Heartwall Access Codes 

Healing the Unexplainable

Watch or Listen to Kaye's Powerful Live Sessions Below!

Dissolve the 3 Hidden Heart Shackles to Break free of the Dark Night of the Soul in Money, Health and Happiness!

Are you tired of unexplained setbacks in your health, wealth, and relationships? 

Have you tried countless methods to overcome persistent issues, only to find yourself back where you started?

What if there was a way to dissolve hidden energetic barriers, attract abundant opportunities, and experience profound healing... without endless analysis or frustrating trial-and-error?

Heartwall Access Codes

Introducing Heartwall Access Codes:
Healing the Unexplainable

Master Kaye Lee's groundbreaking system targets the hidden root causes of life's most persistent challenges:

  • Chronic health issues and unexplained weight gain
  • Financial instability and abundance blocks
  • Failed relationships and loss of love
  • Recurring setbacks and missed opportunities
  • Emotional scars and feelings of being shackled

This powerful method clears hidden energetic shackles, walls, and saboteurs that have been holding you back from living your best life. Whether you're facing persistent illness, poverty, strained relationships, or a constant cycle of things going wrong, the Heartwall Access Codes provide the key to unlocking your full potential and reclaiming control of your life force energy.

It's time to break free from the invisible barriers and step into a life of health, wealth, love, and boundless opportunities!

The Hidden Cause of Unexplained Setbacks

 Understanding Heartwalls

Have you ever wondered why things seem to go wrong for no apparent reason? The answer lies in a powerful energetic phenomenon: Heartwalls.

When a Heartwall forms, your vital source energy begins to flow in negative patterns, creating cycles of unexplained setbacks, struggles, and limitations. 

The Heartwall Access Codes deal with these "mysterious and unexplained" problems that keep cropping up in people's lives for no apparent reason.

These can manifest as:

 Health Issues:

  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Stubborn chronic illnesses and series of illnesses
  • Resistance to healing and impeded recoveries
  • Inability to find effective solutions
  • Early aging and more

 Abundance Challenges:

  • Continuous financial losses and unfortunate investments
  • Being cheated or sabotaged in business and personal life
  • Unfair negotiations and bullying situations
  • Lack of opportunities and financial instabilities
  • Trouble finding success and poor networking

 Relationship Struggles:

  • Being cheated upon and loss of love
  • Lack of confidence and self-love
  • Heartbreaks and craving approval
  • Inability to attract loving relationships
  • Being unsupported or taken advantage of
  • Difficulty moving on from old relationships
  • Challenging family and social dynamics

  Personal Growth Obstacles:

  • Feelings of isolation and lack of fulfillment
  • Stunted spiritual growth
  • Stuck trauma and grief
  • Persistent resentment and emotional heaviness
  • Inability to forgive or find inner peace
  • General unhappiness with life

If you're experiencing any of these unexplained challenges, your Heartwall may be blocking your path to a fulfilling life. 

The good news? The Heartwall Access Codes are designed to break through these barriers and unlock your true potential.

Heartwall Access Codes Transformations

“I had a serious quarrel with my girlfriend. We barely talked to each other for a few days, then I read the healing script (relationship part). Things settled immediately.”  ~ K.C.
“The twitching of my Adrenals on Friday was so uncomfortable when he spoke it was as though my body knew Kaye could help me and it was so uncomfortable I couldn't ignore it and had to ask for some help .Kaye relieved it and it never occurred on the second day .It feels complete for me.”  ~ Clare
“Thanks to Kaye, I found a new job quickly after being unemployed for a period, and it was training a team of national athletes! My wife was unexpectedly gifted a laundromat. We are both very grateful for the reversal of fortunes.” ~ S, National Sports Trainer
“Thank you for your advice to put up that bagua with the royal picture. Once I placed it there, the difficult manager stopped giving me trouble.”  ~ VL
“I received a windfall of $15,000 from Social Security within 4 days of applying formy deceased ex-husbands Social Security benefits and will receive $1800 a month plus my regular Social Security benefits.  The MP3's work.  Thank you Kaye Lee.”  ~ Mary
“One listen of the Personal Code and there was so much release. I was taken back to when i was a little baby and then times as i was growing up until now at 54 years and i was able to "recognise" what i need to allow to surface and Heal . It was all very emotional but cleared so much heartache.”  ~ L.

The Expert Behind Heartwall Access Codes

Master Kaye Lee

Kaye Lee (MA, Cambridge University, MBA) is retained as a behind-the-scenes energy intuitive and strategist for multimillion dollar international companies in various sectors. At age 12, he began to meditate and program his mind to successfully develop a specific type of singing voice.

This first step in the journey that ultimately took him around the world to train in both western and eastern skills in diverse subjects on healing, qigong, energy work, spirituality, Feng Shui, self-development and accelerated learning. After surviving a traumatic period in his 20s, he spontaneously received the ability to see and influence energetically in a much more powerful way than before.

He has had the privilege of having been personally taught by many leading teachers, including Jeddah Mali, Paul Scheele, Win Wenger and others.

Kaye is a certified trainer in the Beyond Einstein releasing-genius training, and is also the only known PhotoReader who has completed his MA with accelerated learning from the University of Cambridge. He is regularly consulted “behind the scenes” by personal development leaders and healers.

The Science of Heartwalls

Measuring Your Energy Quotients

Master Kaye Lee's groundbreaking research has revealed that when your Heartwall Quotients in health, abundance, relationships, or personal growth exceed 50%, unexplained problems begin to surface. 

The higher the quotient, the more challenging these issues become to resolve through conventional methods.

In extreme cases, a Heartwall Guardian forms from your own life force energy, actively defending the Heartwall and making healing even more elusive.

The Revolutionary Solution

Heartwall Access Codes

The Heartwall Access Codes offer a unique approach to healing by targeting and clearing the three hidden Heart Shackles at the foundation of every Heartwall:

  1. 1
    The Memory Shackle: The foundation of the Heartwall, encompassing known and unknown traumas, core memories, and experiences that bind all Heart Shackles together.
  2. 2
    The Feeling Shackle: The power source of the Heartwall, causing continuous emotional reactions that draw vital energy to fuel negative patterns.
  3. 3
    The Thinking Shackle: The actual wall itself, composed of habitual thought patterns, beliefs, and decisions that perpetuate and expand the Heartwall.

Why Heartwall Access Codes Succeed

Where Other Methods Fail

  1. 1
    Unparalleled Access: The Heartwall Access Codes use a unique unlocking energy to access the heartwall structure, opening it up for reprogramming. This special access energy bypasses the Heartwall Guardian's defenses and reaches deeply embedded energies that other methods can't touch.
  2. 2
    Comprehensive Healing of All 3 Heart Shackles: Unlike other methods that may focus on just one or two aspects, the Heartwall Access Codes dissolve all three interlocking shackles simultaneously. This prevents regeneration and ensures complete transformation.
  3. 3
    Heart Sanctuary Building: After cleansing the Heartwalls, this program helps build powerful Heart Sanctuaries. These positive life force structures not only reverse the effects of Heartwalls but also attract new abundance, health, and happiness into your life.

for THIS WEEK only

30 ADDITIONAL Days of Heartwall Access Codes Energy Container


Time left until the offer expires:


You missed out!

Kaye will send powerful energies for an additional 30 days to further help you to heal Heartwalls in a simultaneous, layered, sequenced, spontaneous and thorough healing, and also continue to help the transmutation of these Heartwalls into Heart Sanctuaries. 

You will receive powerful energies emitted for the period that accelerate your journey from Heartwalls to Heart Sanctuaries with the audios. 

These containers can also be used alone for great effect.

Join before the timer hits 0 to receive these additional 30 days for FREE!

Exclusive Features of the Heartwall Access Codes Program

ITEM 1: 
20 Heartwall Access Codes MP3s

The Heartwall Access Codes program includes 20 powerful audio sessions designed to address every aspect of your life affected by Heartwalls. These carefully crafted recordings work synergistically to dissolve energetic barriers and create positive transformations in your health, relationships, abundance, and personal growth.

16 Core Audios target specific areas of life challenges, while 4 Deep Decision Healing Audios provide advanced reprogramming for profound, lasting change.

These powerful audio sessions are designed to work together, creating a comprehensive healing experience that addresses all aspects of your Heartwalls and transforms them into empowering Heart Sanctuaries.

Here's what you'll receive:

Health and Wellness:

  1. Heartwall Access Codes for Unexplainable Health Issues
  2. Heartwall Access Codes for Frequent Illnesses
  3. Heartwall Access Codes for Weight Management Issues
  4. Heartwall Access Codes for Stubborn Physical Health Concerns


  1. Heartwall Access Codes for Moving Beyond Past Relationships
  2. Heartwall Access Codes for Strained and Unfulfilled Romantic Relationships
  3. Heartwall Access Codes for Attracting New Relationships
  4.  Heartwall Access Codes for Strained Family and Social Dynamics

Abundance and Success: 

  1. Heartwall Access Codes for Financial Instability
  2. Heartwall Access Codes for Disruptions in Wealth Building
  3. Heartwall Access Codes for Overcoming Struggles with Success
  4. Heartwall Access Codes for Abundance Blocks

Personal Growth and Emotional Healing:

  1. Heartwall Access Codes for Growth and Fulfillment
  2. Heartwall Access Codes for Isolation and Life Purpose
  3. Heartwall Access Codes for Resolving Past Trauma and Unresolved Emotional Scars
  4. Heartwall Access Codes for Moving Beyond Unforgiveness and Resentment

Deep Decision Healing Audios:

  1. Deep Decision Healing for Heartwall Sources
  2. Deep Decision Healing for Attaining a Desire
  3. Feminine Principle Deep Decision Healing
  4. Masculine Principle Deep Decision Healing

ITEM 2: 
30 Days of Heartwall Access Codes Energy Container

Kaye will send powerful energies for 30 days to further help you to heal Heartwalls in a simultaneous, layered, sequenced, spontaneous and thorough healing, and also continue to help the transmutation of these Heartwalls into Heart Sanctuaries. 

You will receive powerful energies emitted for the period that accelerate your journey from Heartwalls to Heart Sanctuaries with the audios. 

These containers can also be used alone for great effect.

ITEM 3: 
4 x 60-minute Live Heartwall Access Codes group healing sessions

Get the live upgrades and updates associated with the Heartwall Access Codes. 

Each week, Kaye will focus on and go deeper into key areas associated with Heartwall-related issues pertaining to the Heartwall Guardian.


Just tune in live or through the recordings and enjoy deeper resonance energies!

November 7th, 2024, 8am Eastern Time: The Heartwall Guardian for Emotional Scars, Resentment, and Grudges: - Focuses on resolving heartwalls formed by unresolved emotional wounds and past grievances.

November 14th, 2024, 8am Eastern Time: The Heartwall Guardian for Stubborn Physical Health Issues: - Addresses chronic pain and persistent health issues related to Heartwalls.

November 21st, 2024, 8am Eastern Time: The Heartwall Guardian for Relationship Conflicts and Blocks: - Targets Heartwalls creating ongoing relationship struggles.

November 28th, 2024, 8am Eastern Time: The Heartwall Guardian for Financial Instability and Scarcity: - Works on heartwalls associated with financial instability and scarcity.

Heartwall Access Codes

Heartwall Access Codes Today!

$497 $297

 No refunds after remote healing or first group healing. Whichever comes first.

Transform Heartwalls into Heart Sanctuaries

The Heartwall Access Codes offer a revolutionary approach to healing, targeting all three Heart Shackles - Memory, Feeling, and Thinking - simultaneously. This unique technique ensures Heartwalls can't regenerate, transforming them into powerful Heart Sanctuaries.

With Heartwall Access Codes, you'll:

  • Reclaim control of your life force energy 
  • Attract positive experiences and synchronicities
  • Experience breakthroughs in health, wealth, and relationships
  • Unlock unprecedented personal growth and resilience

🕒 Limited Time Bonus: Act Now! 🕒

Purchase now and receive 30 days of additional remote energy healing container, FREE!

This exclusive bonus is only available until the timer hits zero.

Don't let hidden Heartwalls dictate your life's path. 

Your Heart Sanctuary awaits!

Igniting Profound Heartwall Shifts Across Wealth, Health and Life!

“Freed from Overwhelm”

Prior to my first session with Kaye in October 2023, I was overwhelmed with repetitive thoughts relating to a family-related matter which had me feeling attacked and mentally overwhelmed since 2020.
This situation had a very negative influence on me, as I could not be present to my life and everything positive in it. My mind needed a major clearing and reboot.
After just one intense online session with Kaye, my head felt clear and my heartbeat slowed, freeing me from a constant state of anxiety I had spent countless hours trying to resolve, without success.
I now include Kaye’s teachings in my daily wellbeing practice and can not recommend him highly enough to individuals seeking support, empowerment and protection in an intense conflictual situation.

J., Advisor to family offices, Switzerland

“Only One the Corporate Customer Didn’t Argue With”

That mountain did the trick. The corporate customer who was our major international project of the year went through everyone from the top of the hierarchy down because we were late on the project. I thought I would be in trouble too, but I was the only one they liked. I didn’t get into trouble at all! In fact, I am now the key point of contact for them from my department, and we are working to bring the situation back under control.

T, Project Manager

“Cost of Structure Dropped from AUD$20k to to AUD$2k”

I want share a feedback after I listened to Kaye's mp3 for financial grace and home repair, and the 1st group call.
I'm currently dealing with city council to put fence/ decking structures (built by previous owner) into compliance with council regulations. Instead of spending AUD$20K just to get measurement of current structure done, the engineer has advised to demolish the current structure for $2K , recycle the material, and re-design and apply planning and building permit. This way actually cost less and the whole process is easier .
I'm grateful for Kaye's program and I'll use the MP3 daily


“Amazing Results”

I wanted to share with you the amazing results that have occurred after attending the sessions and listening to the audios:
 My family has experienced success in areas of work and finances.
The condo association where we live has presented a reduction in pricing on replacing the roofs all of the homeowners are required to pay.
I received unexpected money.
Most of the interactions I have had this week have been extremely positive.
I was able to attend all of the sessions at 5am.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


“Crazy Things Happened”

I almost wrote this last week to say I was feeling just the opposite of abundance. The day after listening to the abundance calls on the 8th and 9th, and donating and making a wish, our house fell apart. Extensive water leak and tons of mold in a large part of the house. It was hard to comprehend the amount of damage caused by this small slow leak. Everything has finally been removed and we are starting the rebuild.
Here are some of the crazy things that have happened:
When the plumber pulled the old water heater, we said we were lucky we didn’t have a fire because of the corroded wires. The water heater was still under warranty, so free.
A week in, I got a check from a class action suit for my car windshield that covered our hotel bill.
I lost a diamond earring while staying at the hotel. Didn’t know where I lost it but it was on the dresser when we got back to our room that night. Housekeeping found it. My husband left them a big tip and we asked the management to give them a bonus or at least an award.
We found much more mold than could’ve been caused by our water leak. It was probably there when we bought the place. But it’s all gone now. Yay!
Insurance “says” they are going to cover everything, although we haven’t seen or heard from them yet. Staying optimistic.
We called the owner of the storage unit we have to get another one for 1-2 months for the stuff being moved out of the house while they replace all the flooring. They said we’ve been good long-time customers and said we could have it for free.
A new neighbor gave us all of their empty plastic totes to pack up our fragile stuff for storage while they work on the floors.
The weather was unusually cool during this. My husband works from home doing IT support for several big companies. He was able to set up on the back deck and work. It was too hot in the house because they pulled the a/c and set up multiple fans, dehumidifiers and air scrubbers. It got up to 117 degrees inside the house.  And the Wi-Fi was down at the hotel.
And what was my wish? Not millions of dollars, but to not have any debt and always have the money I needed to do what I wanted without going into debt. Looks like it’s happening after all. (Man, I should’ve wished for the millions of dollars! LOL!!)

Belinda Schweinhart

“I Could Seriously Doubt That It Was Me Walking Around With So Much Ease…”

As a person diagnosed with MS more than 17 years ago, the chronic symptoms of fatigue, numbness, cold and hot sensitivity, muscle stiffness, and pain, are something you must handle daily. It is hard to juggle this autoimmune disease and life in general. It has been nothing short, but a long journey of pain, fear, and anxiety hidden inside me and embedded deep into my bones. I had to put a smile on my face and be strong for my young family and the people around me. Carrying these feelings for so long while searching for other alternatives like exercise, diet, and medicine, was to no avail. Very soon in the day, I would feel drained out of energy.
I had been working with different healers for less than a year now until I ran into Kaye Lee’s program. Last December, it was my first time listening to him live through FHTJ programs. His healing of people right there and then, his knowledge and teaching brought my faith back and drew me in, so I immediately signed up.
Since last December, I have been listening daily to his specific healing audio and my Personal Health Codes of Energies. The most pivotal point of Kaye Lee’s sessions was the teaching of the Five Master Healing Systems/Small Universe Circuit. For me, it was the most powerful experience because my body’s energy shifted completely. I could seriously doubt that it was me walking around with so much ease (even though I still used devices to walk around inside and outside the house), as my legs felt light as a feather. The energy was unbelievable! I felt the best in decades, and on top of it, it is so good to regain my energy, confidence, and joy. I am optimistic for my future and so grateful for his Work.
While I will continue practicing Kaye Lee’s audio, I highly recommend his programs to everyone who feels the need to change their energies and manage their health issues with ease and grace.
Thank you so much, Kaye Lee, thank you for everything that you do.

Barbara (St. Louis, MO USA)

“This is Epic”

The first day I did the welcome session with you and Gretchen – the tax man wrote that I don’t owe anything and to ignore the reminders. That was amazing right. It doesn’t stop there.
Just now, I received incredible news:
I’ve been in a battle with the building managers where I live.
They have been harassing me for a bill of service charges and I have been fighting them, as I’d overpaid by 10,000 pounds. Their collection company had changed name at some point and I suspect they misattributed the funds paid or simply lost track of them.
They behaved like bullies, harassing me and intimidating me, discussing my personal finances in public and even threatening that I need to rehome my pet, that I finally got a lawyer.
I won’t bore you with the full story but there was a lot of underhand methods and instead of responding to my lawyer took out a judgement against me. We were due to appear in a Central London court next week Tuesday as a result of my petition to reverse the judgement against me – this was made by a small court they used and where legal protocol was not being followed.
This was already unheard of for a request for a judgement be set aside to be moved to Central London courts and not the court of the judgement. I guess the whiff of the shenanigans surrounding the way they behaved was strong.
Literally, my lawyer was going to submit our evidence to support the reversal of judgement by end of day today. It was rock solid including all proofs of payment, intimidation emails and activities. Before he did, we received a request for my consent to withdraw from appearing in court.
They don’t want to go to court.
Next steps is they will settle. This is epic.
Thank you. I have 100% knowing that the work you do played a direct role in this.
May your kindness and generosity be paid back to you in continued growth success and prosperity to you and your family. I am so grateful.

Heartwall Access Codes

Heartwall Access Codes Today!

$497 $297

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.