the beauty all around you.  

Unplug and clear projections and programs from those around you as well as any collective mind control or hypnosis. 

Guided by the ancient wisdom and gentle, loving presence of the divine feminine, you will align with the truth of your beauty that lies within the wisdom of your heart and lives forever within your eternal light body. 

Are you ready to activate the eternal beauty that lives within you?

Soulful Radiance Bonus Bundle



Soulful Radiance Bonus Bundle: Rejuvenate, Ground and Glow + 30 Days Remote Healing


  1. Breathwork for deep sleep and radiance
  2. Yogic Practice for a Youthful Glow 
  3. The Divine Mother Meditation helps you feel cherished, loved and accepted. As women we tend to be hard on ourselves and think that we always need to be in giving mode, mothering everyone around us. This meditation guides you to open your receptivity so you can take in nourishment from the divine feminine
  4. The Love Consciousness Activation is designed to support you in grounding. When we connect to the Earth it helps us feel safe and supported in opening to the flow of Universal love
  5. BRAND NEW JUST ADDED: 30 Days Remote Healing with Hillary. Every day for 30 days, Hillary will tune into the group energy field and channel high-vibrational healing frequencies to support your transformation. This remote healing will help to dissolve any residual patterns, beliefs, or energetic imprints that are keeping you tethered to the old paradigm.

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You missed out!

Join Hillary on this Sacred Journey to Embody the Gorgeous Radiance of Your Soul!

These six professionally recorded MP3s with binaural beats and solfeggio frequencies will activate a profoundly sacred ceremony within the goddess's sacred temple, where you bathe in the light elixirs and receive a powerful clearing custom-calibrated specifically for you.

Audio 1: Athena's Light Elixirs of Freedom (MP3)- Click to read more

From the societal matrix of beauty, projections and programs

Unplug from the matrix of cookie-cutter beauty standards that are constantly changing and are based on false programs. Goddess Athena will liberate you from this false matrix and give you the strength to shine the light of your soul's eternal beauty as your organic self. The pillars of light from Goddess Athena’s temple will dissolve matrix programming and surround you with divine protection. Receive the liquid light elixir of three blue crystalline essences that will bring you clarity and tranquility as you experience the bliss of liberation.

Audio 2: Mother Mary's Healing Elixirs of Forgiveness (MP3) -Click to read more

Of conditioning and programs from people in your life

You may have experienced people attempting to pass on their programs or judgments about how you should look. This healing activation will fill you with Mother Mary’s light of forgiveness to dissolve any false stories that have made you feel less than your best self. You will enter the retreat of Mother Mary which holds the waters of the healing flame as you receive the specific frequencies that will clear any narratives you may have taken on from others that do not vibrate with your truth.

Audio 3: Kuan Yin's Compassionate Healing Elixirs (MP3) - Click to read more

For the parts of you, that judge or criticize yourself 

There may be a part of you such as the inner judge or inner critic that has been programmed to believe you are not good enough. Through parts therapy and inner self work, we'll call upon the boundless compassion of Kuan Yin to dissolve self-judgment and awaken your innate sense of love and acceptance. Immerse yourself in the etheric sanctuary of Kuan Yin as the part of you that struggled with judgement receives a profound healing elixir made of unconditional love, flower frequencies and crystal essences.

 Audio 4: Radiant Skin Glow with Goddess Aphrodite (MP3) - Click to read more

Receiving the eternal light of your soul for healing and loving your skin

Immerse yourself in Aphrodite's temple of light as you experience soul-healing for your skin. The divine presence of Aphrodite and the fairy queens rejuvenate and restore your radiant glow using rose essences and sacred crystals. Every cell in your skin will be infused with custom light coded quantum frequencies to bring love and healing into any skin concerns you may have. Melt into a crystal tub as you invite your soul’s light to shine and emanate through your skin.

Audio 5: Body Temple Acceptance with Goddess Hathor (MP3) - Click to read more

Rejuvenate and embrace the temple that houses your soul with celestial cosmic light 

Embrace your body as the temple of your soul and let the light of Hathor’s temple in Dendera surround you. Hathor's temple holds the wisdom of the twelve zodiac signs and the light of these twelve star constellations will enter your physical body providing cosmic rejuvenation and crystalline DNA activation. A special elixir will be prepared to bring deeper acceptance and transformation into a part of your body that you may have struggled to embrace. Embody the fullness of your divine cosmic essence in all of its beauty

Audio 6: Beauty Restoration with Mary Magdalene (MP3)- Click to read more

Crystalline liquid light and rose essence elixirs to rejuvenate your beauty with the eternal light of your soul

Bask in the crystalline light of Mary Magdalene as she supports you to restore your eternal beauty. Through the frequencies of the blue rose and the custom-calibrated healing elixirs, you will embody the divine feminine and radiate love and wisdom to all beings.

Organic Beauty Playbook (PDF)- Click to read more

Powerful PDF playbook with specific journal prompts to help you unwind the programming and embrace and enjoy your unique everlasting beauty. 

Personal Session Add on Available!

For those feeling the call to dive even deeper into unleashing their eternal beauty and embodying their divine essence, Hillary is thrilled to offer a limited number of personal 1-on-1 sessions.

In these profound 30-minute sessions, Hillary will work with individuals to identify and release any specific blocks or limiting beliefs that are keeping them tethered to the false beauty matrix. She will tune into their unique energy field and channel personalized guidance, healing frequencies, and activations to support their transformation.

Whether someone is grappling with body image issues, self-worth challenges, or feeling stuck in old patterns, these sessions will provide them with targeted support to help them break free and step into their radiance. Hillary will also explore how they can embody their eternal beauty in their daily life and show up as a beacon of the Divine Feminine.

These 1-on-1 sessions are a sacred space for individuals to be seen, heard, and supported in their journey. They will receive channeled insights, practical tools, and a potent transmission of love from Hillary to help them access their innate wisdom and reclaim their power.

Hillary is offering these sessions at a special rate of $220 for a limited time.

There are only a handful of spots available, so for those who feel called to work with her privately, it's encouraged to claim a session now.

Begin Your Liberating Voyage Today and Save $100!

Are you ready to shatter the illusions of the false beauty matrix and step into your radiant sovereignty? 

Now is the perfect time to step foot on this life-changing odyssey. 

As a special offer, when you enroll in "Eternal Beauty: Freedom from the False Beauty Matrix" today, you'll receive a $100 discount on your journey to authentic beauty and self-discovery.

By clicking the button below, you'll gain instant access to:

  • Powerful energetic clearings to dissolve blocks and limiting beliefs 
  • Goddess transmissions to awaken your inner beauty and divine feminine power 
  • Sacred ceremonies to release the past and embrace self-love and acceptance 
  • Radiance activation practices to nurture your authentic beauty from the inside out 
  • A supportive community of women on the path to breaking free from the false beauty matrix 
  • Practical guidance to integrate your newfound radiance into your daily life

Plus, with the $100 discount, you'll be making an investment in yourself and your transformative journey at an unbeatable value.

Don't miss this opportunity to break free from the false beauty matrix and unveil your radiant self at a reduced price. 

Click the button below to enroll now and claim your $100 discount. 

Your liberating voyage awaits!

eternal beauty

Join Hillary on this Sacred Journey to Embody the Gorgeous Radiance of Your Soul!



Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

30 Days as per TLRS policy. Check our full refund policy here

Stories of Transformation

“I was so down before I started using these MP3s. I was no longer able to channel or feel connected, and I felt walloped by heavy energy. The amount that was cleared through these MP3s absolutely astonished me. I am channeling divine messages again. I highly recommend this program for anyone who feels the need for support with clearing and protection.”

Jennifer B.

“I now understand my energy body and walking around with the seven layers of protection is the most incredible feeling. I went from being so drained to feeling energized and strong.”

John E.

“Hillary’s teachings are filled with love as she guides you with an open heart into the magic of healing arts. Her toolbox is packed with broad knowledge and her love and passion for energy healing and passing the knowledge are mesmerizing. Her classes are filled with love and compassion, while she teaches you how to connect with the Source, how to heal and be healed.”

Alma P.

“This program changed my life! I feel the best I felt in decades! I love falling asleep to the healing transmission MP3s. They are also amazing to do in the morning! It's the most powerful healing energy I've ever felt!”

Elliot C.

"I feel my true energy again. I feel protected. My digestion is the best it's been and I no longer have any anxiety. This program is a Godsend!”

Valerie F.

eternal beauty

Join Hillary on this Sacred Journey!



Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

30 Days as per TLRS policy. Check our full refund policy here

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.