Nervous System Regeneration
Activate the Arcturian Crystal Chambers for Rapid  

& PERMANENT Healing!

Watch Hillary's Live Healing Session Below!

Are you feeling a bit off-balance lately?

Maybe you're experiencing stress, anxiety, or brain fog?

Or perhaps you've been dealing with health issues, digestive problems, or frequent illness?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's time to give your nervous system the support and healing it needs.

Introducing the Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers - the most advanced frequency technology in our galaxy.

The Arcturians are a collective of loving and joyful, multi-dimensional star beings who want to help us realign and balance our nervous systems.

And with Hillary Faye's Nervous System Regeneration program, you can activate the Arcturian Crystal Chambers for rapid, permanent healing starting TODAY!

Tap Into Your Body's Natural Healing Abilities by Immersing Yourself into the Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers!

This program includes six healing activation MP3's that anchor in the frequency of the Arcturian Crystal Chambers and provide powerful healing for your nervous system.

You'll experience a rejuvenating transformation physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.

By activating the Arcturian Crystal Chambers, you'll feel deeper peace, expansiveness, safety, calm, vitality, and connection.

You'll be able to release old patterns and blockages, allowing your nervous system to function at its optimal level.

It's like hitting the reset button on your entire being!

How is this possible?

The Arcturians are responding to humanity’s call for deep healing and want to help us realign and balance our nervous systems.

The Arcturians are a collective of loving and joyful, multi-dimensional star beings from the Bootes star constellation with 9th to 12th dimensional consciousness.

They are the MOST ADVANCED extraterrestrial civilization in our Milky Way Galaxy, with the highest harmonic crystal frequency chambers.

Boost Your Vitality, Release Blockages and More with the Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers!

“I felt much relief from the low back pain and SI joint pain I have been experiencing over the past few months.” - Thomas S
"No amount of chiro or physio has helped as much as the blue healing crystal chamber light from the Arcturians!" - Julie B.
"I have not felt like myself for so long, I always felt blocked, stressed and pressured and I feel more energy and joy than I have in years. I actually feel relaxed. This program is priceless!" - Brooke G.
"My body feels lighter, my anxiety is lower! I feel better than I have in a while. I thank you so much for all that you have brought into my life. You have been a blessing to me!” - Anne Marie
"The Arcturian Crystal Healing Chamber healings I have received from Hillary have taken my healing to a whole new level. In addition to dancing for the first time since injuring my knee a few months ago, I have experienced a flood of energy, creativity, spiritual peace, and cleared blockages to receiving!” - Dorey

The Catalyst

 Hillary Faye, Your Guide to Breaking Free and Embodying Radiant Sovereignty

Hillary Faye has been a teacher of teachers for over a decade.

Through years of deep inner healing and learning how to love herself unconditionally, she turned her past trauma into transformation and now holds space for others to do the same.

For over 18 years Hillary has dedicated her life to the path of healing and has now taught and trained over a thousand heart-centered alchemists, yoga and meditation teachers, energy healers, and intuitive coaches.

Hillary channels the Arcturians and calls down their Crystal Healing Chamber frequencies to support the highest healing of your nervous system.

The Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers will come to you to offer you one of the most profound and life-changing healings.

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for THIS WEEK only


30 Days Remote Healing with Hillary


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Every day for 30 days, Hillary will tune into the group energy field and channel high-vibrational healing frequencies to support your transformation. This remote healing will help to dissolve any residual patterns, beliefs, or energetic imprints that are keeping you tethered to the old paradigm.

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Here are the Crystal Chamber Healings you will receive:

Crystal Chamber Healing # 1: Parasympathetic NS Reset- Click to read more

This healing session will activate your ability to feel safe within your body so that your nervous system can receive the peace of parasympathetic mode. This mode is where you soften into the oneness of unity consciousness that is the fifth dimension. While being held in the purest harmonic frequency of the crystal chamber, supported by the Crystal Chamber Masters, you will receive the specific frequencies that you need for your highest healing. This audio healing session will help you unwind anything that is keeping your nervous system feeling tightly wound. It will also help you release energetic blockages within your digestive system.

This is the healing audio that you can come back to any time you are feeling stressed, pressured, overwhelmed, anxious, uptight, or frustrated. When listening, the Crystal Healing Chamber will activate around you and you will receive the deepest healing frequencies, custom calibrated for your needs.

This crystal healing chamber session is designed to strengthen your parasympathetic nervous system so you can spend more time living with deeper ease.

Every aspect of this healing audio, including the solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats, is designed to help you soften into the sweetest relaxation where you will heal, revitalize and reconnect to the expansive love within and all around you.

Crystal Chamber Healing # 2: Sympathetic NS Recalibration -Click to read more

This healing session is a powerful recalibration of your sympathetic nervous system, which is the mode that allows you to get up and go.

The sympathetic nervous system mode is the fear response, which is important for survival. When it is overactive, it can lead you feeling either shut down and wanting to hide, or feeling the need to fight and defend yourself. 

We honor this sacred mode of the nervous system, which is the fight or flight response that activates our survival instinct and the ability to run away, freeze, or defend ourselves when necessary.

The Arcturian Temple Masters will help you strengthen this system and release lifetimes of fear and stress so you can respond with clarity when needed and recognize reactions and triggers as an invitation to heal. 

Strengthening the sympathetic nervous system and recalibrating it will also help you have more energy, vitality, and focus.

Crystal Chamber Healing # 3: Vagus Nerve Recalibration - Click to read more

The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve and is the information highway between the brain, the body, and organs.

The vagus nerve is a vital part of the nervous system because it is responsible for the regulation of internal organs, breath, and heart rate.

When the vagus nerve is out of balance, it throws the breath and heart rate out of coherence and can cause chronic pain and mental imbalances. The Arcturians want to help you upgrade this crucial component of your nervous system.

This Crystal Healing Chamber session will bring the blue Arcturian light into the vagus nerve as you are guided to soften and relax more deeply than ever before.

You will be guided to anchor the light of safety into the brain, vagus nerve, heart, and lungs so that you can unwind years' worth of anxiousness and return to heart coherence, experiencing full body balance.

 Crystal Chamber Healing # 4: Relationship Sensitivity Healing - Click to read more

Sometimes the stress of others and the emotional highs and lows can trigger our nervous system and the energy can get stuck.

This Arcturian Crystal Healing Chamber session is all about releasing other people's emotional energies from your nervous system. Anchor the harmonic light of the Crystal Chamber Frequency to protect and strengthen your nervous system, reduce hypersensitivity, and hold safety while dealing with other people’s emotional states.

This is a deep healing of emotional abuse or abuse in general that your nervous system may be holding onto. Strengthen your ability to hold space for yourself and others during emotionally intense moments without absorbing the emotional energy of others.

Crystal Chamber Healing #5: Healing the roots of emotional pain - Click to read more

The nervous system is part of your emotional body and this healing will go to the roots of any emotional pain or trauma that you have been storing in your nervous system and/or physical body. The harmonic Crystal Chamber light codes will enter the roots of the cellular debris where emotional pain has been held.

This is a healing activation you can return to anytime you want powerful light held for whatever emotions may be arising within you or anytime that you are feeling triggered by emotional pain.

The Crystal Temple Masters will use the frequency of compassion to help unwind and rejuvenate your nervous system and emotional body in the most loving way.

Crystal Chamber Healing #6: Somatic Nervous System Healing- Click to read more

Healing the roots of physical pain

The somatic nervous system is part of your nervous system that stretches throughout every part of your body. It allows you to move and control all of your muscles.

This session is designed to anchor the exact healing frequencies that you need to bring deeper healing into every cell of your body. Release inflammation and ease pain with the Arcturian blue healing light to support your body and return to homeostasis.

Buy Now for lifetime access to the deeply restoring 6 Arcturian Crystal Chamber Nervous System Regeneration Audios.


Sunday, October 20 at 1 pm EST

Experience a 90-minute group healing transmission live on Zoom with Hillary Faye for nervous system healing within the Arcturian Crystal Chambers.

During this live healing activation, you will be immersed in the crystalline liquid light of the Crystal Chambers as the Arcturian Master Healers work with the blue healing light and the violet flame light to support all aspects of your nervous system, including the...

  • Parasympathetic NS Reset

  • Sympathetic NS Recalibration

  • Vagus Nerve Recalibration

  • Healing Relationship Sensitivity

  • Addressing emotional pain at its roots

  • Somatic Nervous System Healing

You will have lifetime access to the 90-minute healing transmission replay after the live event.

Feel free to revisit it whenever you need to rejuvenate your nervous system and overall well-being.

Fast Track to Vitality: Embrace the Arcturian Healing Experience and Claim Your Exclusive Bonus Now!

Are you struggling with constant stress, anxiety, or persistent health issues that seem to hold you back? 

It's time to embrace a profound healing journey with the Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers. 

Discover the unparalleled benefits of this revolutionary program, designed to provide rapid and permanent healing for your nervous system. Experience rejuvenation, emotional balance, and a renewed sense of vitality, allowing you to reset and transform your life completely.

Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity—tap into the power of the Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers today!

Join Nervous System Regeneration!



Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

30 Days as per TLRS policy. Check our full refund policy here

Realign and Balance Your Nervous System by Entering the Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers Today!

“I have now had the opportunity to take 2 courses with Hillary…and I can say is that she must have arrived on a golden chariot from God… I feel so blessed by her presence in my life. She teaches with the knowledge of a Scholar, the patience of a Saint, the compassion of an Angel, the Joy of the inner Child, and the authenticity of being Human… I cannot sing her praises enough.
I feel so much support and unconditional love from her, as I integrate the material I have been able to learn both in my personal and professional life. Because of the highest consciousness that she holds, the integrity and commitment she brings to all that she does is an inspiration. Thank you, Hillary, from the fullness of my heart and the brightest place in my spirit, for all that you are, and the gifts you are generously giving to the world!”

Bethany C.

“This is going to be such a powerful course! Hillary is a loving and nurturing woman, true teacher devoted to uplifting humanity and such a powerful mystic. If you can treat yourself or someone else with this course it will be one of the most delightful, magical and transformational journeys ever taken. Recommending from my heart.”

Anita S.

“You are an incredible Master Teacher, Lightworker, Goddess guiding us all into mastery. Love you so much.”

Maida H

“You’ve been such an important teacher for me this past year. You taught me how to tap into knowing I am divinely supported, protected, and guided always. Thank you! This is going to be a truly magical experience.”

Michelle S.

"I’ve done many of Hillary’s courses and I’m also signed up for this one. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND y’all participate. Hillary is next level. The content she shares and the powerful guided visualizations he facilitates are truly healing on the cellular level.”

Allison G.

"I love you SO much!!! You serve from such an angelic and unconditionally loving heart!!! Everything you create and teach is purely miraculous!!!”

Nancy PL

Join Hillary In Nervous System Regeneration!



Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

30 Days as per TLRS policy. Check our full refund policy here

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.