Body Mastery

Liberate Your Body & Your Life

Liberate Your Body & Thrive In Radiant Health!

Body Mastery: Liberate YOur Body & Life!

Are you exhausted from struggling with chronic health issues, low energy, excess weight, or disconnection from your body?

Have you spent countless hours and dollars on diets, workouts and regimens that promised vitality, only to end up frustrated by lackluster results?

What if there was a way to heal physical symptoms at the root, regenerate vibrant wellbeing, and activate your body's innate capacity for transformation…

Without restrictive protocols or extreme measures?

Introducing Body Mastery Masterclass - SunDari Marci Lock's system to awaken your body's natural intelligence and thrive in optimal health alignment.

The Mind-Body-Spirit Alignment You've Been Seeking

Whether you're struggling with digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, premature aging, excess weight, or dis-ease in the body, Body Mastery allows you to release what no longer serves you and ignite your innate healing potential so you can...

  • Grow a new body that feels energized, alive and at peace
  • Reverse aging and activate youthful vitality at the cellular level
  • Resolve health issues by addressing the emotional/energetic root causes

No more fighting against your body or forcing strict regimens that lead to backlash.

With this approach, there are:

  • No restrictive diets that mess with your metabolism
  • No over-training that spikes cortisol and works against you
  • No band-aid supplements that never address the real issues

Instead, you simply learn to listen to your body's wisdom to nourish, move and care for yourself in alignment. SunDari guides you to work with your body, not against it.

Within moments, you'll be able to feel more at home in your skin and open up the pathways for true healing and transformation.

Best of all, once you learn SunDari Marci Lock's holistic tools during the immersive Body Mastery program, you'll be empowered with an integrated self-care practice for life.

See How Body Mastery Has Transformed Lives

“I shed 5lbs in the last few days of the replays implementing some small shifts” 
“I have already had such a huge shift with my body and come to greater healing and peace with it just from what I've learned during the masterclass” 
“I can see and feel a huge difference and have had big shifts” 
“During the masterclass, I became so aware of ways that I was blocking my results. I saw how disconnected energetically I was from what I thought I wanted and what I was really doing that I didn't even have any awareness of before. I am so grateful and already feel I'm now at a completely new experience with my body.” 
“I feel like I healed so much with my body going through the class and am for the first time in my life excited to go on the journey of being besties with it and knowing exactly what to do.” 

The Expert Behind the Access Abundance Codes

SunDari Marci Lock, Creator of Body Mastery

SunDari Marci Lock ~ The Alchemist of Light,  also known as Marci Lock, an Embodied Ascension Mentor, Life Mastery Alignment Guide, Transmitter of Light Codes, Author, TV Show Host, Musician and Spiritual Leader.

Her transformational offerings are shared with the world through her global mentorship programs, online courses, plant medicine & psychedelic retreats, book, podcasts, tv show & at “The Sanctuary of Light,” a training center of awakening consciousness in Bali offering transformational retreats & events, longevity wellness clinic, darkness immersions, music & tv studio production and community living. 

Her genius is taking you past education & into embodiment to a place of divine remembrance & knowing, integrating the codes of higher consciousness  into your daily life to create lasting change and to a divine life of mastery you absolutely love. 

SunDari Marci Lock reveals the truth within by operating from heart consciousness, activating Light DNA, and sharing the codes of divine remembrance, liberation, abundance, and wholeness for all humankind.

It isn’t education that changes your life; it’s embodiment.

SunDari Marci Lock invites you to travel within to transmute brokenness into bliss,  and alchemize suffering into your serenity.  Discover yourself as your own greatest teacher, healer and alchemist to release suffering and experience the peace that comes from choosing your freedom.  Peace is a choice, and infinite possibilities are available to you when you give yourself permission to live in joy, abundance, and from your divinity.

Unlock A New Universe of Vitality Within

SunDari Marci Lock is ready to guide you to awaken your body's innate capacity to heal, regenerate and thrive. By aligning the core pillars of health - nutrition, movement, nervous system, detoxification, hormones, energy and emotions - you ignite your potential.

It's Time to Get Out of Your Own Way and Let Your Body Wisdom Set You Free!

Here's What You Receive In Package A: 

People ask SunDari Marci Lock where they can access her knowledge of the physical body, and how, as an Awakened, Aligned Being she stays so energized, clear-minded, healthy, strong, vibrant, and fully alive.

After so many drop-ins, she recognized the calling forth to share her body mastery and wisdom about living a Liberated Life.

If you’re ready for that kinda life, this is for you…

Shifting into a Liberated Body & Life doesn’t have to be hard.  You can do it the way she teaches about all of life, with ease and grace.

And your body is your number one ally and best friend. 

Maybe that’s hard to believe, but that’s why she is doing something she’s never done before...

SunDari Marci Lock will be teaching a 5 day event, and you’re invited!  

Give her just 1 hour for 5 days and she will show you 

How to apply the actual tools to get the results to your greatest health and body alignment

…with your body being your best friend and sacred ally!

Here’s a little sneak peek of all the juiciness you’ll be diving into:

5 Day - Body Mastery - Liberate Your Body & Your Life Masterclass

  • Come to Peace w/ the body
  • Heal the programs creating resistance
  • Learn Health Hacks for Longevity of Life
  • Understand your Body
  • Know how to take care of your ultimate vessel & health
  • Know how to eat for life, exercise & move & communicate with your body
  • Know what is perfect for you individually
  • Finally get the physical results you desire
  • Know how to Heal & Alchemize sickness /disease /injuries /stuck emotional energy
  • Grow A New Body & Reverse Age
  • Expand your capacity in every aspect of life

If you're ready to break the cycles of struggle with your body and step into your divine birthright of radiant health, I invite you to join me for Body Mastery. Liberate your body and thrive!

Here's What You Receive In Package B

Liberate Your Life – SunDari’s Signature Series

2 Signature Programs Together:

Normally $297 sold separately, + the bonus Divine Life Mastery Codes $55 = $649 value

Package deal of $188 for all

5 Day - Body Mastery - Liberate Your Body & Your Life Masterclass

  • Come to Peace w/ the body
  • Heal the programs creating resistance
  • Learn Health Hacks for Longevity of Life
  • Understand your Body
  • Know how to take care of your ultimate vessel & health
  • Know how to eat for life, exercise & move & communicate with your body
  • Know what is perfect for you individually
  • Finally get the physical results you desire
  • Know how to Heal & Alchemize sickness /disease /injuries /stuck emotional energy
  • Grow A New Body & Reverse Age
  • Expand your capacity in every aspect of life

If you're ready to break the cycles of struggle with your body and step into your divine birthright of radiant health, I invite you to join me for Body Mastery. Liberate your body and thrive!

Freedom Activators - 5 Steps to Liberate your Life Now!- Click to read more

  • The FIVE EASY STEPS you can use again and again to create a new reality for your life
  • EXACT system for removing money blocks, relationship blocks, health blocks, or any resistance keeping your from your ULTIMATE FREEDOM
  • Communication Mastery Learn the tools to master communication with yourself to discover what's hidden & where you want to go, along with all your relationships, ensuring greater harmony and connection.
  • Simple steps to create FREEDOM of time, health, money, and all your desires
  • This audio program was created to support SunDari's high-level million dollar clients to accelerate alignment to manifest faster.

Releasing Your Unconscious Commitments - Click to read more

This program is packed with practical tools and techniques to help you reclaim your power by aligning to new conscious commitments in every area of life & the tools to implement them and align to your desires.

You can unleash your full potential to rewrite your story from the subconscious and encode a new reality that truly sets your soul on fire.

  • The "Releasing your Unconscious Commitments Audio Training"
  • The 5 Steps to Freedom Guide
  • Opportunity Assignment: Releasing the Unconscious Commitment To Be Consciously Committed
  • Hot Seat Bonus Call

BONUS:  Divine Life Mastery Codes (ebook)

Are You Ready to Rewrite Your Body Story?

If you're tired of feeling disconnected, limited and frustrated with your body...

If you know deep down that radiant health and an easeful relationship with your physical self is possible...

If you're ready to release struggle and reclaim your divine birthright to thrive...

Then join SunDari Marci Lock for her life-changing Body Mastery program. 

This immersive experience will guide you step-by-step to awaken your body's innate intelligence, activate your healing potential, and expand into the most vibrant, energized version of you.

You'll walk away with a toolbox of practices to nourish your unique needs, a felt sense of peace and aliveness in your body, and the confidence to sustain your transformation for life.

Don't let this moment of inspiration pass you by. 

Honor the wisdom of your body and take this powerful step towards the thriving life you deserve.

Choose your Body Mastery package below and let's unleash your healthiest, most radiant self together!

package a


  • 5 Day - Body Mastery - Liberate Your Body & Your Life Masterclass

Package b


  • 5 Day - Body Mastery - Liberate Your Body & Your Life Masterclass
  • Freedom Activators - 5 Steps to Liberate your Life Now!
  • Releasing Your Unconscious Commitments
  • BONUS:  Divine Life Mastery Codes (ebook)

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

30 Day Refund Policy.

 Check our full refund policy here

From Struggle to Freedom: SunDari Client Success Stories

Marci is a genius at shifting your perception of everything you are experiencing in your life so that you can choose to experience something different.

Tillie Walton

The thing about Marci is she doesn’t tell or sell you an idea of how this works she simply lives it… and by showing and demonstrating that, we, as her students are able to access the potential and possibility in a whole new way.

Tim Matthews

No words can describe how amazing the event with Marci was! I am still integrating so much and my mind continues to expand. Thank you so much!, you truly are an angel and I am so grateful. The ripple effect from this event will be incredible as we all continue to pay it forward. Love you! ❤🙏❤

Brad Cusworth

I went from trying to accomplish a goal for a year and two months to the using the conscious commitments course and five step n’ all over the place that Marci has Provided then getting my goal DONE in 3 weeks.

Teula Tetreault

I had a great day diving deep into activating higher frequencies with Marci Lock in Melbourne. This was one of the deepest and most powerful alignment sessions I have attended for a long time. If you are looking to raise your vibrations and learn some simple tools to embody more peace, flow, joy and bliss then I can’t recommend Marci’s work enough. ❤️

Michael Atma

HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend these opportunities. DO IT! You’ll be a far better version of yourself on the other end!

Brittney Bergen

This experience on Saturday with Marci was out of this world. Marci is the most inspirational person I’ve ever been in a room with, the energy in that room was incredible, the activation meditation was something I’ve never experienced. The experience I had with the others in the room was such a memorable experience. I had a fear off the ocean from since I was a child, yesterday I went to the ocean and dived into the waves, and I’m now 50 years old, so it’s been about 40 years since I’ve dived into the waves, it was so invigorating, I’m forever grateful Marci ,Thank you so much."🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

Brad Grant

I am insanely grateful for this woman! Upeveling so fast I wonder if I was asleep before :)
It's funny... when I wrote a post to call in my soulmate mentor I was so specific on what I was looking for and a lot of people commented that it sounded like I was looking for ME. Among my specifics that the person has to be a crazy badass creator who is all about the INNER work, and does not identify as an IMer. "It's you, Kat!", they said. Just you! Which I appreciated, the sentiment of... but I also believed there is someone out there who is 'me' but next level me; the perfect reflection of the me I can't yet see, or was not fully in integrity with.
And I was right :)
Trust me, no matter how much you know your stuff... there is someone out there who knows how to help you know and own it in flow even more powerfully.
Thank you Marci for continually shining a light where I didn't yet know to look. 

Kat Loterzo

Choose Your Body Mastery Package

package a


  • 5 Day - Body Mastery - Liberate Your Body & Your Life Masterclass

Package b


  • 5 Day - Body Mastery - Liberate Your Body & Your Life Masterclass
  • Freedom Activators - 5 Steps to Liberate your Life Now!
  • Releasing Your Unconscious Commitments
  • BONUS:  Divine Life Mastery Codes (ebook)

Need Help? Write to, Or call: (855) 367-7644

30 Day Refund PolicyCheck our full refund policy here

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.