Energy Amplification

Amplify Your Vitality and Step Through the Door Towards Optimal Health and Harmony Today

Energy Amplification

Are you exhausted from battling persistent health issues that drain your energy and vitality? 

Do you yearn for a life overflowing with boundless energy, profound inner peace, and a deep sense of wholeness?

If so, Energy Amplification (EA) is your calling to an extraordinary healing journey…

One where chronic pain, emotional turmoil, and imbalances become echoes of the past…

A life where every cell vibrates with renewed vigor and your mind basks in clarity and serenity.

The Powerful Healing Potential of EA

At its core, EA harnesses groundbreaking bioactive energy fields, including remarkable "scalar waves," meticulously designed to:

The Benefits

  • Fortify Immune Function: Strengthen your body's natural defenses, empowering you to combat ailments and maintain robust health.
  • Restore Profound Balance: Bid farewell to the disharmony of disease as EA gently guides your being back to its natural, harmonious state.
  • Eliminate Pain and Discomfort: Experience relief from chronic conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and nerve damage, liberating you from discomfort. 
  • Detoxify and Rejuvenate: Unlock your body's innate ability to cleanse itself, flushing out toxins and revitalizing every cell.

But EA's transformative power transcends the physical realm…

Elevate Your Entire Being

Imagine a life where stress dissolves into an unwavering inner peace, where every breath infuses you with calm, harmony and a sense of oneness.

This is the profound mind-body-spirit shift catalyzed by EA:

  • Balance Your Energies: Harmonize the right and left hemispheres of your brain, elevating your vitality and optimizing your body's electrical matrix.
  • Uplift Your Emotional State: Wave goodbye to anxiety, depression and emotional turbulence as EA envelops you in serenity and clarity.
  • Amplify Mental Performance: Unleash your full cognitive potential through heightened focus, improved memory, and accelerated learning abilities.
  • Embrace Authentic Living: Shed past traumas and limiting beliefs to live authentically with profound self-acceptance and self-love.

EA's Profound Impact:

"The first day I had tremendous energy like I was 30 years old and I'm 77...Even friends say I seem younger!"
"I am so impressed with this healing container. You are a blessing to humanity and I hope you share this with the world!"
"I went from a 2 to a 10 in all categories. This program helps with sleep, weight loss, balances emotions, moves me into Divine flow. It is THE BEST program I've received..."
"After just one week the eczema stopped itching completely, which had never happened before..."

The Catalyst

Rani Virdee, A Pioneering Healer

Your journey is expertly guided by Rani Virdee, a trailblazing healer whose 17+ years of expertise spans registered nursing, kinesiology, energy healing, medical intuition and being an empath.

At the heart of Rani's program is the revolutionary Energy Enhancement System (EESystem), developed over two decades by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael. This cutting-edge technology generates powerful, life-enhancing scalar wave fields celebrated for their profound healing capabilities.

While typical EESystem installations are valued at a staggering $28,000, Rani has pioneered an accessible pathway to these transformative frequencies for everyone to afford!

A Revolution In Personal Healing

Discover the groundbreaking core of EA…Rani's innovative Quantum Remote Healing Containers. 

While offering continuous, 24/7 healing activation, these containers empower you on your healing path:

Direct Your Healing: With these containers, the power is yours. Directly experience healing energies anytime, anywhere without intermediaries.

•Personalized for You: Each container focuses precisely on your unique physical, emotional or mental needs.

•Uninterrupted Restoration: Experience unbroken healing as these intelligent containers operate non-stop for balance and wellbeing.

Going Beyond Traditional Approaches

While some modalities solely address root causes or symptoms, Rani's containers intelligently do both…

…identifying and clearing negative conditions while achieving holistic balance across all levels of your being.

The process is gentle yet profoundly effective, respecting your body's needs without requiring repeated sessions. 

And it's easily accessible, with flexible investment options that make this life-changing program affordable for all.


6 Live Monthly Group Sessions

To ensure you receive the full transformative benefits of the Energy Amplification Healing Container, Rani is including 6 live monthly group healing and coaching sessions as a bonus.

During these 60-90 minute sessions (hosted on Zoom), Rani will:

  • Provide personalized 1-on-1 support to address your specific concerns or roadblocks within the container
  • Lead guided healings, activations and upgrades to amplify the container's effects
  • Answer your questions about using the container most effectively
  • Give feedback and coaching to accelerate your healing and ascension journey

Regularly joining these sessions will allow you to navigate the deepest layers of emotional release, upgrade outdated patterns/beliefs, and unlock new levels of embodied light and clarity.

A $600 value, these group healings are included for no extra cost when you join the Energy Amplification Healing Container today!

Choose Your Profound Healing Journey

With an understanding of EA's incredible potential through Rani's Remote Healing Containers, it's time to select your personal path to optimal wellbeing…

Package A:
The Foundation

Begin your transformative path with this powerful introductory offering:

  • 6 Months of Continuous Healing Activation: Immerse yourself in the transformative Energy Amplification Container, where bio-active, life-enhancing frequencies will surround you 24/7, kickstarting your journey towards radiant vitality.
  • "Aligning Your Physical Body with the Light of Wholeness" MP3 (Bonus): This potent audio tool empowers you to deepen your personal healing process, allowing you to focus on specific issues and align your physical being with the vibration of wholeness.
  • BRAND NEW BONUS: 6 Live Monthly Group Healing Sessions with Rani

Package B:
The Deep Dive

For those seeking a more profound transformation:

  • 1 Year of Uninterrupted Growth and Renewal: Double your time within the healing embrace of the Energy Amplification Container, giving you an entire year to dive deep into the transformative frequencies and experience lasting change.
  • "Aligning Your Physical Body with the Light of Wholeness" MP3 (Bonus): Enhance your healing odyssey with this powerful audio companion, fine-tuning your  physical vessel to resonate with the light of true well-being.
  • BRAND NEW BONUS: 6 Live Monthly Group Healing Sessions with Rani

Package C:
The Lifelong Commitment

For those ready to embrace lifelong growth, healing, and exploration:

  • Lifetime Activation of Healing and Boundless Potential: With unlimited access to the Energy Amplification Container, you're making the ultimate commitment to your well-being, ensuring a continuous stream of transformative frequencies that will uplift and renew you for years to come.
  • "Aligning Your Physical Body with the Light of Wholeness" MP3 (Bonus): Keep this potent healing tool close, allowing you to realign your physical form with the vibration of wholeness whenever you need that extra boost.
  • BRAND NEW BONUS: 6 Live Monthly Group Healing Sessions with Rani

Whichever path you choose, you're taking a powerful step towards reclaiming the vibrant life and inner harmony you deserve. 

Don't let this opportunity for profound healing pass you by.

Invest in yourself and your wellbeing today. 

Because a life of boundless energy, radiant health and deep inner peace is finally within reach.

package a



  • 6 Months of Continuous Healing Activation
  • "Aligning Your Physical Body with the Light of Wholeness" MP3 (Bonus)
  • BRAND NEW BONUS: 6 Live Monthly Group Healing Sessions with Rani

Package b

Deep Dive


  • 1 Year of Uninterrupted Growth and Renewal
  • "Aligning Your Physical Body with the Light of Wholeness" MP3 (Bonus)
  • BRAND NEW BONUS: 6 Live Monthly Group Healing Sessions with Rani

package c

Lifelong Commitment


  • Lifetime Activation of Healing and Boundless Potential
  • "Aligning Your Physical Body with the Light of Wholeness" MP3 (Bonus)
  • BRAND NEW BONUS: 6 Live Monthly Group Healing Sessions with Rani

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

You can receive a full refund before the remote healing session starts. No refunds after. Check our full refund policy here

Here’s what everyone is saying about  Rani

I am so impressed with this healing container!

I am so impressed with this healing container.  You are amazing!  
You are blessing to humanity and hope you share this with the world!


Heading into shorts season this is is much less dry and warts have either disappeared or flattened!

Warts: Some actually disappeared! All of them flattened, even though I can still see where they are. None are crusty or flakey now. They are smooth. Skin is much less dry. I did not use nearly as much lotion as usual, or as often. Heading into shorts season, this is awesome! I am very satisfied with the results I had."


"My back is now pain free!"

My period is now really smooth, shorter than before and without pain, I am calmer, more confident and more communicative, my lower back is even more relaxed and now pain free.
Thank you for your extra support, I appreciate it and like your light of wholeness method a lot!


"After just one week of the energy work it stopped itching completely which had never happened before!"

I had been dealing with a stubborn patch of eczema for over a year. I had given up and was feeling defeated.
After just one week of the energy work it stopped itching completely which had never happened before.
I saw continued improvement and it is now just a very faint spot that I know will be gone soon.
I could not be happier! I also had two milia (small keratin cysts) that peeled away and are completely gone. I used to get random hives/itching at a certain point in my monthly cycle and I have not had any since starting this program. Dark spots from sun exposure over the years had a noticeable lightening. Also, I'm just feeling better emotionally.


"My skin seems to be glowing naturally!"

I seem to have a healthy glow now. A lot of people have made positive comments. Family members have noticed a big difference. I haven't felt the need to put on a lot of products. My skin seems to be glowing naturally. My eyes are brighter! Definitely have a glow now and my skin looks healthy, like I've been on holiday! I'm pleased with the results.

 Rani Kaur.

Choose Your Profound Healing Journey

package a



  • 6 Months of Continuous Healing Activation
  • "Aligning Your Physical Body with the Light of Wholeness" MP3 (Bonus)
  • BRAND NEW BONUS: 6 Live Monthly Group Healing Sessions with Rani

Package b

Deep Dive


  • 1 Year of Uninterrupted Growth and Renewal
  • "Aligning Your Physical Body with the Light of Wholeness" MP3 (Bonus)
  • BRAND NEW BONUS: 6 Live Monthly Group Healing Sessions with Rani

package c

Lifelong Commitment


  • Lifetime Activation of Healing and Boundless Potential
  • "Aligning Your Physical Body with the Light of Wholeness" MP3 (Bonus)
  • BRAND NEW BONUS: 6 Live Monthly Group Healing Sessions with Rani

Need Help? Write, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

You can receive a full refund before the remote healing session starts. No refunds after. Check our full refund policy here

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Life Reawakened has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.