Special Offers Of 2024

Life Sessions

Addison Ames

Are you tired of trying numerous approaches that promise freedom from your struggles, only to remain stuck without progress?

If this rings true - you've spent countless hours and significant money trying to resolve past issues and traumas that hinder your growth - check this out…

What if your struggle is more about the life cycle you are in rather than personal failings?

Life is full of phases and transitions, each with its challenges and opportunities.

Introducing Life Cycles Sessions - Addison Ames’ innovative approach to help you manage life’s cycles for your highest good.

This work not only addresses current challenges but also equips you for future success, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and your journey.

Nervous System Regeneration

Hillary Faye

Are you feeling a bit off-balance lately? Maybe you're experiencing stress, anxiety, or brain fog? Or perhaps you've been dealing with health issues, digestive problems, or frequent illness?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's time to give your nervous system the support and healing it needs.

Introducing the Arcturian Crystal Healing Chambers - the most advanced frequency technology in our galaxy.

The Arcturians are a collective of loving and joyful, multi-dimensional star beings who want to help us realign and balance our nervous systems.

And with Hillary Faye's Nervous System Regeneration program, you can activate the Arcturian Crystal Chambers for rapid, permanent healing starting TODAY!

The Atlas Pain Code

Lidija Millonig

Are you dealing with chronic pain, emotional distress, or seeking harmony between your mind and body?

The Atlas Pain Code by Dr. Lidija Atlas blends ancient wisdom with modern quantum energy medicine to tap into your body's natural healing power. This program identifies the root causes of pain, teaching you to eliminate it at its source, transforming your life.

By merging traditional healing with quantum energy techniques, The Atlas Pain Code provides tools to release blocked energy from personal experiences and inherited trauma stored in your cellular memory. It addresses these blockages to restore balance and clear pathways for healing.

Clear Your Fear of Success

Carol Look

Do you feel like your true potential is trapped behind a wall of self-doubt and fear?

If you've been spinning your wheels, trying to break free from these invisible chains, you're not alone. Many face these challenges, yearning for a way to redefine success and embrace their authentic selves. 

Introducing "Clear Your Fear of Success and Shine" program—a transformative journey led by EFT Master, Carol Look, designed to align your spirit and open to your true potential for healing and growth.

Get ready to unlock your abilities and shine like never before!

Brainwave Amplification

Jo Fernandes

Are you tired of feeling mentally drained, lacking focus, or struggling to maintain motivation in your daily life?

What if there was a way to enhance memory, restore balance, and increase motivation—all without the endless cycle of frustration and disappointment?

Introducing the Brain Amplification, created by Jo Fernandes—a divinely orchestrated program designed to elevate your consciousness and guide you through the profound changes our world is experiencing.

Activate Your Infinite Divine Blueprint

Tarek Bibi

Are you exhausted from trying countless approaches that promised freedom from your deepest struggles, only to stay stuck spinning your wheels?

Have you spent countless hours and money trying to analyze, understand, and resolve core issues and traumas from your past that keep sabotaging your growth?

What if there was a way to activate your infinite potential, experience profound healing, and achieve TRUE freedom...without any endless struggle or complex methods?

Introducing Activate Your Infinite Divine Blueprint - Tarek Bibi's Pioneering System to Elevate Your Life

Soul Scrying

Susan Penno

Have you invested immense time, money and effort trying to analyze and resolve core issues, traumas and patterns sabotaging your growth and happiness?

Introducing Susan Penno's Soul Scrying System - her pioneering work to directly perceive the karmic patterns, attachments and interferences obscuring your divine blueprint across all existences. Through opening a portal to your master blueprint, Susan will reveal the self-sabotaging programs creating limitation. She'll then provide you customized guidance on the processes to initiate karmic revisioning yourself, while channeling her healing team to clear the root causal layers on a soul level. This allows you to permanently liberate destructive encodings and realign with your highest universal self.

IdealWeight Intelligent Drops

Master Kaye Lee

Tired of struggling with stubborn weight that won't budge no matter what you try? 

Thought about trying some of the latest weight loss drugs but worried about the risks and side effects?

What if there's an energetic way to tap into the fat-burning power of GLP-1 without synthetic drugs or hormones?

Introducing IdealWeight Intelligent Energy Drops - Master Kaye Lee's pioneering natural system that energetically activates your body's own complete GLP-1 mechanism while reprogramming your encoded weight set points for TOTAL "fat burner" optimization.

Quantum Brain Mapping

Dipal Shah

Your Brain can be REPAIRED with Dipal’s Powerful Quantum Brain Mapping Technique that is 100% transforming, quick and non-invasive. After years of working with 1000’s people all around the world on various brain-related issues, she has found the formula that WORKS to enable the brain to function as a quantum computer.

She can energetically identify brain disruptions through 5 major areas of your brain that contribute to an unhealthy brain. This information helps her create a more targeted way to address the types of brain issues that can benefit from Quantum Brain Mapping.

Full-Spectrum Heart Healing

Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Are Negative Entities Sabotaging Your Happiness?

You try everything to break free - meditation, therapy, self-help. Yet the cycles of anxiety, anger, fear and self-doubt persist, holding you back from living with freedom and joy.

An Entity Removal session with Sohail will provide the one-time, complete clearing and recalibration you need to finally live unfettered - no lengthy program or endless sessions required.

You'll also receive practical tools and activations to maintain energetic hygiene and prevent future attachments from taking hold.

Complete Body System Upgrade

Sharon Josef

Discover The Real SECRET Behind Why Your Body is Creating Pain & Suffering in Order to Get Your Attention!

Sometimes illness serves us in some way…

We think we want to get rid of it, but it actually gives us an underlying gift like getting attention or some other secondary gain which holds us back from advancing spiritually.

But if you are truly ready to heal and do what’s necessary to understand and release your pain…

There’s no way this won’t work for you!

So if you’re ready to let go of your physical, emotional and spiritual pain once and for all (while stopping it returning forever)… this is the program for you!

Trauma Freedom Toolkit

Dawn Krystal

Almost everyone is suffering with unresolved trauma. For some, it's a recent incident replaying over and over. For others, it's a childhood event sabotaging their growth and happiness.

You miss out on life's joyous moments, checked out or hiding in the bathroom. It feels like there's no escape from your traumatized inner prison.

But Dawn Krystal has the key - the Trauma Freedom Toolkit. 

This comprehensive mind-body program combines her powerful sound healing techniques to repair your traumatized brain and nervous system.

Complete Body Rewind

Karina Grant

Are you exhausted from trying countless treatments and remedies that promised to heal your chronic pain, mobility issues, and unexplained health symptoms - only to stay stuck feeling stiff, fatigued, and imbalanced?

What if there was a way to reclaim full flexibility, restore organ function, balance your hormones, and flood your body with rejuvenating energy...without any harsh treatments or risking side effects?

Introducing the Complete Body Rewind by Karina Grant - a pioneering vibrational healing system to revive your body's miracle fascial network.

Advanced Entity Removal

Sohail Khan Yousafzai

Are Negative Entities Sabotaging Your Happiness?

You try everything to break free - meditation, therapy, self-help. Yet the cycles of anxiety, anger, fear and self-doubt persist, holding you back from living with freedom and joy.

An Entity Removal session with Sohail will provide the one-time, complete clearing and recalibration you need to finally live unfettered - no lengthy program or endless sessions required.

You'll also receive practical tools and activations to maintain energetic hygiene and prevent future attachments from taking hold.

The Prayer Field

Angela Montano

Do you find yourself longing for a deeper connection to something greater? 

Are you exhausted from trying countless spiritual practices that promised profound transformation, only to stay stuck feeling adrift?

What if there was a way to tap into the primordial essence of prayer itself - not as a ritualistic activity, but as a powerful resonance that allowed you to align with the very forces of love and support that undergird the universe?

Introducing The Prayer Field by Angela Montano - a pioneering guide to awakening your most authentic relationship with the limitless potential of prayer.

Awakening Your Celestial Channel

Christel Hughes

Ready to master being a Celestial channel with consistent and trackable intuitive flow?

Let’s dial into your unique Soul’s combination to unlock you for Full access to celestial capacities to Become a clear and masterful Celestial channel.

By Unlocking your Celestial Channeling, you open the doors to Mastering your cosmic channeling abilities, gaining Altitude and Elevating your intuitive prowess. 

Stem Cell Renewal

Dawn Krystal

Regenerate, Rejuvenate, Revitalize & Restore
STEM CELL Renewal with "Source" Frequencies!

This program is your best defense right now under current times ... not just to combat any type of infection but also to fight the lower vibrations that are surrounding you.

Experience High Frequency “Source” Energy 24-7 with ONE Simple Step Each Day!

Breathe with Ease

Virginia Rounds Griffiths

This extremely beneficial package by Virginia addresses a wide range of respiratory and related health issues, including allergies, sinus problems, breathlessness, coughing, and nasal drip. In the wake of the pandemic, many individuals have struggled with persistent breathing difficulties, whether as a residual effect of COVID-19 or due to other factors like seasonal allergies and respiratory disruptors.

This comprehensive solution was developed in response to the widespread symptoms observed in Virginia's clients since early 2020. 

By targeting specific areas like the vocal cords, pharynx, pleura, oral cavity, upper palate, tongue, larynx, and alveoli, Virginia's package promises a holistic approach to improve respiratory health. Expect significant relief from persistent symptoms, leading to better breathing and overall well-being. Say goodbye to breathing issues once and for all with this targeted program.

Black sheep to Starseed

Jade Yin Hom

What if there was a way to permanently heal your intergenerational wounds, activate your starseed powers, and embody your highest cosmic self...without any more struggle, self-doubt or hitting dead ends?

Activate ancient starseed lineages and embody your multidimensional self through this powerful collection of guided MP3s and experiences. Recalibrate all life areas, command celestial realms, work with asteroid frequencies for healing/abundance, and more. Tap into your full cosmic creator potential now.

Go Bigger & Elevate

Dr. Alison Kay

What if there was a way to permanently dissolve your core manifesting limitations, activate your inherent co-creative genius, and upgrade your consciousness to operate from a higher frequency of possibility... without any intellectual workarounds or temporary surface reprogramming?

Introducing Boldly Co-Creating in this New Era So You Go Bigger & Elevate!

- Dr. Alison Kay's pioneering approach to UP-grading, UP-leveling & strengthening your co-manifesting capacities for the new era.

Soul Magic

Rev. Margo Dalinghaus

Imagine igniting the infinite life force within to create a life of marvels and soul-realized desires…

Introducing Soul Magic - Margo Dalinghaus' pioneering method to bridge the inner world of mind and Spirit with the outer world of creation. Whether subconscious blocks, past trauma imprints, or fragmented soul codes are keeping you stuck, Margo can illuminate and rapidly release these with ease. 

You'll experience profound healing as she catalyzes expansion into your highest divine blueprint…

The Greatness Formula

Delany Delaney

The Greatness Formula - Delany Delaney's pioneering system to ignite your Greatness Quotient and claim the healing, wealth, and deep connections that are your birthright.

Whether you're struggling with self-love, confidence, or manifesting your desires, The Greatness Formula allows you to tap into the quantum field and connect directly with the highest vision for your life.

Empathic Mastery Program

Janet Doer

Discover Janet Doerr's transformative "Overwhelmed Empath to Perceptive Master" program. Gain the tools and support to master your empathic abilities, establish energetic boundaries, and cultivate intuitive wisdom. Embrace your gifts and navigate life with confidence and resilience.

Don't let your sensitivity hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards mastering your empathic gifts and unlocking your true potential. 

Eternal Beauty Program:

Hillary Faye

Discover "Eternal Beauty," Hillary Faye's transformative program to shatter beauty illusions, clear energy blocks, and embrace your radiant sovereignty. Through powerful energetic clearings, Goddess transmissions, and sacred ceremonies, you'll break free from the false beauty matrix and step into your authentic beauty.

Join a supportive community of women on a metamorphic voyage to unveil your eternal radiance from within.

Higher Self Integration

Edwin Spina

Discover profound transformation and enlightenment with Edwin Harkness Spina's Embody the Wisdom of The Ascended Masters program, a pioneering system designed to help you uncover and clear the hidden obstacles, such as curses, entities, and black magic, that have been blocking your path truly aligned living.

By activating your connection with your highest self and unlocking your true potential, this program empowers you to transcend ALL limitations and create the life you've always dreamed of.

Activate Your Ancestral Gifts

Dawn Krystal

Whether you're struggling with lack of clarity, self-trust, or authentic expression, the Entourage program allows you to tap into your infinite wisdom and connect directly with the highest vision for your life.

Through a powerful combination of Akashic Records, somatic healing, energy field recalibration, and personalized attunements, the Entourage program guides you to clear blockages, embody your unique gifts, and manifest your highest timeline.

Entourage: Embody Your Highest Self

Sydney Campos

Whether you're struggling with lack of clarity, self-trust, or authentic expression, the Entourage program allows you to tap into your infinite wisdom and connect directly with the highest vision for your life.

Through a powerful combination of Akashic Records, somatic healing, energy field recalibration, and personalized attunements, the Entourage program guides you to clear blockages, embody your unique gifts, and manifest your highest timeline.

Body Mastery: Activate Radiant Health & Vitality


Are you exhausted from struggling with chronic health issues, low energy, excess weight, or disconnection from your body?

Discover SunDari's holistic Body Mastery system to heal physical issues, regenerate vitality, and thrive in your body. Learn proven tools to release struggle and awaken your innate capacity for radiant health. 

Best of all, once you learn SunDari Marci Lock's holistic tools during the immersive Body Mastery program, you'll be empowered with an integrated self-care practice for life.

The New You!

Clardy Malugen

Are you tired of being held back by past traumas and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck?

Clardy Malugen's unique approach shows you how to envision the New Life for the New You and create the pathways for vital energy to flow beautifully, so you are free to become the New You. If you're ready to permanently heal, unleash your manifestation power, and step into your joyful new life, get ready to immerse yourself in some magic …

Activate Limitless Flow

Tarek Bibi

Have you tried numerous programs and spiritual modalities, only to stay stuck spinning your wheels, unable to manifest the abundance and freedom you crave?

What if there was a way to permanently dissolve every internal and external obstacle, activate your highest potential, and create a life of limitless flow doing what you truly love… Activate Limitless Flow, Tarek Bibi's pioneering system catalyzes profound healing and embodied transformation at the core of your being.

Revive, Refresh, Revivify Your Liver

Virginia Rounds Griffiths

Is your sluggish liver at the root of your health issues? Virginia's powerful liver revitalization program combines vibrational healing, detox, and trauma release to restore optimal health and energy. 

Through vibrational healing audios, group transmissions, personalized guidance and profound energy work, you'll clear built-up toxins, emotional blocks and destructive patterns hindering your liver's performance.

You'll emerge with a renewed flow of vital energy, balanced hormones, efficient digestion, radiant skin and a lightness of being you may have been missing for years.

Ageless Living

Melinda Lee

Whether you're struggling with accelerated aging, chronic health issues like diabetes or cancer, or simply feel your vitality slipping away - Melinda's Eternal Radiance allows you to activate your body's divine rejuvenation codes and connect to the highest vision for your lifetime of radiant well-being.  Within moments of experiencing the powerful healings, you'll be able to shed layers of accumulated density, age markers and energetic imprints - opening up new pathways for your inner radiance and most enlightened self to shine through vibrantly.

Sugar Solution

Sophia Zoe

What if you could regenerate your body's ability to maintain healthy glucose levels...regulate insulin production and sensitivity...and revitalize your energy and mental clarity - all without restrictive diets or harsh medications? Sophia Zoe's pioneering mind-body program to harmonize your blood sugar through practical strategies AND profound energy healing.

Vibrational Vortex

Jarrad Hewett

Imagine a year where each week brings a powerful vibrational shift, opening you to new levels of joy, clarity and creative flow….Envision your whole being aligning with the frequencies of unconditional love, emotional healing, and spiritual awakening…Each week for 52 weeks, you'll receive three meticulously designed audio immersions to cleanse, nourish and upgrade your entire energetic field.

Quantum You

Crystal Priya

Awaken To The Magnitude, Vastness, And Multi-Dimensional Aspects Of Your TRUE Self. Crystal's Quantum You program is an alchemical process to unleash your quantum human potential. Over 4 profound weeks, experience channeled teachings, guided journeys, activations and group healings to quantum shift your consciousness, light body and abilities

Bioenergetic Rejuvenation

Kari Alajoki

Tired of hormone chaos robbing your vitality? Reclaim your spark through Kari's revolutionary Bioenergetic Rejuvenation system using vibrational frequencies to restore hormonal communication and youthful energy. Using a series of 17 encoded frequency formulas, Bioenergetic Rejuvenation awakens, detoxifies and re-harmonizes your body's key hormone producers.

Timelines Experiences

Addison Ames

Work 1-on-1 with renowned guide Addison Ames to heal disempowering timelines and open new pathways of limitless potential through his profound Timelines Experiences program. The revolutionary Timelines Experiences are a profound 5-session journey to liberate you from past burdens and rewrite your life's future. You'll release limiting past timelines while intentionally creating expansive new realities aligned with your highest self.

Your Soul Blueprint

Mary Halima

Your Soul Blueprint is a profound Soul Purpose Hand Analysis that decodes your unique life purpose, soul gifts, and lessons directly from the divine signatures in your palms. This is not just any reading. It's an experience that will illuminate why you're here and provide clarity on your soul's true calling, so you can finally embrace the life you were destined to live. By decoding the divine language in your handprints, you'll receive unparalleled confirmation about who you are at a soul level and the steps to unlocking your highest potential.

Become Your Own Master Of Karma

Dipal Shah

Dipal Shah has discovered that 4 types of karmas need to be cleared in order for one to attain a level of moksha which is a sanskrit name where one becomes self realized and finds FREEDOM and HAPPINESS. Which is what we are all on this journey trying to do. As a Medical Intuitive Dipal can help you recognize the karmic patterns to heal the body, mind, and energy systems and truly live in the present.

Abundance Access Codes

Master Kaye Lee

A first-of-its-kind program to detect, dissolve and harmonize the three energetic grids (The Human, The Earth &  The Time) keeping you stuck in lack, struggle and scarcity! When you clear and harmonize all three grids together through the Abundance Access Codes protocols, it's like tuning your entire being to an abundance frequency that magnetizes prosperity on a profound level!

Awakened Abundance Breakthrough 

Morgana Rae

One of the areas that people struggle with most in life is money. When you discover the secret to creating a positive life-long Relationship with Money–your “Money Honey”– EVERYTHING becomes possible! Includes Morgana's top-selling transformational products, (and some EXCLUSIVE products added for Life Reawakened that you can’t buy separately!)  

Tap Into Your Best Life 

Brad Yates

A 12 week guided tapping experience that seeks to help you cultivate a prosperity mindset, break through barriers blocking you from success and create the life you want and deserve. Join much-loved tapping expert Brad Yates on this self-guided course as he leads tapping sessions that help you grow, learn and advance to a new level of being.

Energy Amplification

Rani Virdee

Immerse yourself in Rani's Energy Amplification Container, where bio-active, life-enhancing frequencies will surround you 24/7, kickstarting your journey towards radiant vitality. One where chronic pain, emotional turmoil, and imbalances become echoes of the past…A life where every cell vibrates with renewed vigor and your mind basks in clarity and serenity.