Your Soul Blueprint:
It's All In Your Hands!

Discover Your Divine Life Purpose Written in Your Palms

your soul blueprint

Are you yearning to live a life of deeper meaning and fulfillment? 

Tired of feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current path? 

Your soul is calling you to step into the highest vision for your sacred journey.

Introducing "Your Soul Blueprint" - a profound Soul Purpose Hand Analysis that decodes your unique life purpose, soul gifts, and lessons directly from the divine signatures in your palms.

This is not just any reading. 

It's an experience that will illuminate why you're here and provide clarity on your soul's true calling, so you can finally embrace the life you were destined to live.

The Answers Are in Your Hands

Within the tendons, lines, and swirling fingerprint patterns on your palms lies a sacred map - your soul's blueprint precisely detailing your purpose and path.

Mary Halima has the rare gift of translating this spiritual "soul technology" to reveal:

  •  Your Life's True Calling and Unique Soul Purpose
  • Special Talents and Abilities Encoded in Your Palms
  • Life Lessons You're Here to Experience and Integrate
  • Your Soul's Perfect Path to Living in Alignment

By decoding the divine language in your handprints, you'll receive unparalleled confirmation about who you are at a soul level and the steps to unlocking your highest potential.

A Radical Shift Toward Your Life's Calling

By experiencing this powerful offering, you'll feel an inner awakening and motivation to pursue your highest path like never before:

“Mary's soul purpose reading gave me such clarity, I now have the confidence to transition out of my corporate career into the humanitarian work I'm truly meant for.” - Sandra C.
“This was an eye-opening experience that helped me move forward with new clarity and freedom. I'm finally taking action steps towards my soul's desires.”. -  C.B.
“I went from feeling stuck and unfulfilled to knowing in my bones the truth of who I am and my purpose for being here. I'm now living a bigger life I'd been yearning for.”- Elizabeth A.
“OMG Mary Halima! I just re-listened to my recording from 2/20/2020 and wow... It’s crazy how accurate you were!” - Lea
“I am already giving healings! WOW! I know my life purpose now AND I’m LIVING it!”- S.Rivelli

The Catalyst

 Mary Halima, Your Soul Purpose Guide

Mary Halima is a gifted hand analyst and soul purpose guide with over 15 years of experience. 

Her extraordinary ability to translate the divine codes in the hand has allowed her to provide thousands of life-changing readings worldwide.

Combining advanced Hand Analysis techniques with her intuitive gifts, Mary precisely downloads each soul's blueprint embedded in the fingerprints and palms. 

Her unique methodology bridges the spiritual and practical realms to give you clear direction on fulfilling your greater purpose.

Affectionately known for creating sacred spaces of love and truth, Mary's sessions provide an extraordinary experience of seeing into the depths of who you are. Prepare for an awakening!

What's Included in Your Soul Blueprint:


$797 $627 includes FREE shipping of the hand kit worldwide
  • Personal Handprint Kit: You'll receive easy-to-use ink sheets and instructions to capture your handprints from anywhere in the world to send to Mary.
  •  90-Minute Soul Purpose Hand Analysis Zoom Session: Once Mary receives your handprints, you'll get a 1-on-1 virtual session recorded, where she'll reveal your soul's blueprint straight from the wisdom in your hands. These are not generalized readings, but precise insights unique to your energetic handprint.
  • BONUS: Life Purpose Workbook: Unpack the revelations from your reading and integrate the wisdom through exercises and journaling prompts in this comprehensive guide.

Available At Checkout: ONLY $70!
One-hour follow-up Life Purpose Acceleration Coaching/Healing session

Mary Halima's Hand Analysis Session helps you to KNOW your soul's life purpose and sets you on course for holding the highest vision of what's possible.

She's passionate to support you to also LIVE YOUR SOUL'S PURPOSE.

The follow-up Life Purpose Acceleration Coaching/Healing session is for those who are ready to take action and clear their soul's life lessons and whatever's in the way to stepping in fully in their true purpose.

Embrace the Life Your Soul is Calling You Toward

As Mary reveals the Divine codes in your handprints, you'll receive a guiding map to pursue the path you were destined for. 

No more spinning in confusion - get unstuck and unleash your potential!

This lifetime is a precious opportunity to fully embody your sacred uniqueness and leave your mark on the world. Don't let another day go by feeling unsure about your greater purpose.

Unlock the answers that have been quite literally imprinted in your hands since birth.

The divine plan for your journey awaits…

your soul blueprint

Your Soul Blueprint

It's All In Your Hands!

$797 $627

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

This package is non-refundable Check our full refund policy here

Soul Readings That Change Lives: What People Are Saying

The things that Mary told me were like puzzle pieces I knew about but she expressed in a way that allowed me to process it all and ask

This was the most profound session for me. I was amazed at how accurate all I was told seemed to be, and it all came from just my hands!
The things that Mary told me were like puzzle pieces I knew about but she expressed in a way that allowed me to process it all and ask, "Okay, so now what are you going to do with it all?"
From this, I realize that my life is in my hands, that the energy is real, and that I now need to embrace it all.
She left me with the idea that if this is who I am, based on my hands, I need to make sure I capitalize on that reality and live my best life, surrounding myself with the right people.


"My gifts and talents were shown to me in a loving and revealing way."

Mary, you so nailed it!  I felt seen. My gifts and talents were shown to me in a loving and revealing way. I understood the history behind all of this. I got affirmation of all that I´ve always thought I am. I saw myself through your eyes and finally acknowledged who I really am.  Thank you

Alisa P

"I now know why I had trouble navigating before and why I wasn’t feeling fulfilled.  Life-changing!"

Wow! I know my purpose! Mary Halima gives precise information about what is written in your fingerprints and palm lines. There was so much information. I will be innovating and creating through the Healing Arts. I now know why I had trouble navigating before and why I wasn’t feeling fulfilled.  Life-changing!

E.E. 40-yr old Mompreneur

"I listened again recently and it was life-changing and affirming."

Your hand analysis session gave me so much hope and excitement for the future and it allowed me to put everything on hold to be fully present with my mother in hospice care.  
I listened again recently and it was life-changing and affirming. I've quoted your wise advice you gave me many times to my clients such as "You better ask for what you want or you may not like what you get"  You are gifted at what you do and I'm grateful to have met you!

Jennifer K, Life Balance Coach

"The information you shared with me about myself is GOLD."

Thank you Mary Halima, I listened to the recording yesterday and I'll be listening to it again and again because there's so much to learn from it. The information you shared with me about myself is GOLD.  
Listening to this recording again feels like Allah(Divine Source) spoke through you and validated a lot of things for me that I was unsure or unaware of before.  Thank you for guiding me because now I'll be moving forward in life with confidence and certainty.  I feel confident, grounded and firmly rooted in my being now

R.A., corporate exec

"It’s crazy how accurate you were!"

OMG Mary Halima! I just re-listened to my recording from 2/20/2020 and wow... It’s crazy how accurate you were! I cannot wait for my coaching session next week!!

 Lea, acupuncturist

"Thanks to you, now I KNOW I’m a healer and I’ve taken action"

During the hand reading you told me that I was a gifted healer but I didn’t really believe it.  
Thanks to you, now I KNOW I’m a healer and I’ve taken action – I have my business cards, I’ve completed classes for my Medical QiGong certification, and Lymphatic Drainage and I am already giving healings!
WOW! I know my life purpose now AND I’m LIVING it!

S.Rivelli  now in business as a full-time healer!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What’s the best age to get a soul purpose reading?

A1: It’s never too late, or too early)– if you’re alive then it’s time. Mary’s helped people ages 7 to 97 She’s read for millennials searching for more meaning in their life and career. she’s worked with many people in their 50’s-70’s  who’ve experienced the best years of their lives as a result of  unfolding their purpose, mission and unique gifts in a way greater than they ever imagined.

Q2: How do I actualize my soul purpose?

A2: When you know  your soul’s purpose your life flourishes


  • Right livelihood– visioning & manifesting your life purpose in the world in a way that supports you on all levels
  • Right relationships – healing the past wounds from parents, relationships and using the life lessons to propel you forward
  • Right spiritual growth – learn practical tools and spiritual practices that establish you in your soul so that your life purpose unfolds effortlessly

Q3: How specific are the hand analysis readings?

A3: The hand analysis readings tell the story of you and your journey here. What most people tell me is that it confirms their deepest knowing, dreams and maybe even what they dare not admit to others. When you see that it’s actually written in your very hands and fingerprints, it gives you full permission to recognize yourself and empowers you to embody your fullest and highest self.

Unlock the Divine Plan for Your Life's Journey

Your soul has been patiently waiting for you to step into your true calling and life purpose. The answers have been quite literally encoded into your handprints since birth.

Don't let another day go by feeling unfulfilled or uncertain about why you're really here.

Gain the clarity, confidence, and direction you've been yearning for by experiencing "Your Soul Blueprint" - the rare chance to have the sacred map imprinted on your handprints expertly translated by Mary Halima.

Take the first step by claiming one of the 33 spots for this life-changing Soul Purpose Hand Analysis today!

This is a limited opportunity to receive these profound soul insights directly from one of the world's most gifted hand analysts. 

Mary's can only offer our community 33 spots due to high demand.

Your time to embrace your highest calling is finally here. Your soul already knows the way, let Mary be the guide to illuminate your true path.

Take the first step today toward living the life you were born for!

your soul blueprint

Your Soul Blueprint

It's All In Your Hands!

$797 $627

Need Help? Write to:, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

This package is non-refundable Check our full refund policy here

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.