Bioenergetic Rejuvenation
Radiant Hormonal Health for Lasting Vitality

Revitalize Your Hormones, Reclaim Your Energy and Passion for Life

Are you struggling with relentless fatigue, maddening mood swings, brain fog, and a sluggish metabolism that won't budge no matter what you try? 

If you feel like your hormones are totally out of whack and destroying your quality of life, then keep reading...

The Surprising Hormone Disruption Wreaking Havoc on Your Body and Mind

bioenergetic rejuvenation

Hormone imbalances affect a shocking 80% of women at some point in their lives. 

And the debilitating symptoms are endless - unexplained weight gain, low libido, anxiety, insomnia, menopause miseries, digestive issues, chronic health problems and more.

Yet this modern hormonal crisis remains dangerously underestimated and poorly treated. 

Traditional protocols just mask surface effects with risky drugs and synthetic hormones, failing to address the root energetic causes.

But what if you could restore your entire hormonal ecosystem to youthful vitality...from the inside out, naturally, and without any drugs or invasive treatments?

Introducing Bioenergetic Rejuvenation -
The Energetic Healing Solution to Harmonize Your Hormones and Reset Your Body's Vitality

Through the power of vibrational energy frequencies, this revolutionary program by Kari Alajoki targets and revitalizes EVERY aspect of your hormonal health. 

Unlike conventional approaches, it doesn't just treat isolated hormones… 

Instead, it addresses the entire hormonal "symphony" within you at the deepest energetic level.

The Complete, Whole-Body Approach to Radiant Hormone Balance

Using a series of 17 encoded frequency formulas, Bioenergetic Rejuvenation awakens, detoxifies and re-harmonizes your body's key hormone producers, including your:

  • Hypothalamus and pituitary (regulating metabolism, growth, sexual function and more)
  • Thyroid and thymus (boosting metabolism and immunity)
  • Pineal gland (enhancing sleep, stress resilience and serenity)
  • Pancreas and liver (optimizing nutrient absorption and insulin levels)
  • Ovaries/testes and adrenal glands (balancing estrogen, progesterone, testosterone)

As you listen to the vibrational audios...

You'll feel stagnant hormonal patterns dissolving as vital communication pathways throughout your body's control centers reignite from the cellular level.

More importantly, these frequency transmissions address the ROOT energetic blockages and distortions that caused the imbalances to begin with.

Imagine hitting the "restore" button on your entire hormonal ecosystem!

Feel-Good Hormonal Balance, Infinite Energy and Vibrant Health

Both women and men have experienced life-changing results from this natural frequency program, including:

  • Unstoppable, lasting energy and zest for life all day long
  • Effortless, responsive metabolism to release stubborn weight
  • Emotional evenness, optimism and enhanced mood)
  • Libido and passion reignited to youthful levels
  • Glowing, radiant skin and thick, luscious hair
  • Sounder, more rejuvenating sleep through the night
  • Mental clarity, focus and productivity skyrocketing
  • PMS, menopause, PCOS and other issues harmonized
  • Regaining confidence, vibrancy and feeling like "yourself" again

Just look at the profound transformations previous participants have experienced:

"I've tried every hormone treatment, but this was the first time I felt balanced, vibrant and fully energized again. It's like my body hit the reset button!" - Rachel M.
"The brain fog and fatigue plaguing me for years dissolved within the first few weeks. Now I actually wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day!" - Jasmine L.
"This has been an answer to my prayers. After years of treatment-resistant PCOS, my cycles are now regular and my metabolic issues have finally resolved." - Trisha K.
"I've never felt so calm yet energized at the same time. I'm back to being the fun, positive person I used to be before all the hormonal chaos." - Grant N.
“My skin looks younger, less wrinkles.” ~ Silvia
“I sleep better and it is easier to wake up.” ~ Annete
“My skin in general, my face, and skin of the body look healthier, younger, and even wrinkles in my face disappeared.” ~ Carol H.
“When menopause hit me, I woke up one morning and I felt like I didn’t know who I was in my body. Things were different, my body felt different. Doing this program, it felt like I was back.” ~ Theresa C.
“Wow, my sex drive has dramatically changed. It’s like these mp3’s are an aphrodisiac).” ~ Rachael
“My blood sugar levels are more stable. I sleep much better.” ~ AS
“I am excited that I have lost weight ( about 7 lbs), and it continues to slowly release. Sugar cravings have lessened as has my craving for coffee and carbs.” ~ Lynn A.
“I have lost 10 lbs since beginning this program with ease, and in a gentle way that feels more ‘real’.” ~ Rachael

The Catalyst

 Kari Alajoki, The Rejuvenation Expert Behind Bioenergetic Rejuvenation

Years ago, Kari Alajoki set out to transform her life amidst the overwhelm of raising a family while navigating personal health challenges. This search led her to immerse herself in the studies of mind-body science, transformational coaching, and quantum energetic healing.

Through this journey of self-exploration, Kari connected with her innate ability to intuitively guide others on their path toward true wholeness. Her own transformational experiences and extensive training allowed her to emerge as a confident healer, coach and supportive mentor.

Today, Kari's mission is to help you achieve wellness again through her pioneering quantum restorative energy approach.

Revitalize Every Aspect of Your Life With Optimized Hormone Balance

When you restore your body's hormonal equilibrium through Bioenergetic Rejuvenation, you'll experience comprehensive upgrades to your overall health, vitality and wellbeing...

  • Weight Liberation and A Metabolism That Works For You: Say goodbye to punishing diets and intense workouts with little payoff. As your hormones like leptin, ghrelin, insulin and thyroid levels realign, you'll restart your metabolism to release stubborn fat with ease. You'll feel light, energetic and confident in your body again.
  • Endless Energy and A Renewed Zest For Life: No more dreading that afternoon energy crash or feeling constantly depleted. Balanced hormones like cortisol, DHEA and pregnenolone will have you radiating youthful vigor from morning till night. You'll wake up refreshed and motivated to conquer each new day. 
  • Reclaimed Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance: Kiss overwhelming brain fog, mood swings and anxiety goodbye as your GABA, serotonin, estrogen and progesterone harmonize. You'll feel clearheaded, optimistic and in control of your emotions again with limitless focus and inner calm.
  • Enhanced Intimacy and A Rekindled Spark: From balancing estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels to promoting nitric oxide production, your sex hormones will be optimized. You'll rediscover your confidence, desire and passion for a more fulfilling intimacy.
  • Glowing, Radiant Health Inside and Out: From revitalizing your thyroid and growth hormone levels to regulating oil production and skin elasticity, your balanced hormones will restore your youthful glow. You'll look and feel vibrant from your lustrous hair and skin to your refreshed energy levels.
  • Deep, Restorative Sleep Through the Night: Excessive melatonin, cortisol and thyroid fluctuations disrupting your sleep will be harmonized for sound, rejuvenating rest each night. You'll wake energized with clarity instead of grogginess.

With this energetic, inside-out approach to TOTAL hormone optimization, you'll reclaim unshakable wellbeing from EVERY angle of your being.

EVERY aspect of your life will transform as you experience the limitless vigor of hormonal vitality.

Here's Everything You'll Receive to Restore Radiant Hormonal Balance and Boundless Vitality:

16 MP3s - Click to read more

  1. 1
    Energetic Pathways Release MP3: Release the energetic elements such as attachments, negative emotional connections, and group energies that are keeping your hormones and hormone receptors from functioning as they should.
  2. 2
     Hypothalamus Support: Restore hormone receptors on the cell membrane for full function of the Hypothalamus, which is the body’s secret command center. 
  3. 3
    Pituitary Primer: Restore your pituitary to wholeness for improved production of HGH (human growth hormone) while you sleep, which de-ages you and significantly declines as you get older, and of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) so that your thyroid gland releases the hormones necessary for weight regulation.
  4. 4
    Thyroid Firestarter: Boost your metabolic engine, release depression, improve skin and hair, temperature regulation, and experience a return to balance in the thyroid.
  5. 5
    Thymus Restore: Restore the thymus function to reverse aging, return your body’s immune function to optimal levels, and relieve your body of chronic infection.
  6. 6
    Pineal Protector: Experience better sleep and a calmer environment around you when your pineal glands produce balanced hormones.
  7. 7
    Energetic Pathways Release: Open and clear energetic, mental, and emotional pathways that may be contributing to physical blockages and imbalances, particularly related to hormonal functioning.
  8. 8
    Progesterone & Adrenals: Support the rejuvenation and optimal functioning of Progesterone, a key player in your overall health, along with the adrenal gland hormones of cortisol and aldosterone through cellular cleansing and energy transmission. Here we are signaling these cells to ‘turn on’ and to function the way they are designed to.
  9. 9
    Estrogen: Support the restoration and optimal functioning of the hormone system through cellular cleansing and energy transmission, with a specific focus on balancing estrogen levels.
  10. 10
    Liver and Gut: Harmonize the hormones of your liver and gut that may be overlooked in traditional hormone therapies
  11. 11
    Pancreas and Insulin: Support the optimal functioning of the pancreas and promote healthy blood sugar balance through optimized insulin production and sensitivity.
  12. 12
    Fat: Support the release of excess energy and toxins stored in the fat by addressing hormones that are produced in the fat such as Leptin. When balanced, your fat will release the excess it is storing to become available energy or to be eliminated rather than stored.
  13. 13
    Pregnenolone: Stimulate the production and optimal functioning of Pregnenolone, the foundation of all steroid hormones, to promote a cascade of hormone balance throughout your entire body.
  14. 14
    Testosterone: Promote optimal production of Testosterone (one of the ‘big 4’ when it comes to hormones), a key player in blood sugar balance, muscle to fat ratio, and resilience against infection and disease, supports other hormones and functions of the body.
  15. 15
    Timeline Restore: Gentle energetic alignment of your hormonal timeline, from conception forward and addressing traumas such as circumcision, surgeries, and medical interventions.
  16. 16
    Energetic Supplements: Provide energetic support for your body’s natural hormone balancing process through a unique combination of nutrients, homeopathic elements, and guided energy transmission.

6 Group Live Group Sessions: May 7,  21, June 4, 18, July 2, 16 Time: 1 PM ET -Click to read more

  • Session 1: Tighten Loose Skin: Reclaim your skin’s vitality and repurpose the protein in loose skin to build a leaner, more muscle-toned you.
  • Session 2: Cravings, Appetite, and Trauma: Experience healing from cravings, uncontrollable appetite, uncomfortable gut issues, and memories of food-related trauma. Cultivate a fulfilling, peaceful relationship with food from a place of self-love.
  • Session 3: Ideal Weight Alignment: Express the perfect weight for you unrelated to society or family expectations. but guided by your unique inner wisdom. Release programming of weight gain that occurs with the onset of puberty and/or after pregnancy to express the true you. Activate ageless vitality with natural energetic techniques and the wisdom of Rhodiola and Actae Racemosa.
  • Session 4: Stem Cell Love: Feel a sense of amplified life in your body as you activate stem cells in your endocrine system and flood them with the frequencies of love.
  • Session 5: Receptor Restoration: Restore hormone receptors on the cell membranes so they can complete the tasks the hormones are telling them to do!
  • Session 6: Cellular Communication: Improve communication between cells so that all parts of your body work together with your newly balanced hormone levels.

90 Days of Remote Healing - Click to read more

Once a week for 90 days, Kari will hold space for everyone enrolled and send out the healing energies that the group needs the most. This could be anything! From releasing fears, limiting beliefs, and traumas, to energetic nutrients and homeopathic medicines such to help assist the body in releasing those energies and incorrect programs preventing you from healthy hormones.

COMMUNITY CHATClick to read more

On your Resource Page after enrollment, you will find a link to join the private Hormones Group where you will be able to share experiences, ask questions, and support each other as you go through this process of balancing hormones. Kari will update people here on her weekly remote transmissions, remind about the group calls (also via email), and share links to the downloads.

BONUS 1 : Letting Light Ignite MP3Click to read more

Restore your hormones with the energy of light. Your body innately knows the experience of peace vs not having peace.

BONUS 2: T3 (Thyroid Hormone) MP3Click to read more

Stimulate and optimize the production and conversion of T3, the thyroid hormone responsible for metabolism, energy levels, and overall well-being, through an energetic transmission. Many people do not have optimal levels of T3 because it is not properly converted from T4.

As your T3 levels harmonize, your body finds its natural rhythm, your metabolism burns efficiently, and your inner spark shines brighter than ever before.

BONUS 3: Parathyroid Restore MP3Click to read more

Posture improvement and a feeling of strength in your teeth and bones, better mobility and sleep.

(ONLY 10 LEFT!!!)
30 min 1:1 Private Session with Kari

In your 1-1 session, we will do a deep dive into the precursor to your hormone imbalance. Specific hormone based challenges and concerns can be addressed here to give a faster turnaround.

Your Hormones Are Holding You Back...
But You Don't Have to Stay Stuck

Let's face it - most of us know our hormones are out of whack on some level. 

Between the environmental toxins, nutrient-depleted foods, chronic stress, and disruptive technology we're exposed to daily...our delicate hormonal systems have taken a beating.

The problems stemming from hormonal imbalances seem to pile up:

  • Unexplained weight gain or inability to lose weight no matter what
  •  Energy levels tanked, constant fatigue and brain fog
  • Sleep troubles, insomnia or never feeling rested
  • Mood swings, anxiety, irritability or depression
  • Low sex drive, vaginal dryness or sexual dysfunction
  • Thinning hair, brittle nails, dry skin and accelerated aging
  • Infertility issues or menstrual cycle problems

And the long list of other maddening symptoms goes on and on...

Yet most people suffer in silence...

Simply accepting these issues as "normal" because pinpointing the culprit hormones is near impossible.

That's Where Kari's Bioenergetic Rejuvenation System Comes Into Play

Rather than trying to diagnose and treat each separate imbalance through trial-and-error...

This complete program harmonizes your ENTIRE hormonal blueprint from a cellular level.

By removing the emotional, physical and energetic blocks disrupting communication, while optimizing hormone production and receptor function...

You finally unlock the balanced hormonal flow your body and life have been craving.

Revitalize your mind, body and spirit as your unique hormonal expression is restored according to your body's blueprint, instead of following a one-size-fits-all approach.

Don't resign yourself to just "getting by" with dwindling vitality and well-being. 

You can rediscover your spark and passion for life when you achieve harmonious hormone balance!

Click the button below to begin your journey to total Bioenergetic Rejuvenation...
Before this special pricing and package expires!

bioenergetic rejuvenation

Bioenergetic Rejuvenation!

$397 $297

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after 90 days remote healing or group sessions begin (or 30 days, whichever is first)Check our full refund policy here

The Life-Changing Experiences of Those Who Achieved Hormonal Harmony

Skin Better, Brain Clearer, Deeper Sleep

The greatest gift so far is that I feel and perceive energy very clearly while I am listening to these beautiful music tracks. My brain is much clearer; improvement in communication and expressing in words what before was difficult and hard for me to formulate. There is more order in my head, therefore also in my thoughts. It is easier now to study new things.
I always sleep little hours because at night there is finally peace, silence, and most important, I don’t get interrupted. However, I did notice a change in the sleep quality, my body is much more relaxed in all positions, no back pain anymore or difficulty to find a “good position”. I sleep deeper and have clearer dreams and in the morning, I am fresher and well rested. Even if I get up for the bathroom, I fall asleep as soon as I return, and sometimes I even do not have to get up during the night at all.
My mood is more stable and lighter. I feel less angry and we have a more peaceful time together. What surprises me is that he is somehow accepting more easily the fact that I go into my room and dedicate myself to what is important for me. Before I had to fight every day for my space. This situation improved a lot. My skin looks younger, less wrinkles.

Silvia M.

"Sustained Energy, Balanced Sleep, and Reduced Hunger"

I feel a more sustained energy, not as tired, even when I have very long days I don’t seem to tank out. I feel like my temperature during sleep is not as bad. Not as overheated. I feel more balanced and not as hungry.

Marsha J.


I sleep better and it is easier to wake up. I continue to eat less. I feel satisfied with less food. I don’t have any food cravings between meals. I feel more in control, I don’t feel overwhelmed and I feel calm in general. I didn’t expect that for a change and I am happy about it. Thank you.



After listening to each single MP3 I feel uplifted and peaceful.
Since the first time listening to the “MP3 #1 Energetic Cleanse, I became able to feel, sense energy moving within my body and being present and alert while observing energy doing its work. It opened my inner senses. I am so grateful!
The skin of my fingernails have become more regular and look better. Before, the skin often got tears and certain nails grew irregularly, now they look nice and grow normally.
My skin in general, my face, and skin of the body look healthier, younger, and even wrinkles in my face disappeared. On my chin I had certain tiny hairs growing, which were strong and did really disturb me, now those are gone.
My sleep quality improved, I have more energy throughout the day until going to bed, even if I have slept only a few hours. And in the morning, I feel fresh to start a new day again. I don’t need to go to the bathroom every night anymore, now it happens that I sleep through to the morning more often.I am clearer in my mind, my memory has improved, I experience less procrastinating, and I am more present to myself and being in the NOW.

Carol H.


I felt more energetic and balanced. Felt more positive about being motivated to get things done.
When menopause hit me, I woke up one morning and I felt like I didn’t know who I was in my body. Things were different, my body felt different. Doing this program, it felt like I was back.
Energy and clarity was even better than before menopuase. I’ve felt more balanced. My body seems to be responding better to the changes that I am implementing. I feel more rested in the morning. I’m getting more REM sleep than I have before.

Theresa C.


I am more connected to my body’s wisdom about food. I eat less, this is what helped me to lower fat in my thighs. My digestion is good again. Digestion is soooooo much better!!!! What a great change. My belly is bloating less. My sleep is better and my energy levels too, even though since last week I need more sleep and napping. The hair loss is less than before. My lower back is not hurting anymore.
My legs are not as tight, I would say they are almost good.I don’t have uneasy legs anymore. l I feel much better, calmer and more centered. Thank you so much.

 Jody O.


I have noticed an improvement in vaginal itching, which I have had more than a few months. I have also noticed a significant amount of stress reduction. I recently got married and I expected to experience stress and wondered how I would manage it, however I was delightfully surprised to have very minimal stress, thanks to these MP3s. I also usually experience moderate period cramps on the second day of my cycle, with my last cycle I experienced very mild cramps without the use of any pain reliever!

Christy B.

"Lost weight and Inches, sleep better, more energy!"

My appetite has changed. I’m less hungry, eating less often and smaller portions too, and it starts to show. I’ve naturally lost a bit of weight and inches.I need significantly less food without the feeling of missing something. My blood sugar levels are more stable. I sleep much better since listening to this program, and I wake up refreshed which of course adds to having more energy.
As a beta tester, I listened to the audios at least once a day, but most of the times even twice, once in the morning and again once later in the day.
I am really happy with this program and can’t thank you enough for letting me take part in the betatest


"Lost 10bs, Sex drive up, husband estranged parents and brother healed"

Everything has improved! I’m happy. My husband is happy. Our intimate life is incredible. (Also wow, my sex drive has dramatically changed. It’s like these mp3’s are an aphrodisiac). Our home has such good energy. My husband has a healed relationship with his parents (they visit on the phone with him & they want to move closer to us to be near him—after 20+ years of an estranged relationship!). My husband also had a brother call him & apologize for actions from 15 years ago!! He has not visited with said brother for years, but he was so shocked & excited to see him call & want to seek forgiveness!
I have lost 10 lbs since beginning this program with ease, and in a gentle way that feels more ‘real’. Fast weight loss never really seems to stick for me.I noticed that my skin has been detoxing throughout this program, clearing out lots of skin issues and dramatically changing the deep line between my brows that I have had since I was young.


"20+ year insomnia way better, healing from stroke and blindness, hopeful"

I have been sleeping way better, where for 20+ years I’d pull all-nighters regularly due to insomnia. This is literally life-changing for me! I feel that my pineal gland is experiencing upleveling. Being able to sleep undoubtedly is allowing my body to heal from stroke and blindness. I have noticed a change in my shoulder pain-there has not yet been anything that has been able to help me in this area!
After listening to these mp3’s I have noticed that I am sensing at a greater level. I feel a strong connection to my intuition and I seem to communicate at a greater level. I’m feeling more hopeful, putting some things behind me, resolving life issues I’ve let slide, since doing the meditations/ mp3s.

Loreto D

"Pounds melting away, cravings and appetite shrink, brain fog cleared"

This beta program is the appetite shrinker I needed while having a relaxed listening system for my ears. Just popped my headphones, hit play, and let the soothing sounds get to me. It instantly calmed me down. My donut cravings have vanished, replaced by a newfound appreciation for vegetables. No more afternoon cookie cravings or late-night pizza binges.
Also, my brain fog cleared, replaced by a newfound clarity, all thanks to the program’s harmonious blend of audio, energy, and science. Pounds are starting to melt away, not from starving myself, but from finally eating what my body craved – real, delicious food.

Jeff B.

bioenergetic rejuvenation

Bioenergetic Rejuvenation!

$397 $297

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after 90 days remote healing or group sessions begin (or 30 days, whichever is first)Check our full refund policy here

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Life Reawakened has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.