The Soul Train Method

End the Struggle and Finally Clear Lifelong Blocks in Under 30 Minutes

Finally Demolish Every Roadblock Keeping You Stuck Using Just Your Imagination

the soul train method

Are you exhausted from trying so many approaches that promised freedom from your deepest struggles, only to stay stuck spinning your wheels?

Have you spent countless hours and money trying to analyze, understand, and resolve core issues and traumas from your past that keep sabotaging your growth?

What if there was a way to quickly clear lifelong blocks and open up new pathways for your life's greatest potential...without any complicated inner work, painful reliving of experiences, or even knowing the true origins of what's holding you back?

Introducing the Soul Train Method - Karin Davidson's pioneering system to leverage the vast creative power of your mind's eye for rapid and lasting transformation.

The Breakthrough You've Been Waiting For

Using a highly developed method combining energy work, her 35+ years of experience, and proven psychological principles, Karin can guide you to leverage your mind's eye in a way that...

Dissolves Root Causes and Core Blocks in Under 30 Minutes.

Whether you're struggling with money blocks, relationship issues, fears, self-sabotaging habits, lack of confidence, chronic conditions, or any other lifelong challenge...

The Soul Train Method allows you to leave all that behind and connect directly with the highest vision for your life so you can…

  • Eliminate Root Causes of Struggles in Under 30 Minutes
  • Break Through Money Blocks, Relationship Issues, Fears & More
  • No Reliving Traumas or Complex Inner Work Required
  • Holistically Align Your Entire Mind, Body & Spirit

No More Hitting Your head against the wall trying to figure it all out.

With this approach, there are:

  • No complicated steps to understand WHY you're struggling first
  • No rehashing or retraumatizing yourself by reliving difficult events
  • No having to identity every single root cause or energetic block

Instead, you simply relax and use your imagination to let your subconscious do the deep healing work for you through a guided experience.

Within minutes, you'll be able to energetically release years of built-up baggage, negative programming, and anything rendering you stuck.

And at the same time, you open up the pathways for integrating positive beliefs, expansive energy, and the highest blueprint for your awakened future self.

Best of all, once you learn this technique during Karin's immersive Soul Train program, you'll be able to apply it again and again to anything that arises on your journey.

The Soul Train Method’s Powerful Impact:

"My newfound sense of freedom makes my heart sing with joy" ~Justin S.
"I was so excited and blessed to see how easy it was to clear out this lifetime fear" ~ Jean P.
"The process is gentle, fun and so easy, I already have noticed a shift - this is big!" ~ Helga D.
"I have seen tremendous change from Karin’s healing methods" ~ Sasha K.
"The Soul Train Method was a remarkably powerful and comfortable way to clear an issue that I've been dealing with for a long, long time." ~ Carol P.
"Karin’s Soul Train helped me shift some of the biggest unconscious blocks of my life." ~ Stephanie

The Catalyst

Karin Davidson, Creator of the Soul Train Method

With over 35 years of experience and more than 7,000 client sessions under her belt, Karin Davidson has become a true master at helping people overcome their deepest limitations.

Certified in over 13 different modalities including hypnotherapy, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Reiki, and Emotrance, Karin was unsatisfied with conventional methods that required clients to relive painful traumas or even consciously remember the sources of their blocks.

Drawing upon her vast expertise, she developed the Soul Train Method - a pioneering system that leverages the profound imagination capabilities of the subconscious mind to clear root causes and imprint new empowering beliefs...all without having to understand or re-experience the original traumas.

As an EFT Certified Trainer of Trainers, co-author of EFT comprehensive training resources, and creator of methods like Prenatal Remodeling and Walls Into Doorways, Karin has helped thousands upgrade their lives by transcending previously unchangeable patterns.

Her Soul Train Method finally provides the missing key to rapidly and permanently dissolve lifelong limitations while activating your highest potential.

Unlock A New Universe of Possibility Within

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Soul Train Method is how Karin has developed a way to tap into your subconscious mind's ability to not just eliminate life-long blocks and negativity...

...but to actively INSTALL new empowering beliefs, qualities, and abilities directly from your highest self.

After your immersive experience, future-vision for yourself will feel vibrant, alive, inspired, and imprinted at the deepest levels of your psyche.

The possibilities for transformation are quite literally infinite through the artful use of your creative imagination.

Results You Can Expect

  • Break through money blocks, relationship patterns, lack of confidence, and any stubborn limitation with ease
  • Heal chronic imbalances, pain and conditions as you restore optimal energetic flow
  • Step into your highest calling and potential with profound clarity and inspired action
  • Permanently upgrade your outer reality to match the expanded inner landscape
  • And leave with a potent lifelong tool to apply this method to any future blocks

It's Time to Get Out of Your Own Way and Let Your Imagination Set You Free!

Karin has handcrafted three immersive Soul Train Program packages to allow you to experience this breakthrough method in the way that feels most supportive for you:

Choose Your The Soul Train Method

Package A:
The Soul Train Immersion

The Starter Package gives an immersive group experience with the recordings to continue using the Soul Train method independently.

LIVE Immersive Experience to Change Your Future - Click to read more

The 3.5 Hour LIVE Immersive Workshop Experience will:

  • Clear your subconscious resistance to how EASY changing your future can really be!
  • Teach you the “Your Soul Train” method for clearing the pathway to your goals once and for all
  • Demonstrate the Your Soul Train method LIVE with workshop attendees (you can be chosen!) to clear many of limiting beliefs and root causes all at once
  • Immerse you in a powerful collective experience of Your Soul Train to clear your personal blocks in the workshop with support
  • Provide you with a guided recording that you can use anytime you’d like to experience the benefits of Your Soul Train in the future
  • Leave you with a powerful mini-library of resources to continue to facilitate your understanding and how impactful Your Soul Train is for YOU

BONUS: Guided 1-2-3 Free Solution for Releasing Subconscious Resistance to Change: 


For a limited time, when you purchase any package, you’ll be gifted a powerful package of amplifying resources, including:

  • Guided meditation to overcome your subconscious mind’s resistance to the truth that change can be EASY
  • Bonus additional interview with Karin about her method Your Soul Train
  • Bonus live recorded demonstration of Your Soul Train with an actual client

Package B:

The Accelerator Package includes all of Package A plus adds one private session with Karin for more personalized clearing.

Accelerate Your Transformation With a Private Soul Train Session - Click to read more

The centerpiece of the Accelerator Package is a powerful 1-on-1 50-minute private session with Karin Davidson herself. During this personalized intensive, Karin will guide you through her signature Soul Train Method to blast through your biggest blocks and open the path to your highest potential.

In this private session tailored completely to you, you'll:

  • Work directly with Karin, the pioneering creator of the Soul Train Method, to quickly and powerfully clear away the subconscious barriers keeping you stuck
  • Get laser clarity on the real root causes underlying your struggles, patterns and limitations - no matter how long you've been trying to overcome them
  • Experience Karin's gift of "Divine Access" as she tunes into the core issues holding you back, without you having to relive or rehash painful memories
  • Journey through a profound guided visualization tailored to dissolve your specific blocks using the transformative power of your imagination
  • Anchor in the profound shifts and energetic upgrades through Karin's proven process for embedding positive results directly into your subconscious mind

With her 35+ years of experience facilitating thousands of life-changing sessions, Karin's mastery in personally guiding you through the Soul Train Method is unparalleled. This private intensive provides the acceleration, clarity and expert support to blast through previous roadblocks.

After your 50-minute private Soul Train session with Karin, you'll emerge from the experience feeling lighter, freer and realigned with your highest path and potential. No longer weighed down by self-limiting patterns, you'll have an open road to manifesting the life you've been working towards.

BONUS: The Quantum Switch Manifesting Audio : 

  • Empower you to open NEW pathways to your highest potential

  • Enable you to switch timelines to get on that path to what you desire

  • Tap you into your the true possibility of your best and highest potential

  • Embody your most authentic, soul-aligned self to create limitless possibilities

Package C:

The VIP Package includes all of Package A and B plus

3 - 30 minute private sessions with Karin for more personalized clearing - Click to read more

Do you know what the hardest part about Your Soul Train is? Believing that it actually can be that easy.

Most of us have spent years trying to untangle our deepest blocks through sheer force of will. The idea that profound transformation could happen quickly and easily still feels implausible.

That's why Karin has created this elevated VIP "Embrace Ease" Experience - to personally mentor you in harnessing the full power of the Soul Train method while helping dissolve your subconscious resistance to ease itself.

Through three intimate 30-minute sessions with Karin, you'll journey through immersive Soul Train visualizations to permanently clear your most stubborn roadblocks. But you'll also experience first-hand just how achievable rapid, lasting change can be when you fully engage your imagination.

In these private sessions, Karin will guide you step-by-step, empowering you to:

  • Quickly release long-standing or stubborn blocks that have felt impossible to overcome
  • Eliminate multiple patterns and issues that have kept you stuck
  • Receive Karin's devoted support as you retrain your subconscious to embrace "the art of ease
  • Unlock the highest possible results by harnessing the profound abilities of your mind's eye

Your imagination is far more powerful than you realize - but most have never tapped into its full potential for catalyzing change. With Karin's caring mentorship, you'll transcend that final inner resistance and make manifesting your dreams feel more natural than ever before.

This VIP "Embrace Ease" Experience is perfect for you if:

  • You have long-standing or stubborn blocks you want to eradicate with the most ease possible
  • You're being held back by multiple patterns or issues that need releasing quickly
  • You would benefit from personalized, caring support and accountability as you upgrade your beliefs around what's possible
  • You want to go all-in on your personal transformation and unlock the highest results for yourself

By working closely with Karin over three 30-minute sessions, you'll not only quickly clear away accumulating obstacles, but fully embody "the art of ease" as your new way of being.

Remove Every Roadblock and Embrace Your Life's Highest Potential

It's time to stop struggling and start manifesting the life you were born to live. Choose your package below and prepare to experience just how quickly and easily you can remove every roadblock on your path when you engage your inner powers.

Don't let resistance, doubts or fears hold you back any longer. With the Soul Train Method's effortless and powerful process, creating your dream reality is just an imagination away. 

Click the button below to get started!

You can attract, manifest and become anything you put your focus and energy towards. But first, you have to clear out the self-limiting patterns and subconscious blocks holding you back.

With Karin's expert guidance, the Soul Train Method makes releasing those final obstacles surprisingly simple. All that's standing between you and your highest life is a decision to embrace the profound transformation this revolutionary approach makes possible.

Don't delay experiencing the freedom and ease you deserve. 

Choose your package now to unlock your fullest potential through the miraculous abilities of your mind.

package a



  • LIVE Immersive Experience to Change Your Future
  • BONUS: Guided 1-2-3 Free Solution for Releasing Subconscious Resistance to Change
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS: a powerful package of amplifying resources

Package b


$697 $327

  • LIVE Immersive Experience to Change Your Future
  • BONUS: Guided 1-2-3 Free Solution for Releasing Subconscious Resistance to Change
  • A powerful 1-on-1 50-minute private session with Karin Davidson
  • BONUS: The Quantum Switch Manifesting Audio
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS: a powerful package of amplifying resources

package c



  • LIVE Immersive Experience to Change Your Future
  • BONUS: Guided 1-2-3 Free Solution for Releasing Subconscious Resistance to Change
  • A powerful 1-on-1 50-minute private session with Karin Davidson
  • BONUS: The Quantum Switch Manifesting Audio
  • 3 - 30 minute private sessions with Karin for more personalized clearing
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS: a powerful package of amplifying resources

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after the group session. Check our full refund policy here

Unlocking Their Full Potential Through Soul Train

I felt a very deep sense of peace and relief around an issue that had been dogging me my whole life

After completing the Your Soul Train method, I felt a very deep sense of peace and relief around an issue that had been dogging me my whole life, something that I felt like at times could never be released.  My newfound sense of freedom makes my heart sing with joy, I cannot highly enough recommend trying out this technique for yourself!

Justin S.

I was so excited and blessed to see how easy it was to clear out this lifetime fear

I have had the problem my whole life (86 years) and when I used Karin’s Soul Train Method I was so excited and blessed to see how easy it was to clear out this lifetime fear and have my angels come in and watch them light up my past as it was being healed.

Jean P.

"The process is gentle, fun and so easy, I already have noticed a shift - this is big!"

I was really looking forward to experiencing Karin’s new Soul train method. This tool does not require a conscious awareness of past events and beliefs - which then, from their origin point on limit and trip us up in our personal life and growth! The process is gentle, fun and so easy, I already have noticed a shift - this is big!

Helga D.

"I know something deep inside me changed in a matter of only 30 minutes.  Thank you Karin for changing my life!"

I purchased a number of Karin’s classes back in November.  The knowledge I have gained in such a short time is immeasurable.  So when I saw her Soul Train class offered, I figured “What have I got to lose?
I meditate a lot and do a great deal of energy work with myself and clients.  (With Your Soul Train) I found myself coming in and out of consciousness but I knew things were happening.  When the demonstration was over, I knew something profound had taken place.  I was so incredibly peaceful.  I joked to my husband that I felt like someone had given me morphine. I was so relaxed.  I could also tell that the issue that I had worked on had been addressed.  I have been hearing the mantra I used over and over since the class without even thinking about it.  I have already addressed 4 people regarding the issue that I worked on without any hesitancy or stress.  I know something deep inside me changed in a matter of only 30 minutes.  Thank you Karin for changing my life!

Angela A.

"Karin is my go to healer for all kinds of issues."

From all the healers available today, Karin is my go to healer for all kinds of issues. I have seen tremendous change from her healing methods and always appreciate her caring energy and dedication.

 Sasha K.

"Remarkably powerful and comfortable way to clear an issue that I've been dealing with for a long, long time."

I often get anxious and avoidant when dealing with long-standing issues. My experience of the Your Soul Train modality was totally positive! It was a remarkably powerful and comfortable way to clear an issue that I've been dealing with for a long, long time. Thank you, Karin!

 Carol P.

"Karin’s Soul Train helped me shift some of the biggest unconscious blocks of my life."

Karin’s Soul Train helped me shift some of the biggest unconscious blocks of my life. She utilized this technique to help me unburden lifelong struggles in my relationship with my father by clearing the things that do not serve me anymore. It is gentle but extremely powerful. I’m thankful Karin continues to develop the most practical, effective energy healing tools to help her clients!

 Stephanie H.

"After my session with Karin, I felt very relaxed, at ease and free of any stress or anxiety – in general, at peace."

With many therapies, identifying events that contribute to the current problem is required for the client to get relief.  Not so with Your Soul Train.  After my session with Karin, I felt very relaxed, at ease and free of any stress or anxiety – in general, at peace.  I feel like I let go of something and that I will be showing up differently in my life. Thank you Karin!

 Christine H.

Choose Your The Soul Train Method

package a



  • LIVE Immersive Experience to Change Your Future
  • BONUS: Guided 1-2-3 Free Solution for Releasing Subconscious Resistance to Change
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS: A powerful package of amplifying resources

Package b


$697 $327

  • LIVE Immersive Experience to Change Your Future
  • BONUS: Guided 1-2-3 Free Solution for Releasing Subconscious Resistance to Change
  • A powerful 1-on-1 50-minute private session with Karin Davidson
  • BONUS: The Quantum Switch Manifesting Audio
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS: A powerful package of amplifying resources

package c



  • LIVE Immersive Experience to Change Your Future
  • BONUS: Guided 1-2-3 Free Solution for Releasing Subconscious Resistance to Change
  • A powerful 1-on-1 50-minute private session with Karin Davidson
  • BONUS: The Quantum Switch Manifesting Audio
  • 3 - 30 minute private sessions with Karin for more personalized clearing
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS: A powerful package of amplifying resources

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

No refund after the group session. Check our full refund policy here

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.