Regenerate Rejuvenate Revitalize & Restore

Stem Cell Renewal with Source Frequencies!

Watch or Listen to Dawn's Session Below

Stem Cell Healing from Source Creator to Heal & Protect Your Body & Raise Your Vibration

Stem Cell REnewal

As we age, our stem cells decline in their ability to heal our bodies.

This means if your stem cells aren’t healthy, they cannot repair your body as you age...

Your organs and glands cannot repair themselves efficiently.

Guess what also quickly ages your body ...

Fear, worry, panic and stress.

Now more than ever, each of us is experiencing this fear and panic in an amplified way.

Take a minute to think about this ...

  • How have you been sleeping since the chaos erupted around the world?
  • How has your diet been?
  • How about your stress and worry?

If stress and worry are affecting your sleep or diet, your body and health is paying the price in a BIG WAY!

Are you suffering from ...

  • Chronic Pain
  • Chronic Sleep Issues
  • Chronic Stress or Worry
  • Tiredness
  • Lack of Vitality
  • Poor wound healing
  • Poor Circulation, numb or bruising and discoloration of the skin
  • Worsening Eyesight
  • Tired and sore after exercise
  • Waking up groggy or tired
  • Brain fog, memory issues, concentration issues

Stories From Dawn's Clients

“I have been using this Stem Cell Program now for 2 weeks and my years of Depression have lifted and I actually can laugh again as I when I was a Child. Thank-you Dawn for your beautiful gifts of Sound Healing.” -Jules C.
“I Have had scars from a fire that I got burned as a child all over my legs. I have noticed by using the Stem Cell mo3's that my scars and tenderness had gotton 80% better since listening to this program for 30 days. Thank-you for your healing Sound!” - Paul
“I bought this program with hopes that my brown spots and pregnancy mask would get lighter. I am so AMAZED!!!! I have been listening for 2 weeks and I can barely see any the dark spots anymore! This program is a Miracle Worker!!!" - Kim (MA)
Wow!!! I can't believe how Stronger & Whiter my teeth look after only listening for one week! Love ya!" - Patricia (NV.)
“I Love Love Love all Dawn's programs and how this programs delivers above & beyond my expectations! Bless you Always!” - Sondra C. (UK)
“What this program says it delivers!!! Try it! Everything Dawn does is with pure integrity. I have 4 of her programs already and they really Work!” - Jay (CO)
“I’m so happy and grateful to have met Dawn Crystal. I find her energy and joy contagious. I’ve worked with Dawn for 6 months and so much has cleared from my mind and body. She is a healing blessing to me. Thank you, thank you, Dawn I am so thrilled.” - Georgie

The Catalyst

Dawn Rahdianze Shantal Krystal, Your Biofield Tuning Healer

Dawn Crystal, A Internationally Recognized Voice Sound Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, respected Intuitive Life Coach, Soul Reader, Medium, Pain Release Expert and Best-selling Author of "4'" Books (Pain Free Made Crystal Clear!, Fear Free Made Crystal Clear, Happiness Made Crystal Clear, Fatique Free Made Crystal Clear.) Is known as a LEADING TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERT incorporating ancient wisdom for modern day success.

Dawn is passionate about helping people clear emotional and physical blockages, so they can manifest from their higher selves, step into their full potential, and lead their lives and businesses in ways that align effectively with their souls’ purpose.

Dawn helps her clients to release themselves quickly from pain, emotional and physical, and she has miracoulously healed many life threatening health conditions such as Cancers and unknown Illnesses that no medical treatment could Cure. She is an active mentor for entrepreneurs , CEO's and Celebrities helping everyone! Dawn is the "Go-To" person to get out of pain fast in Minutes! Dawn participates regularly on global Teleseminars, radio shows and podcasts .

Dawn was recently interviewed by the Today Show, Dr. Oz, Rachel Ray, The View,etc. Since early "2017" Dawn has done a "Live" Bi-weekly program partnered at Learning Strategies Corporation called "Sound Healing/Silent Clearings".

Dawn’s unique sound healing CD has been purchased by clients around the globe, and she is available on both phone and Skype, as well as teleseminars.

Dawn lives on Maui with her adorable animal companions.

Now more than ever it is critical to keep your vibration high.

Reality is as you perceive it and there is a whole morphic field that has been created due to COVID-19. This morphic field includes, fear, panic, illness, poverty and so much more.

People that are connecting to this morphic field are pulling this into their reality.

The real battle right now is consistently and persistently disconnecting from this morphic field, by raising your vibration.

This is going to be a constant battle daily because we are being bombarded with heavy dense energy.

You open social media and boom...

You watch the news and boom...

You talk to a friend and boom...

Each of these put you into this lower vibration, this morphic field that wrecks havoc on your health and well being.

No matter what you do right now, the cords are going to be attached.

The fear is going to attack you - the cords are constantly being attached.

There is no way to shield yourself from this.

The cords are attaching by the zillions on a daily basis. The more cords you have the lower your vibration. Your job right now is to disconnect these cords and raise your vibration. If you don’t want this to be your reality - stay above this vibration.

If you consistently release the cords and clear your energy on a daily basis, you can stay in the morphic field you desire.

Regenerate, Rejuvenate, Revitalize & Restore
STEM CELL Renewal with "Source" Frequencies!

This program is your best defense right now under current times ... not just to combat any type of infection but also to fight the lower vibrations that are surrounding you.

Experience High Frequency “Source” Energy 24-7 with ONE Simple Step Each Day!

Plus ...

  • Address your health Challenges in a non-invasive way!
  • Enjoy deeper restorative Sleep & Complete Body Renewal in just "10 Minutes" Per day!
  • Clear Your Fears Fast & Easy with Source Creator Energy .
  • Experience the Fastest & Most Powerful Energy to hit Planet Earth to Heal, Shield, And Protect Yourself from Any Virus.
  • Lose your Cravings & make healthier food choices Easy with Source Creator Energy.
  • Experience Rapid DNA Healing with Source Energy to Regenerate your Stem Cells and Raise your immune System.
  • Experience Source Creator Energy to Clear out Any Viruses in record time  without taking any Toxic Over-the-Counter Drugs with Side Effects.

Besides these benefits to help with our current world situation, Dawn's program also gives you the benefit of:

  • Healthier Skin Appearance
  • Clear Brown and Age Spots
  • Heal Cuts and Sores Faster
  • Stop Wrinkled Skin
  • Cellulite Reduction
  • More Youthful Vibrant Glow
  • Correct Vision Loss
  • And So Much More!

for THIS WEEK only

30 Days Additional Remote Healing FREE!



You missed out!

For an additional 30 days, you receive powerful quantum energy healing directly from the highest level of Divine energy from Source!

Dawn will specifically customize this quantum energy to rejuvenate your stem cells to amplify your youth and vitality for ANYONE looking to live a Longer Healthier Life!

This is tailored to your unique needs so that your healing will be maximized.

Dawn will target and heal a specific body part, energy layer, disease, illness, or problem area that is causing your cells to deteriorate and age the wrong way!

The healing quantum energy is sent 24/7...

That means your cells are being rejuvenated NON-STOP, even while you’re sleeping!

You’ll wake up feeling invigorated, in less pain and have a more vibrant glow!

Save money & live a better life with a healthier and younger version of you, no matter your age!

Here's What's Included Inside


Source Stem Cell Clearing Body Pain Healing MP3


  • Inflammation – lessening
  • Scar tissue improvement
  • Blocked stagnate Energy Releases Effortless
  • Clear Neck Shoulders, Back, Hips, Fingers, Toes, Wrists, Knees etc; (lessen pain in only minutes per day!!! Long Term!!!
  • Removal of stagnated energy blocks


Source Stem Cell Clearing Fatigue Healing MP3


  • More Vitality
  • Tiredness Reduction
  • Faster Muscle recovery
  • More Energized daily
  • More Happier in Emotions
  • More Energy at the end of your day!


Source Stem Cell Clearing for Scars & Healthy Skin Renewal Healing MP3


  • Eliminate thick Skin in Areas
  • Discoloring of the skin rapid reduction
  • Accelerate womb healing
  • Painful skin or numbing reduction
  • More even appearance in tone
  • Healthier Skin Appearance
  • Lighten Freckling
  • Clear Brown and Age Spots
  • Heal Cuts and Sores Faster


Source Stem Cell Clearing Sagging Skin Healing MP3


  • Stop Sagging Skin
  • Stop Droopy Skin
  • Stop Wrinkled Skin
  • Smooth out skin
  • Makes your skin more tight and glowing
  • Youthfulness restored
  • Cellulite Reduction
  • More Even toned skin appearance
  • Hair Growth
  • Harmones


Source Stem Cell Clearing for Brain Health Healing MP3


  • Brain Fog Clearing
  • Memory issues get better
  • Concentration improvement
  • Brain Balancing
  • Uplift your Emotions
  • Regenerate Vessels and Arteries
  • Clear Depression
  • Full Brain Regeneration


Source Stem Cell Clearing Poor Circulation Healing MP3


  • Circulation Improvement
  • Numbness Clearing
  • Bruising of the skin disappears Faster!
  • Discoloration Reduction
  • Clearer Healthier Skin!
  • Skin irritation clears Fast!
  • Healthier Veins and Arteries
  • More youthful and healthier Appearance!
  • More Youthful Vibrant Glow!
  • More Free Flowing Energy Flow!!!


Source Stem Cell Clearing Chronic Sleep Issues Healing MP3


  • Insomnia Clearing
  • Clear Restlessness
  • Clear Active Mind
  • Clears trapped emotions
  • Clear Mind Chatter
  • Clear Traumas from this lifetime & Past-lives
  • Clear Linage Inherited Energy
  • Complete Body, Mind Renewal!!!
  • More Free Flowing Energy Flow!!!


Source Stem Cell Clearing for Worsening Eye-Sight Healing MP3


  • Clear degeneration (inherited, ancestral)
  • Clear Dry Eyes
  • Clear Macular Degeneration
  • Correct Farsighted
  • Correct Near Sighted
  • Correct Vision Loss
  • Heal Cornea; Retina and Optic Nerve
  • Clear Low Vibrational Energy
  • Clear Distortions from this Lifetime & Past-lives


30 Day Remote Stem Cell Renewal Healing

Over the next 30 days, you receive powerful quantum energy healing directly from the highest level of Divine energy from Source!

Dawn will specifically customize this quantum energy to rejuvenate your stem cells to amplify your youth and vitality for ANYONE looking to live a Longer Healthier Life!

This is tailored to your unique needs so that your healing will be maximized.

Dawn will target and heal a specific body part, energy layer, disease, illness, or problem area that is causing your cells to deteriorate and age the wrong way!

The healing quantum energy is sent 24/7...

That means your cells are being rejuvenated NON-STOP, even while you’re sleeping!

You’ll wake up feeling invigorated, in less pain and have a more vibrant glow!

Dawn works from the inside out by upgrading...

Your DNA...

The stem cells of your body...

Your complete genetic codes!

Save money & live a better life with a healthier and younger version of you, no matter your age!

With this AMAZING remote healing, you’ll not only feel more youthful...

You’ll feel more confident as you fall in love with yourself all over again.

Best of all, you don’t have to do a thing...

...just sit back and receive this potent quantum energy healing.

Dawn uses remote healing techniques so you don’t have to lift a finger.

The more open you are, the greater the results – and you can start seeing it in MINUTES!



Activate Your Divine Blue Print to Clear Any Virus, Healing MP3

Experience the Fastest & Most Powerful Energy to hit Planet Earth to Heal, Shield, And Protect yourself from Any Virus.

Now more than ever boosting your Immune System to Safeguard you from any virus is essential. With this MP3, you can do it in record time and WITHOUT taking any Toxic Over-the-Counter Drugs with Side Effects.

Be protected and have this protection in your back pocket to use anytime you need it!


Raise your Vibration to Repel any Fear affecting you from the World Healing MP3

Now more than ever it is important to clear out the dense energy of fear and panic and raise your vibration. All of your hidden fears are coming out right now ….

This can be a huge benefit because now you can clear them now once and for all!

With this healing MP3, you can unearth the fears and step into your personal power.

 This will help everyone around you also bring their vibration up too.

25 Minute Regenerate, Rejuvenate, Revitalize & Restore your STEM CELLS Session with Dawn Crystal...

All sessions must be booked within 90 days of the purchase date.

  • Dive Deeper into Revitalizing all your Organs & Major Systems of the Body.
  • Heal Specific Areas of Concern that need Extra Healing Attention.
  • Jump-Start your Complete System into perfect Harmony & Balance with High Frequency Source Energy.
  • Clear past lives that may be affecting your Health currently.
  • Clear your Energy Completely & bring Vibrant Vitality on all Levels of your being!
  • Create a "New" Awesome Healthier You!!!
  • Work on any topics you want to Change in your Life for the Better!!!

Regenerate, Rejuvenate, Revitalize & Restore
STEM CELL Renewal with "Source" Frequencies!

$197 $147

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: No refund after remote healing begins.

More Stories From Dawn's Clients

Thank you for changing my life!

WOW! I woke up this morning thinking about you and your incredible work that you do. I had a private session with you about a year ago. It was only 30 minutes but it was without a doubt very, very powerful. It made me a believer in what you do, I was a total skeptic before the session. Not now, I knew within 24 hours after our session that something was shifting, physically, in a good way. Unfortunately, I didn’t keep up with listening to the MP3’s that were included in the package that I purchased and now I’m back to where I started. The package was purchased from Eram Saeed’s webcast called From Heartache To Joy. I truly wish that I had recorded our session so that I could replay it over and over. Dawn, you’re a remarkable woman. Thank you for changing my life for the better! I pray that you are showered with Blessings everyday of your life You certainly deserve it! P.S. I have no affiliation with Eram Saeed what so ever.


"I highly recommend Dawn's audios!"

"I discovered Dawn’s work when she was the featured guest at an online telesummit, and after feeling drawn to her unique ability to heal with her voice. I purchased a package that included a personal phone session with Dawn and was immediately struck by her ability to quickly and accurately intuitively hone right in on challenges from my past without my having given her any details whatsoever. Included with the package were MP3 audio files that don’t take up a lot of time to listen to—in fact, I listen to them during the night while sleeping. I’ve also purchased a couple of Dawn’s books since our session. I’m glad to have learned about Dawn’s fascinating healing abilities and highly recommend both her audio files as well as a session with her for anyone wishing to receive emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.

T Koenke

"I was able to walk with no pain!"

Dawn Crystal is a pure channel, meaning she is egoless in her work. She fully allows Source to move through her to client unobstructed and unaltered by any human ego mind distortions. I found myself fully able to trust and therefore open fully to Source Energies. The next morning I was able to walk down the stairs with absolutely no pain in hips or knees. Not only is my body healing, but the healing ripples from body up through my human mind, clearing out distorted thoughts, beliefs, mental constructs that caused the physical 'dis-ease' initially. I loved working with Dawn. She is so True and Pure in her work, her intentions and heart. I am so grateful for her assisting me in finding the 'light' I could not identify alone." Thank you so much, Dawn.

 Kathy Kirk

"I am not so tired!"

Dawn did an excellent job at moving the energy. At tines I felt laughter and other times I felt like crying. I do find myself getting more stuff done and especially not being so tired. I really enjoy her modules as they are short and to the point. I find myself practicing opening my chakras and grounding as I'm drifting off to sleep. Thank you very much Dawn!!!!


“My back is much better!"

"Many thanks for the session. It was very helpful and powerfully healing . My back is a lot better as though I Had a break in the middle of my body ( legs and trunk) and it has gone back as one piece and what you told me about moving forward and my husband made a lot of sense. And especially healing the lack consciousness I do feel more connected and centered and really trust that I can move forward. Blessings


“I am grateful for Dawn!"

"I have purchased 3 of Dawns programs and had a session with her. I cannot encourage anyone enough to participate in her wonderful healing love and beautiful vibrations. I felt so much energy and love from Source through her I was floating. Speaking with her I felt as I was talking to my long lost sister. She is a beautiful wonderful, truly loving lady. I am grateful that she shares her beautiful gift with us. I am grateful she has helped me remove my blocks. Many Blessings

Shawn H.

Regenerate, Rejuvenate, Revitalize & Restore
STEM CELL Renewal with "Source" Frequencies!

$197 $147

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Refund Policy: No refund after remote healing begins.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.

WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.

CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that Life Reawakened has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned on this page and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.