An Embodied Ascension Accelerator to Amplify Your Presence, Power, and Purpose

Watch or Listen to Sydney's Session Below!

Embody Your Highest Self and Co-Create Heaven on Earth


Are you tired of feeling disconnected from your authentic self and true purpose?

Have you spent countless hours trying to heal your traumas and align with your soul's calling, only to feel stuck and unsure of your path?

What if there was a way to amplify your presence, embody your truth, and manifest your deepest desires...without any confusion, self-doubt, or limitations?

Introducing Entourage - Sydney Campos's pioneering embodied ascension accelerator to unlock your highest potential and co-create the life of your dreams.

Step into the Highest Version of Yourself and Become the Creator of Your Reality

Whether you're struggling with lack of clarity, self-trust, or authentic expression, the Entourage program allows you to tap into your infinite wisdom and connect directly with the highest vision for your life so you can...

  • Embody your soul purpose with unwavering confidence
  • Become a beacon of intuitive, multidimensional leadership
  • Alchemize core wounds and traumas into sources of power

No more second-guessing your every move or feeling weighed down by past pain.

With this approach, there are:

  • No limitations to your dreams and desires
  • No more playing small or hiding your authentic self
  • No need to navigate your healing journey alone

Instead, you simply show up fully present and allow the power of the Akashic Records and advanced energy healing to guide your transformation through a supportive, immersive experience.

Within moments, you'll be able to access your innate wisdom and open up the pathways for integrating profound healing, clarity, and soul-aligned manifestations.

Best of all, once you learn these techniques during Sydney Campos's immersive Entourage program, you'll be able to apply them again and again to navigate any challenge or opportunity that arises on your journey.

  • Unstoppable, lasting energy and zest for life all day long
  • Effortless, responsive metabolism to release stubborn weight
  • Emotional evenness, optimism and enhanced mood)
  • Libido and passion reignited to youthful levels
  • Glowing, radiant skin and thick, luscious hair
  • Sounder, more rejuvenating sleep through the night
  • Mental clarity, focus and productivity skyrocketing
  • PMS, menopause, PCOS and other issues harmonized
  • Regaining confidence, vibrancy and feeling like "yourself" again

Celebrating the Breakthroughs and Triumphs of Entourage Participants

"Sydney's guidance has been liberating, helping me face fears, overcome challenges, and step into my power. Her support has led to massive breakthroughs and a profound sense of personal truth.!" - Shalynn Lavelle
"Through working with Sydney, I've experienced incredible vitality, self-love, and confidence. I've healed deeply, created a thriving coaching practice, attracted my soulmate, and overcome lifelong health challenges.!" - Joshua Little
"Sydney's program is perfect for developing a highly conscious, intuitive healing arts practice. The meditations, content, and 1:1 sessions provided powerful insights and helped me discover my unique offering." - Jared Fishman
"Mentoring with Sydney catalyzed my confidence in my gifts and purpose. The change was immediate, deepening my connections and sense of power. The results continue to unfold divinely." - Avalon Beban
“Sydney's energetic security creates a sacred space for restoring self-trust and attuning to easeful navigation. Her guidance helps me return to my authentic self and shed layers of non-self with joy and evolution.” ~ Natalie Johnson
“Working with Sydney was the catalyst for my life completely shifting. She created a safe container for me to heal, grow, and pursue my true desires. Her high vibration automatically up-levels you, inspiring expansion and empowerment.” ~ Alyssa Love

The Catalyst

 Sydney Campos, Visionary Guide and Creator of Entourage

Sydney Campos is a Visionary, Psychic Energy Healer, Strategy and Innovation Expert, Transformational Facilitator and Best-Selling Author of “The Empath Experience: What To Do When You Feel Everything” (2018) and “I’m Ascending, Now What?” (2023). She is the Founder of the Embodied Ascension Academy and host of the Visionary Souls Podcast.

Sydney is devoted to creating Heaven on Earth in all moments. Since 2012, she has guided visionaries around the world to embody their true selves and powerfully live their purpose. Whether advising conscious companies, mentoring pioneering leaders, training intuitive facilitators or hosting life-changing retreats – Sydney illuminates bridges into new dimensions.

Sydney is a sought-after expert in the fields of embodiment, sexuality, intuition and leadership. Sydney has been featured in Forbes, MindBodyGreen, Refinery29, Bustle, PureWow and New York Magazine.

Experience the Quantum Leap in Consciousness You've Been Seeking

Through a powerful combination of Akashic Records, somatic healing, energy field recalibration, and personalized attunements, the Entourage program guides you to clear blockages, embody your unique gifts, and manifest your highest timeline.

Results You Can Expect:

  • Unshakable clarity and alignment with your soul purpose
  • Authentic embodiment of your multidimensional essence
  • Profound healing of core wounds and traumas
  • Amplified intuition and mastery of energy facilitation
  • Quantum leaps in manifesting your desires and highest vision

It's Time to Get Out of Your Own Way and Let Your Soul's Wisdom Set You Free!

Each month follows a core energetic theme, supported by a 30-day cycle of curated daily energetic practice attuning our field to its desired state of being.

First Month - Presence - Click to read more

  • Reflection + exploratory process into vision + values within every facet of life + soul-purpose
  • Protocols for embodying presence + aligning with your soul-self
  • Practice in cultivating clear discernment, self-trust + deepened capacity for receiving
  • Akashic Records introduction + attunement to anchor group field
  • Template shared for intuitive facilitation, practice invited within our field
  • Guest Mentor Masterclass (90 mins): Zoe Davenport, Visionary, Psychic Advisor. Multidimensional Channel.

Second Month - Authenticity - Click to read more

  • Training + practice in energy integration, recalibration + quantum healing
  • Attunements into new frequencies + access points for working with multidimensional councils, guides, masters, teachers, loved ones + more
  • Turning on dormant multidimensional abilities + perceptions
  • Sound, frequency and vocal activation as activation technology of authenticity + embodiment
  • Soul Signature Quantum Healing Practice
  • Energy mastery practice/transmission(s) for amplified authenticity
  • Guest Mentor Masterclass (90 mins): Daniel Scranton, Inter-Galactic Channel, Sound Healer, Energy Healer, Author
  • Guest Mentor Masterclass (90 mins): Ahuamna Amaya, Walk-in Soul, Multidimensional Channel, Author, Crypto Guide, Inner Galactic Activation

Third Month - Coherence - Click to read more

  • Quantum Healing for amplified coherence + co-creating unified fields
  • Teachings from our councils on Divine Union, Integration of the Masculine and Feminine, Inner Child Repatterning and Ancestral healing
  • Council wisdom sharing on collective traumas negating coherence – grid work / field recalibration around unity, wholeness, trust, acceptance, forgiveness and more
  • Embodied movement + breath practices for amplified coherence
  • QHHT Past Life Group Regression with a soul fam collaborator
  • Guest Mentor Masterclass (90 mins): Jeroen De Wit, Dolores Cannon-trained QHHT Practitioner
  • Guest Mentor Masterclass (90 mins): April Pfender, Reiki Master Teacher, Quantum BioResonance Healing Ambassador, Author, Sound Healer

Fourth Month - Embodiment - Click to read more

  • Council wisdom sharing on the true nature of embodiment, the call for embodied leaders, protocols for energetic techniques and practices for amplifying embodiment and grounding into more inner stability
  • Council teaching on multidimensionality, embodiment – transdimensional access, mapping the omniverse and refining inter-dimensional perception
  • Re-anchoring into soul-purpose vision, mission + collective intentions
  • Somatic healing + attunement practice for integration + amplification
  • Explore: council investment into cause we are called to amplify: or creating a project/actualizing a physical product of our energy work in this journey

Are You Ready to Answer the Call of Your Soul and Embark on a Life-Changing Journey of Embodied Ascension?

This is your invitation to step into the highest version of yourself, align with your deepest purpose, and co-create the reality of your dreams. Entourage is your gateway to profound healing, authentic embodiment, and limitless possibility.

Through this immersive experience, you'll gain the tools, guidance, and support you need to:

  •  Clarify and confidently live your soul's purpose
  •  Alchemize past traumas into sources of power and wisdom
  • Amplify your intuition and master energy facilitation
  • Manifest your heart's desires with ease and grace
  • Become a beacon of light and catalyst for collective transformation

Join a sacred community of like-minded visionaries, healers, and change-makers as you journey together to new heights of consciousness and creation.

Secure your spot in Entourage now and receive a special $100 discount - but hurry, this is only available for a limited time!

Don't let this opportunity pass you by. Invest in yourself, your dreams, and the world you wish to create. 

Your soul is calling you to rise, and the time is now.

Click the button below to enroll in Entourage and begin your ascension journey today!


 Embody My Highest Self!

$444 $333

Need Help? Write to:
 support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

30 Days as per TLRS Policy. Check our full refund policy here

Entourage Participants Reveal Their Incredible Transformations

Liberating Breakthroughs and Self-Empowerment

Sydney has specifically supported me by seeing through me, literally! And providing the space and support for me to come into my own power and truth. I feel very comfortable around her and she has a way of making it easy for me (and sometimes fun) to face my fear and challenges. And because of this I’ve had some MASSIVE breakthroughs. It’s like she’s been there with me by my side, holding my hand through all the obstacles I had and lended me the courage to find my way. To sum up my experience with her in one word, it would be – liberating!

Shalynn Lavelle, Soul Alignment Guide, Akashic Records Facilitator, The Pleasure Priestess

"Transformative Healing and Soul-Aligned Success"

Since working with Sydney over our three month program, my health feels amazing and I feel so much vitality, life and flow in my body and self. I trust myself again and love all of who I am, the shame is all gone. I’ve been on a process of shedding so many layers to get to the essence and core of who I am and feel so much more confident in sharing that side of me.
I have created an incredible coaching program and have been sharing my gifts, strengths and genius with incredible women who are rising as leaders in the world. I have created so much self love that I’m now in a relationship with the soul mate man of my dreams. 
I have become so free of sexual shame and have healed so much with my relationship with my parents and my whole family lineage. The eczema I’ve had all over my body since I stopped breastfeeding as a baby has completely healed.

Joshua Little, Spiritual Mentor, Actor, Singer, Visionary, UK

"Potent Insights and Unique Offering Development"

The virtues of Sydney’s program are numerous and incredible for someone working on developing a healing arts practice. I was called to sign up for the course, not really knowing about the records at all but knowing I wanted to develop a service practice using my existing body of creative leadership skills and knowledge in a highly conscious and intuitive way.
And this program turned out to be the perfect context for learning first and foremost how to hold space for someone in a very deep and intuitive way, and secondly about how unique and dynamic to myself my offering really can be.
The meditations and daily exercises she provides are highly potent and liberating. The book and pre-recorded content is informative and clear. And the free-flowing nature of the group meetings is perfect for fully encapsulating the work we learn to do in the program. And Sydney’s 1:1 sessions with me were powerful in their insight and revelation.
Long story short  I would highly recommend working with Sydney in this program!

Jared Fishman, Entrepreneur, Visionary, Healer

"Catalyzing Confidence and Divine Unfolding"

My mentoring with Sydney have been the catalyst for my confidence in my own gifts, truth and wisdom. Mostly how the wisdom of the universe is uniquely expressed through me. I’ve always pondered my purpose and now after doing the Akashic mentoring with Sydney I know I am my purpose. Just be being is my gift, is my offering and thats inspired rapid change in how I operate in all areas of my life. The change was immediate for me and continues to unfold months since us working together. The results I’ve experienced are my confidence levels and how I feel in my own power, in my own skin and how I  show up in all of my relationships. I have been seeking deeper connections in all areas of my life and this has started to unfold so divinely immediately after our first session and continues..

Avalon Beban, Intuitive Healer, Entrepreneur

"Sacred Sisterhood and Authentic Presence"

Sydney Campos is such an extraordinary guide. The energetic security she carries in her body creates a beautiful field to restore the nervous system, self trust, and attune to easeful navigation of the earth plane. I experience such a sacred, timeless sisterhood energy with Sydney. It feels so good to be seen, encouraged, and given proprioception for my gifts and needs by someone that is so deeply invested in authentic and joyous presence. As I continue to sharpen my intuition, discernment, and desire to be in the world, Sydney continues to be someone I entrust with my worries, desires, and growth curve. I feel embraced within the vision of integrity, play, and evolution Sydney sees. Thank you for helping me return to myself time and time again. I love remembering and shedding layers of non-self with you.

Natalie Johnson, Artist, Embodied Movement Guide

"Life-Shifting Expansion and Inspired Growth"

It has been about 8 months since I began working with Sydney and in that time I have been able to lovingly leave a relationship of 12 years, have the courage to quit my career of 10 years and begin my own coaching business, uproot and clear limiting beliefs that had been holding me back from going after what I truly desire, skyrocket my feelings of self love and worthiness, and get into alignment with my truth.
Sydney created a safe container for me to learn and grow and heal. She encouraged me and gave me the tools and courage to pursue things I never would have done on my own. She shined light on the parts of me I wanted to hide but were essential to uncover for my growth. She was both gentle and strong with her guidance.
My favorite part about working with Sydney was the vibration that she holds is so high that you are automatically up-leveled just by working with her and being in her presence. She holds space so beautifully for you to expand and grow just by being herself.
Hiring Sydney was the catalyst for my life completely shifting. And quickly! If you are ready to expand and have someone there who will guide you and help you feel inspired, safe, vulnerable, and powerful all at the same time, Sydney is your girl!

Alyssa Love, Spiritual & Wellness Coach, Founder of Woo Woo Weightloss, Los Angeles, USA


Embody My Highest Self!!


Need Help? Write to:
 support@lifereawakened.com, Or call: (855) 367-7644

Life Reawakened 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

30 Days as per TLRS Policy. Check our full refund policy here

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REFUND POLICY: Please know that in order to honor the Law Of Energy Exchange, all exchanges need to be fair energetically. We love and honor all of our valued listeners and speakers. We are happy to offer a hassle free, 30 day Money Back Guarantee to our customers to help them decide if a certain product works for them or not. However, in order to honor our speakers and their hard work we can only offer refund on one package for every customer per 90 days. Multiple refunds by same customer within 90 days will not be accepted. If speaker's offer involves personal sessions, then guarantee will be voided if the session has been availed. Additionally all refund requests should be sent within the 30 day guarantee period. We thank you in advance for respecting the energy exchange.